7 iyul 2024
The PMF militants firing on a UAV orbiting over their headquarters
Heavy gunfire being heard inside the Green Zone
İran Ukraynada istifadə üçün Rusiyaya qısa mənzilli ballistik raketlər verməyi nəzərdən keçirir - MTX koordinatoru Con Kirbi
Ağ Ev: İran Rusiyaya çoxlu sayda pilotsuz təyyarələr verir
Pro-Iranian militias launch an attack on US forces at Shadadi military base in southern Hasakah, Syria
The Iran-backed Houthi terrorist movement warned that it would continue its attacks until the 'demise of Israel' after the Houthis seized an Israel-i-linked ship in the Red Sea
Iran's economy minister says 2024-2025 budget proposal is based on oil exports of 1.35 Mln bpd priced at 65 euros/barrel
Multiple explosions reported in Khan Dhari, Iraq. Initial reports claim an airstrike against an unknown target
7 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 19 km ESE of Zahedan, Iran
7 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 67 km NE of Bandar Abbas, Iran
7 month ago
A rocket fired by Hezbollah from Lebanon struck the Israeli army’s Biranit base in northern Israel. There were no injuries in the attack
During a visit to a military weapons facility, government leader Khamenei inspected a Fatah 2 hyper sonic missile and a Gaza UAV
Iraqi armed factions say they targeted the Harir base in northern Iraq with a drone
Houthis warn Israeli-owned ships in the Red Sea will be targeted
Several explosions heard near the US embassy in Baghdad. Sirens ringing out in embassy, security forces deployed in green zone
7 month ago
Another multi-rocket attack targeted US forces at MSS Euphrates in Syria today; 1 came within ~0.5km of base. No casualties or damage, a defense official tells VOA
Initial report of rocket strike on Conico field, Syria
Last night Al-Omar oil field base east of Deir ez-Zur has been targeted by Iranian militias located west of the Euphrates River
The White House: If Iranian proxies continue to target U.S. forces, we will respond
The White House: We do not seek a confrontation with Iran, but we must weaken its Revolutionary Guard
Al-Nujaba militias enter Deir ez-Zur from Iraq and are deployed in the cities of Al-Mayadin and Al-Bukamal
7 month ago
Iranian militias have targeted the Kharab Al-Jir military base in northern Syria (Al-Hasakah province) with a number of rockets
U.S. reinforcements are heading from the Rumailan base in Hasakah to the Al-Omar and Conico bases
7 month ago
A drone attack on an American base in Al-Hasakah
Austin: The American strikes in eastern Syria aim to weaken the groups responsible for attacks against American forces
7 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 64 km SSE of Ḩājjīābād, Iran
7 month ago
Iranian militia attacked U.S. Conico base with advanced Grad missiles
7 month ago
Senior U.S. defense official tells: 6-7 Iranian proxy fighters were killed at one of the 2 locations struck by U.S. warplanes in E Syria tonight. IRGC HQ/safe house. 2 hours of secondary explosions seen at second location suggesting large weapons and ammo storage
7 month ago
Explosions reported in Deir Ez Zor, Eastern Syria
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a front for other Iranian-backed militias, claims responsibility for an attack against Eilat, yesterday. This is the second time the group claims to have attacked Israel7 month ago
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a front for other Iranian-backed militias, claims responsibility for an attack against Eilat, yesterday. This is the second time the group claims to have attacked Israel