7 Юли 2024
Umbra synthetic aperture radar imagery acquired 0648Z 19APR2024 showed evidence of damage to the Iranian S-300PMU2 strategic surface-to-air missile battery in Isfahan since 15APR2024. A probable damaged 30N6E target engagement radar was visible in imagery still on the radar hardstand. Other battery system components however have been withdrawn from the site. Their status and location is currently unclear. According to senior U.S. military sources speaking to FOX News, “The Israelis hit what they intended to strike.”2 месец назад
Umbra synthetic aperture radar imagery acquired 0648Z 19APR2024 showed evidence of damage to the Iranian S-300PMU2 strategic surface-to-air missile battery in Isfahan since 15APR2024. A probable damaged 30N6E target engagement radar was visible in imagery still on the radar hardstand. Other battery system components however have been withdrawn from the site. Their status and location is currently unclear. According to senior U.S. military sources speaking to FOX News, “The Israelis hit what they intended to strike.”
2 месец назад
Armed factions in Iraq: Today we targeted the Israeli Obda Air Base with drones
2 месец назад
Armed factions in Iraq: We targeted an Israeli air base with drones
2 месец назад
Iranian Foreign Minister: Iran has achieved its goals within the framework of the "minimum punitive response" to Israel
2 месец назад
Senior US military sources:The target of the Israeli strike was an Iranian military base in Isfahan near Natanz, not the nuclear facilities themselves. “The Israelis hit what they intended to strike,” The targets within this strike included Iranian air defense systems at the air base including those used to protect their nearby nuclear facilities. It was a message to the Iranians, “We can reach out and touch you.” The Russian made air defense systems were shown to be ineffective. There was one target but multiple strikes within that target.The Israelis used missiles and unmanned aircraft – in other words no manned aircraft (F35’s or others) were used as part of this strike
2 месец назад
The White House: We do not want the conflict to escalate in the Middle East
2 месец назад
The White House: We have no comment on reports regarding Israel and Iran last night
Министрите на външните работи на @G7 предупредиха Иран срещу „съществена материална ескалация в подкрепата му за войната на Русия в Украйна в изявление. Ако Иран продължи с предоставянето на балистични ракети на Русия, @G7 заяви, че е готова да отговори с „нови и значими мерки.2 месец назад
Министрите на външните работи на @G7 предупредиха Иран срещу „съществена материална ескалация в подкрепата му за войната на Русия в Украйна" в изявление. Ако Иран продължи с предоставянето на балистични ракети на Русия, @G7 заяви, че е готова да отговори с „нови и значими мерки".
2 месец назад
The Jordanian Foreign Minister to his Iranian counterpart: The current escalation only serves to divert attention away from the Israeli aggression on Gaza
2 месец назад
Iranian Foreign Minister: Small drones targeted a base in Isfahan and did not cause any significant damage, despite the efforts of pro-Israel media to portray the defeat as a victory.
2 месец назад
3 missiles were fired from Israeli fighter aircraft outside of Iran during the attack tonight in a very limited strike, a senior U.S. official told ABC
In his first reaction to the suspected Israeli attack, Iran's foreign minister @Amirabdolahian told the UN envoys of @OIC_OCI member states in New York, Pro-Israel media outlets tried to make a victory out of their failure and exaggerate this issue, while the micro aerial vehicles were shot down without leaving any casualties or damages.2 месец назад
In his first reaction to the suspected Israeli attack, Iran's foreign minister @Amirabdolahian told the UN envoys of @OIC_OCI member states in New York, "Pro-Israel media outlets tried to make a victory out of their failure and exaggerate this issue, while the micro aerial vehicles were shot down without leaving any casualties or damages."
2 месец назад
French prosecutors say the attacker of the Iranian consulate acted alone
2 месец назад
UN Secretary-General: It is time to stop the dangerous cycle of revenge in the Middle East
2 месец назад
French police are in an operation aimed at securing the vicinity of the Iranian consulate in Paris
2 месец назад
US Secretary of State: We will continue to work with our partners to reduce the escalation in the region
2 месец назад
Blinken: I say again that the United States did not participate in any attack on Iran
2 месец назад
UAE expresses "deep concern about the continued tension in the region, and calls for restraint, to spare the region from an escalation"
2 месец назад
Blinken: We call on everyone to exercise restraint to avoid expanding the conflict in the region
2 месец назад
US Secretary of State: We will hold Iran responsible for destabilizing the region
2 месец назад
US Secretary of State: We call on Iran and Israel to reduce the escalation
2 месец назад
Russian Foreign Ministry: Moscow informed Israel that "Iran does not want escalation"
2 месец назад
Руският външен министър Лавров заяви, че Иран няма ядрени оръжия
2 месец назад
Wall Street Journal: Biden requests $1 billion in funding to purchase new weapons for Israel
2 месец назад
Jerusalem Post, citing government sources: Israel will not officially claim responsibility for the attack on Iran for strategic reasons
2 месец назад
The Kremlin: We are studying the information related to the alleged Israeli strike on Iran and urge both sides to exercise restraint
2 месец назад
The Wall Street Journal reported from U.S. officials: The proposed arms transfers to Israel would be among the largest since the start of the war
2 месец назад
Turkish Foreign Ministry: We call on all parties to refrain from steps that might expand the conflict in the Middle East
2 месец назад
Iranian Army Commander: Any suspicious objects in the skies of Iran will be shot down, as happened last night
2 месец назад
Israeli media: Israel attacked 9 targets at a Revolutionary Guard air force base near Isfahan
2 месец назад
CNN just reported, citing a regional intelligence source, that the early assessment is that Iran will not be retaliating for Israel's strike tonight
2 месец назад
Iranian media: Resuming flights from Tehran
2 месец назад
Iranian state television: Iranian nuclear facilities did not suffer any damage
2 месец назад
Israeli army Spokesman: At this time, there is no change in the directives of the Home Front Command. If there are any changes in the future, the public will be informed
The IRGC-affiliated Fars News confirmed reports of an explosion in the city of Tabriz in northwestern Iran but said that it was caused by the Iranian air defense system's shooting at a suspicious object2 месец назад
The IRGC-affiliated Fars News confirmed reports of an explosion in the city of Tabriz in northwestern Iran but said that it was caused by the Iranian air defense system's shooting at a "suspicious object"
2 месец назад
Spokesman for the Iranian Space Organization: Air defenses shot down many drones and there is no evidence of a missile attack against Isfahan
2 месец назад
Following Israeli missile attacks on Iran, ISNA, a state-run news agency, says fights at Mehrabad Airport and other airports in western Iran have been suspended
2 месец назад
Iranian media: Anti-aircraft guns shoot down flying objects in several Iranian regions
2 месец назад
Israeli officials notified the US earlier today they planned to retaliate in the next 24-48 hours, sources told @PeterMartin_PCM and @JenniferJJacobs
Fars News Agency reports that three explosions were heard near a military base in northwest of Isfahan. Fars adds that a radar site may have been targeted2 месец назад
Fars News Agency reports that three explosions were heard near a military base in northwest of Isfahan. Fars adds that a radar site may have been targeted
2 месец назад
The Israeli Air Force confirms carrying out a raid on Isfahan
2 месец назад
Iranian Airports and Air Navigation Company: Suspension of flights to the west, northwest and southwest of the country
2 месец назад
Marco Rubio: Israel has the ability to conduct strikes against targets inside Iran without entering Iranian air space from aircraft over Syrian and Iraqi airspace
A FlyDubai flight that was headed from Dubai to Tehran appears to be turning back. Some reports that other flights are leaving Iranian airspace as well2 месец назад
A FlyDubai flight that was headed from Dubai to Tehran appears to be turning back. Some reports that other flights are leaving Iranian airspace as well
2 месец назад
Several flights have been diverted over the Iranian airspace amid reports of an Israeli attack against a site in Iran
2 месец назад
Israeli missiles have hit a site in Iran, a U.S. official says. The move comes days after Iran fired dozens of missiles at Israel
2 месец назад
The Iranian Revolutionary Guard declares a state of maximum alert in all its bases and camps throughout Iran
2 месец назад
Iranian semi-official FARS news, citing local sources, reports an explosion was heard northwest of Isfahan
2 месец назад
Explosions and overflights of fighter jets being heard in As-Suwayda in southern Syria as well as in several locations throughout Iraq, including the Baghdad area. Background is unclear as of yet
2 месец назад
Iran’s foreign minister, in a meeting with Jordan’s foreign minister in New York, said that Iranian retaliatory operation against Israel was “precise, calculated, limited and minimal”, but the response to a new Israeli attack will be of “maximum” nature
Iran and Jordan foreign ministers met in New York2 месец назад
Iran and Jordan foreign ministers met in New York
2 месец назад
САЩ и Обединеното кралство разкриват широкообхватни санкции срещу програмата на Иран за военни дронове
2 месец назад
Biden: U.S. allies will issue sanctions and additional measures in response to Iran's destabilizing military programs
2 месец назад
Biden: US allies will issue sanctions and additional steps in response to Iran's destabilizing weapons programs
2 месец назад
US President: The United States is working in coordination with the G7 regarding sanctions on Iran
2 месец назад
London: New sanctions on Iran include the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces
2 месец назад
The US Treasury: We imposed sanctions on 3 companies affiliated with a group involved in the Iranian automobile industry
2 месец назад
US Treasury: Sanctions targeting the Iranian drone program, the steel industry, and automobile companies
2 месец назад
Iran increases its threats: A senior Revolutionary Guards commander said it could review its "nuclear doctrine" amid Israeli threats