28 Сьнежань 2024
Iran-backed Houthi leader warns UAE following the meeting between UAE & Israeli leaders in Abu Dhabi, stating: "We warn against any cheap service to the Israeli enemy against our country as this will give us the full right to target it"
ЗША ўводзяць санкцыі супраць трох расейскіх арганізацый, звязаных з растучымі вайсковымі адносінамі Масквы з Тэгеранам — адносінамі, якія ўключаюць перадачу беспілотных лятальных апаратаў (БПЛА) з Ірана, гаворыцца ў заяве @SecBlinken.
White House sounds alarm over 'harmful' Iran-Russia security partnership
Прадстаўнік NSC Джон Кірбі: Я з гонарам паведамляю, што ў бліжэйшы час будзе адпраўлены новы пакет бяспекі Украіны на 275 мільёнаў долараў. Яны дадуць Украіне новыя магчымасці для ўмацавання супрацьпаветранай абароны і супрацьстаяння пагрозам беспілотнікаў, з якімі сутыкаецца Украіна
NSC's John Kirby: Russia offering Iran unprecedented level of military and technical support. Iran has become Russia's top military backer. That is transforming their relatioship into a full fleged defense partnership
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US & Canada jointly announce "coordinated sanctions actions against Iranian officials connected to human rights abuses, including those committed as part of the ongoing brutal crackdown aimed at denying the Iranian people their human rights and fundamental freedoms
Protesters in Khash in Sistan and Baluchestan province took to the streets and chanted: "Death to the Revolutionary Guards and Basij." The Guards and its Basij youth brigade have been at the forefront of suppressing Iran Protests2022
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Saudi Crown Prince: Iran must abide by international covenants and treaties
Demonstrators today in Zahedan are chanting "death to Khamenei"
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Canada imposed fresh sanctions on Russia, Iran and Myanmar, citing alleged human rights violations by their governments
Molotov attack on a government compound in Arak, Iran2 рок таму
Molotov attack on a government compound in Arak, Iran
Sanandaj, western Iran: Locals are on strike and continuing the nationwide protests against the government on the 84th day of the uprising
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Урсула фон дэр Ляен: Сёння мы ўзмацняем ціск на Расію з дапамогай 9-га пакета санкцый: 1. Яшчэ амаль 200 фізічных і юрыдычных асоб дададзены ў наш санкцыйны спіс 2. Санкцыі супраць яшчэ 3 расійскіх банкаў 3. Скарачэнне доступу Расіі да беспілотнікаў, непасрэдна і праз патэнцыйных пастаўшчыкоў з трэціх краін, такіх як Іран. 4. Новы кантроль за экспартам, асабліва ў дачыненні да тавараў падвойнага прызначэння, якія могуць выкарыстоўвацца расейскай ваеннай машынай. Мы таксама нацэльваемся на расейскую прапагандысцкую машыну, прапаноўваючы спыніць эфір яшчэ 4 каналы, і мы прапануем дадатковыя эканамічныя меры супраць расейскага энэргетычнага і горназдабыўнога сэктару
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European satellite operator Eutelsat said Wednesday that it will request broadcasters to stop showing Iran's English-language news channel Press TV following sanctions over its broadcasting of "forced confessions"
IRAN IRGC patrol boat in unsafe and unprofessional with @USNavy ships in the StraitofHormuz, per @CENTCOM   IRGC boat attempted to blind the bridge by shining a spotlight and crossed within 150 yards of the US ships – dangerously close, particularly at night2 рок таму
IRAN IRGC patrol boat in "unsafe and unprofessional" with @USNavy ships in the StraitofHormuz, per @CENTCOM IRGC boat "attempted to blind the bridge by shining a spotlight and crossed within 150 yards of the US ships – dangerously close, particularly at night"
Karaj, west of Tehran, Iran  Protesters in the city's Golshahr district chanting: This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown2 рок таму
Karaj, west of Tehran, Iran Protesters in the city's Golshahr district chanting: "This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown
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Khamenei: The IslamicRevolution caused the common attitude of "egocentrism and seeking fame" to be replaced with "sacrifice and selflessness" in the personal lives of individuals
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Khamenei: The IslamicRevolution caused the mindset of "Infatuation with the West" to change into "Objecting to the West
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Khamenei: "We can't" was a negative, wrong catchphrase before the Revolution in Iran. The Revolution changed this mindset, which led to major accomplishments such as: building dams, power plants, highways, oil & gas industry equipment, & many infrastructures by young, domestic experts
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Khamenei: The Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with members of Iran's Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution in the Imam Khomeini (ra) Hussainiyah just moments ago
Bandar Abbas, southern Iran; Locals are on strike and continuing the nationwide protests against the government on the 82nd day of the uprising
Bukan, northwest Iran Locals are on strike and continuing the nationwide protests against the government on the 81st day of the uprising
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Iranian Foreign Ministry: The West needs the nuclear deal more than Tehran needs it
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Iran has lashed out at Western officials for cheering rioters in independent states while suppressing peaceful protesters in their own countries
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Iranian Foreign Minister: Western countries are taking advantage of what happened in our country in order to interfere in our internal affairs
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Iranian Foreign Minister: Washington and other Western countries encourage the ongoing riots in our country
The Iraqi army announces the start of implementing measures to control the joint borders with Iran and Turkey
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The Iranian Public Prosecutor announces the dissolution of the morality police
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A news agency affiliated with the Iranian judiciary says that the death toll from the ongoing protests has exceeded 200
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Iran's Foreign Minister @Amirabdolahian has, in a phone call with EU Foreign Policy Chief @JosepBorrellF, criticized the "discourteous and ill-mannered" rhetoric of some EU foreign ministers against the Islamic Republic