7 Července 2024
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European Commission: China must use its influence on Iran and Hamas to calm the region
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The Syrian Observatory: Explosions resonate in the Al-Omar oil field, the largest international coalition base in the country
In the early morning hours skirmishes between the SDF and Iranian militias continued. A large Iranian cell attack was reported near Dhiban. SDF and Iranian militia then entered an artillery battle along the Euphrates river in that area. (Outskirts of Mayadeen)8 měsíc Před
In the early morning hours skirmishes between the SDF and Iranian militias continued. A large Iranian cell attack was reported near Dhiban. SDF and Iranian militia then entered an artillery battle along the Euphrates river in that area. (Outskirts of Mayadeen)
Iraq PM in Tehran: The recent crisis in the region is not the result of Al-Aqsa Flood operation in October 7 but the result of years of Israel's criminal policies against Palestinians including killing, forced displacement, illegal settlement policy and desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque
Iranian President: The Israeli attacks on Gaza must be stopped and a ceasefire must be declared to deliver humanitarian aid
Iranian Foreign Minister: The Security Council and the IAEA must immediately disarm Israel's nuclear weapons
Blinken to Al-Sudani: Those responsible for the ongoing attacks against our forces must be held accountable
The Office of #Iran's Supreme Leader confirms that Khamenei met recently with #Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. It does not give a date as to when the meeting took place and interestingly, the photo Khamenei's office put out of him and Haniyeh is old: from June 2023.
Taliban delegation, led by Mulla Baradar, arrived in Iran’s capital, Tehran
The Iranian militias targeted the American base in northeastern Syria (Al-Shaddadi) with three missiles. This is the second attack on the American bases in less than 24 hours
The so-called 'Islamic Resistance in Iraq,' a grouping of militias and front groups of Iran, claimed an attack against an American base in northern Iraq8 měsíc Před
The so-called 'Islamic Resistance in Iraq,' a grouping of militias and front groups of Iran, claimed an attack against an American base in northern Iraq
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Pro-Iranian militias in Iraq launch a rocket attack on US forces at Kharab Jir military base in Derik (Malikiya), northeastern Syria
Iranian Foreign Ministry: Abdullahian warned, in a call with his Russian counterpart, of the expanding regional dimensions of the war on Gaza
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Nasrallah claims Washington threatened to not only bomb Lebanon but also Iran
Blinken: We will continue to respond to attacks launched by Iranian agents
The Israeli Army: Iran is taking actions to distract attention from the battle on the southern front
Thailand in talks with Iran, other governments for Hamas hostages release
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A massive fire in a drug rehabilitation center in northern Iran kills at least 27 people
The so-called 'Islamic Resistance in Iraq,' a grouping of militias and front groups of Iran, have claimed responsibility for attacking an American site next to Erbil airport. The statement cites the war in Gaza as the reason for the attacks8 měsíc Před
The so-called 'Islamic Resistance in Iraq,' a grouping of militias and front groups of Iran, have claimed responsibility for attacking an American site next to Erbil airport. The statement cites the war in Gaza as the reason for the attacks
The Iraqi General Secretariat of the MOD in a secret document, orders all Iraqi military divisions to implement number of measurements amid the possibility of a regional conflict
Iran leader’s military adviser urged the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states to sign a “non-aggression pact” between them
Russia's president, Putin, has sent a message to Iran's president, Raisi, through his special envoy, Alexander Lavrentiev. Today in Tehran, Lavrentiev met secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Ali Akbar Ahmadian, delivering the message & discussing Gaza
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The Iranian Foreign Minister in Turkey: If the Israeli attacks on Gaza continue, the consequences will be severe
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Iranian Foreign Minister: Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 99 km SSE of Bīrjand, Iran
Iran’s Ali Khamenei says Israel would be “paralyzed within days without the US support and help”.Iran's leader: Without the US support and help, the Zionist government will definitely be paralyzed within a few days
Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan met with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian8 měsíc Před
Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan met with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
Akram Al-Kaabi, the Secretary General of Nujabaa in a statement: the Islamic Resistance in Iraq took a decision to liberate Iraq from all foreign military presence, and there will be no standing down8 měsíc Před
Akram Al-Kaabi, the Secretary General of Nujabaa in a statement: the Islamic Resistance in Iraq took a decision to liberate Iraq from all foreign military presence, and there will be no standing down
On an intercepted missile and several drones launched from Yemen toward Israel today, Hagari says "there are many elements in the region that under Iranian orders such as the Houthis." "They try to challenge us, divert our attention away from the war in Gaza. We remain focused on the fighting in Gaza," he says. He says the IDF "will know how to respond, at the time and place of our choosing."
Americký ministr zahraničí @SecBlinken na slyšení v Senátu: Od té doby, co jsme odřízli ruské tradiční prostředky zásobování jeho armády, se stále více obrací o pomoc na Írán. Moskva na oplátku dodala Íránu stále vyspělejší vojenské technologie