23 Octubre 2022
2 years ago
IRGC/Basij attacked students at Yasuj University Iran
2 years ago
Government building in Hamedan attacked with Molotov cocktails by protesters
2 years ago
Iran International: Basij forces clash with protesting students at Tehran's Sharif Industrial University
2 years ago
La organización de energía atómica de Irán dice que el correo electrónico fue pirateado, dicen los medios estatales - Reuters
2 years ago
Israeli officials: We destroyed 90% of the Iranian military infrastructure in Syria
2 years ago
U.S. 5th Fleet: Reports from Iran that it has recently seized two U.S. Navy unmanned surface vessels are not true whatsoever. U.S. 5th Fleet continues to operate its systems across the Middle East consistent with international law and without disruption
2 years ago
Large number of Baloch protesters out in Zahedan today
2 years ago
Large crowd of protesters out in Isfahan tonight
2 years ago
Mahabad, the night demonstrations of the people of Mahabad on the 35th day of nationwide protests
2 years ago
Tabriz, NW Iran Locals are in control of their streets.
2 years ago
Iran's Foreign Minister @Amirabdolahian traveled to the Armenian capital Yerevan Thursday amid regional tensions and shortly after the IRGC held a large-scale military drill in the northwestern region of Aras along the borders of Armenia and Azerbaijan
2 years ago
"It's no secret that a [nuclear] deal does not appear imminent," @StateDeptSpox says. Nothing in recent weeks suggests Iran is prepared to change its approach
2 years ago
El Pentágono: El Consejo de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU. responsabilizará a Irán mediante la imposición de sanciones y otras medidas
2 years ago
El primer ministro israelí, Lapid, dijo al ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Ucrania, Kuleba, que Israel está preocupado por la profundización de la cooperación militar entre Rusia e Irán.
2 years ago
El Pentágono está buscando "activamente, ahora mismo" posibles sistemas adicionales de defensa aérea para ayudar a Ucrania a lidiar con la amenaza de los drones de Irán, dice Kirby a los periodistas.
2 years ago
US State Department: Iran continues to restrict its citizens' access to the Internet as protests continue
2 years ago
El coordinador del NSC de la Casa Blanca, John Kirby, dice que el personal militar iraní estaba en Crimea ayudando a los pilotos rusos que bombardearon Kyiv con drones iraníes el lunes. "Irán ahora está directamente involucrado en el terreno", dice Kirby.
2 years ago
Isfahan, central Iran Workers of the Entekhab Industrial Group are on strike. This is the 35th day of the nationwide uprising against the mullahs' government
2 years ago
Secretario de Defensa británico: dos cazas rusos interceptaron un avión militar británico desarmado en una misión de rutina sobre el Mar Negro el 29 de septiembre
2 years ago
Secretario de Defensa británico: la evidencia confirma que Rusia bombardeó Ucrania con drones iraníes
2 years ago
Irán FM tuvo hoy una llamada telefónica con el jefe de FP de la UE, diciendo: "Nos oponemos a la guerra y la escalada en Ucrania. La afirmación de enviar misiles iraníes a Rusia para usarlos contra Ucrania no tiene fundamento. Tenemos cooperación de defensa con Rusia, pero nuestra política es no enviar armas y drones contra Ucrania
2 years ago
Países de la UE acuerdan nuevas sanciones contra Irán por suministrar drones a Rusia
2 years ago
Bandar Abbas, S Iran Young protesters rallied in the 22 Bahman neighborhood and lit fires to block the streets. "Death to the dictator." and "death to Khamenei." they chanted
2 years ago
U.S. Central Command:Today the CENTCOM Commander embarked the USS West Virginia Ballistic Missile Submarine
2 years ago
El enviado adjunto de Rusia a la ONU niega la exportación de drones iraníes a Rusia y amenaza con revisar la relación con la oficina del secretario de la ONU si la ONU envía expertos para estudiar los drones rusos en Ucrania
2 years ago
Iran sent Ethiopia military drones in the summer of 2021 in violation of the UNSC resolution which includes sanctions on the transfer of military technologies through 2023, - the US State Department
2 years ago
Khamenei: A few years ago, when pictures of our advanced missiles & drones were published, they said they're photoshopped pictures. Now they say Iranian drones are dangerous. Why do you sell them to so & so These are feats carried out by Iranian elites. They bring honor to our country
2 years ago
UE tiene 'pruebas suficientes' para sancionar a Irán por drones rusos en Ucrania: portavoz
2 years ago
Khamenei: Any issue our scientists have focused on, they've carried out tasks revered by the world: stem cells & animal cloning, sending satellites into space, humanoid robots, nuclear technology, building advanced missiles & drones, & making vaccines, specially COVID vaccines
2 years ago
Khamenei: World's bullying powers seek to dominate. How One day with weapons, one day with deception, & one day with science. Universities prevent their domination. If you are able to elevate the scientific status of the country, you have created an obstacle to the enemy's domination