16 Septembre 2024
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Envoyé américain au Conseil de sécurité : il est temps pour le Conseil d'agir contre les attaques croissantes des Houthis
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Envoyé adjoint des États-Unis au Conseil de sécurité : Le peuple yéménite souffre des actions des Houthis et des Iraniens
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Le Corps des Gardiens de la révolution islamique (CGRI) iranien a intercepté un pétrolier battant pavillon togolais et géré par les Émirats arabes unis, transportant 1 500 tonnes de gazole marin, a déclaré lundi la société de sécurité britannique Ambrey. L'incident s'est produit dimanche à 61 milles marins au sud-ouest du port iranien de Bushehr, a déclaré Ambrey. Ambrey a ajouté qu'il est peu probable que l'incident soit politiquement motivé et qu'il n'est pas considéré comme un événement de guerre .
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Les Gardiens de la révolution iraniens interceptent un pétrolier au sud-ouest de la ville de Bouchehr
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Selon le Daily Sabah, la première rencontre personnelle entre Erdogan et Assad devrait avoir lieu à Moscou. L'Irak, qui a proposé d'accueillir les pourparlers de médiation, pourrait également être invité à Moscou. L'Iran ne sera pas présent aux négociations
Médias iraniens : Les négociations en cours avec Washington concernant l'accord nucléaire se poursuivent et nous sommes prêts à poursuivre les négociations
The government's Foreign Minister Faisal al-Miqdad meets with the Iranian Foreign Minister's Advisor for Special Political Affairs, Ali Asghar Khaji, in Damascus
Israeli Foreign Minister: Iran is responsible for Houthi attacks against Israel and international shipping routes
Iranian Foreign Ministry: Israel and its supporters, especially Washington, bear the serious consequences of the attacks on Yemen
Israeli army spokesman: Israel is waging a war against Iranian agents in the region
Israeli Foreign Minister: Iran is the head of the snake and must be stopped
Israeli media: The Israeli strike on Hodeidah was aimed at preventing Iranian weapons from reaching the Houthis
Israeli Foreign Minister: Iran supports, trains and finances the Houthis as part of its regional network targeting Israel
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Hamas: Israel to be burnt by the fire that broke out in Hudaydah today
US Blinken: Iran 1 or 2 weeks away from breakout point of producing nuclear fissile material
Axios, according to an American official: We see no indications that Iran is currently carrying out the activities necessary to produce a testable nuclear device
Axios: The Biden administration sent a private warning to Iran last month expressing serious concerns about Iranian research and development activities that could be used for the production of a nuclear weapon
2 mois il y a
Iranian Foreign Minister: The Security Council must stop the war on Gaza and stop the displacement of Palestinians
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NSC spox Adrienne Watson: US tracking Iranian threats against former Trump admin officials for years dating back to last admin & arising from Iran seeking revenge for Qassem Soleimani killing. "We consider this a national & homeland security matter of the highest priority."
The head of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization announces the opening of 3 radiation sites during the past three months
Iranian Foreign Ministry: We deny Iran's involvement in the recent attack on Trump, and accusations of plans to target Trump are baseless.
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Iran's acting foreign minister met foreign minister of Kuwait in New York
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Reports of 2 explosive-laden drones targeted Ain Alasad Airbase in Anbar, western Iraq
CNN: “US authorities obtained intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Donald Trump, a development that led to the Secret Service increasing security around the former president in recent weeks”
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 51 km ENE of Shahrak-e Kūlūrī, Iran
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The Iranian television presenter Pouria Zeraati, who was attacked in London by men believed to be acting for the Tehran government, has fled to Israel, saying that he no longer felt safe in the UK
Iranian Foreign Minister: We are open to resuming nuclear negotiations with Washington
Iraqi pro-Iran militias threaten Saudi Arabia, alleging assistance to Israel
Iranian Foreign Ministry Charge d'Affairs: If the Americans are sincere about mediation, they must stop delivering weapons to Israel
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An American official told Al Arabiya: Washington recently asked Iran to stop Houthi attacks on ships