19 ოქტომბერი 2024
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Iran-backed militias target the vicinity of the Conoco military base in Deir ez-Zur eastern Syria
From Saturday, July 20, to Thursday, July 25, at least 27 prisoners were executed in prisons across Iran, according to reports by human rights organizations. This means that in the past six days, the Islamic Republic has executed at least one person every five hours1 თვის წინ
From Saturday, July 20, to Thursday, July 25, at least 27 prisoners were executed in prisons across Iran, according to reports by human rights organizations. This means that in the past six days, the Islamic Republic has executed at least one person every five hours
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Israeli foreign minister accuses Iran of being behind “the sabotage” of the railway infrastructure across France, saying that they have “reliable information” that Iran and its allies are planning to attack Israeli Olympic teams and France’s Olympic Games in general
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 49 km ESE of Sarpol-e Z̄ahāb, Iran
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U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) launcher in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
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The White House: Iran supports and finances some demonstrations in the United States
PRC [ჩინეთი] ძირს უთხრის საერთაშორისო წესრიგს - თქვა @thejointstaff-ის თავმჯდომარემ, გენერალი CQ ბრაუნმა, თავის გახსნის განცხადებაში. ამბობს, რომ ჩინეთის, რუსეთის, ირანის, DPRK-ის და ძალადობრივი ექსტრემისტების მუქარა მზარდი ურთიერთდაკავშირებულია1 თვის წინ
"PRC [ჩინეთი] ძირს უთხრის საერთაშორისო წესრიგს" - თქვა @thejointstaff-ის თავმჯდომარემ, გენერალი CQ ბრაუნმა, თავის გახსნის განცხადებაში. ამბობს, რომ ჩინეთის, რუსეთის, ირანის, DPRK-ის და ძალადობრივი ექსტრემისტების მუქარა "მზარდი ურთიერთდაკავშირებულია"
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U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed two Iranian-backed Houthi missiles on launchers in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
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Netanyahu: Iran is funding demonstrations against Israel outside Congress and in other regions
US Central Command: Commander Kurilla hosted unit commanders at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar from July 18 to 21
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Iran’s Foreign Ministry summoned German ambassador to Tehran over banning an Islamic center is Germany
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Germany has banned the Islamic Center of Hamburg after police raids across the country. @UANI provided evidence to the German government last year of ICH's links to IRGC militants and Hezbollah which contributed to its decision
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Blinken: President Biden is largely focusing the remainder of his term on bringing peace to the Middle East
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Netanyahu expected to raise Iran nuclear threat in meeting with Biden, as Tehran’s program nears critical point, @amirbarshalom reports via @ZmanIsrael; earlier, Israel presented US with intel pointing to suspected Iranian moves toward weaponization
The Houthis published a footage of their so-called Jaffa drone, which hit Tel Aviv last week. Israeli officials have said it is a modified Iranian model1 თვის წინ
The Houthis published a footage of their so-called "Jaffa" drone, which hit Tel Aviv last week. Israeli officials have said it is a modified Iranian model
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Iran’s judiciary informed Sepideh Rashno, a civil rights activist opposing the mandatory hijab, that she must report to Evin Prison to serve a sentence of 3 years and 7 months. Rashno was arrested in July 2022 after a viral video showed her altercation with a woman who verbally assaulted her for not wearing a hijab on public transport. She was forced into a televised confession, appearing visibly bruised and showing signs of torture. After roughly 40 days in Evin prison, she was released on bail, reportedly set at $27,000
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Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday any cessation in military actions against Hamas could potentially compromise Israel's security in the face of threats from Iran. “I am not prepared in any way to give in on the victory over Hamas. If we give up on this, we will be in danger in the face of Iran's entire axis of evil,” said Netanyahu after a meeting in Washington with the families of the Israeli-American hostages held by Hamas. Netanyahu said he is doing everything in his power to combine the necessary humanitarian objective and the imperative to return the hostages, and at the same time, “preserve the existence of the State of Israel.”
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U.S. envoy at the Security Council: It is time for the Council to take action against the growing Houthi attacks
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Deputy US envoy to the Security Council: The Yemeni people are suffering from the actions of the Houthis and the Iranians
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Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have intercepted a Togo-flagged, UAE-managed products tanker carrying 1,500 tons of marine gas oil, British security firm Ambrey said on Monday. The incident occurred on Sunday 61 nautical miles southwest of Iran's port of Bushehr, Ambrey said. Ambrey added that the incident is unlikely to be politically motivated and is not assessed as a 'war' event
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The Iranian Revolutionary Guard intercepts a tanker southwest of the city of Bushehr
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According to Daily Sabah, the first personal meeting between Erdogan and Assad is planned to take place in Moscow. Iraq, which has offered to host the mediation talks, may also be invited to Moscow. Iran will not be present at the talks
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Iranian media: The ongoing negotiations with Washington regarding the nuclear agreement are continuing and we are ready to continue the negotiations
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The government's Foreign Minister Faisal al-Miqdad meets with the Iranian Foreign Minister's Advisor for Special Political Affairs, Ali Asghar Khaji, in Damascus
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Israeli Foreign Minister: Iran is responsible for Houthi attacks against Israel and international shipping routes
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Iranian Foreign Ministry: Israel and its supporters, especially Washington, bear the serious consequences of the attacks on Yemen
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Israeli army spokesman: Israel is waging a war against Iranian agents in the region
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Israeli Foreign Minister: Iran is the head of the snake and must be stopped
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Israeli media: The Israeli strike on Hodeidah was aimed at preventing Iranian weapons from reaching the Houthis
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Israeli Foreign Minister: Iran supports, trains and finances the Houthis as part of its regional network targeting Israel