29 Lipanj 2024
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Khamenei: The Iranian nation's message on this 22nd of Bahman was their full support of the Islamic Republic. The enemies and the US-Zionist owned global media empire tried to make their voices prevail, but no, they have failed. The Iranian nation's voice has prevailed over other voices
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Khamenei: This year's 22nd of Bahman was historic. Ppl created an epic throughout the country. Enemy's extensive propaganda & provocations, cold weather, & freezing temperatures in some areas all failed to affect the warmth of the Iranian nation. Ppl participated in such a glorious manner
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Khamenei: I admire the Iranian nation for their valuable, widespread participation in this year's walk on the 22nd of Bahman [Feb 11]. I don't consider myself worthy of thanking you. It's God that should thank you. May God blees this effort of the Iranian nation
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Khamenei: Imam Khamenei met with a number of people from Iran's East Azerbaijan Province today, Wednesday morning, three days before the anniversary of the historic uprising of the people of Tabriz against the oppressive Pahlavi government on Feb
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Khamenei: President Ebrahim Raisi met with Imam Khamenei today to report on the scheduled agenda of his imminent trip to China. Imam Khamenei wished the president success
Opposition groups rally in France demanding EU list Iran's Guards as terrorist group
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Khamenei: God willing, people will clearly send this message to the enemy during this year's 22nd of Bahman [Feb. 11] celebrations that their efforts aimed at eliminating national unity have already been defused, and they cannot separate people from each other or from the government
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Khamenei: What is their strategy for destroying the Islamic Republic Sowing discord and distrust - distrust between people, the people's distrust of the government, & the government's distrust of the people. When there is distrust, hope in the future will also be killed
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Khamenei: Why destroy the Islamic Republic Many reasons. The Islamic Republic has excluded them from this important, strategic, rich region that is full of natural & human resources, & the Islamic Republic has raised the call for independence and not giving payoffs in the world
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Khamenei: Enemy's goal is to force the Islamic Revolution to its knees, but they claim otherwise. Some 10, 15 yrs ago, the US president wrote to me that they weren't seeking an overthrow. At that time, we had reports showing they were privately discussing how to overthrow the Iranian govt
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Khamenei: We have been afflicted by earthquakes before too. We know when an earthquake hits & families lose their loved ones how hard & bitter it is. We feel their pain & ask Almighty God for patience & tranquility for them. The authorities have helped, thank God, & they will help again
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Khamenei: We feel great sorrow for our brothers in Syria and Turkey who have been afflicted by earthquakes. We ask the Almighty God to bestow His mercy on the deceased and grant patience to those who are grieving
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Khamenei: On the anniversary of the historic pledging of allegiance of Air Force officers from the Shah's government with Imam Khomeini (r.a.) on February 9, 1979, Imam Khamenei met with a number of commanders and staff members of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) on Wednesday
The Wall Street Journal: Moskva i Teheran planiraju osnovati tvornicu za iranske bespilotne letjelice u Rusiji
Mashhad, northeast Iran Local protesters are torching pro-government propaganda posters and billboards across the city
Iran's Supreme leader Ali Khamenei pardons "tens of thousands" of prisoners, including many arrested in recent anti-government protests over security-related charges, Iranian state media reports
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Khamenei: On the 44th anniversary of the victory of the IslamicRevolution, Imam Khamenei agreed to the suggestion of the Head of the Judiciary to pardon or reduce the sentences of a significant number of convicts from the recent riots, those convicted in public courts, and others
"The Islamic Republic of Iran is cooperating with the Taliban to support Afghanistan's people," says Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the Iranian president's special envoy on Afghanistan affairs
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - Iran-Iraq border region
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Khamenei: The Leader of the Revolution entering a Taklif celebration for schoolgirls
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Khamenei: Try to be one of the country's outstanding women. How Study your lessons well, do your homework well, work, think, and read books so that, God willing, you may be one of the great women in the country in the future
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Khamenei: My advice to my dear daughters is that you become friends with the Merciful God from the start of your early youthhood. What is it like to be friends with God One way of becoming friends with God is to pay attention that you are talking with God when you are praying
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Khamenei: I congratulate you on this Taklif Celebration. I also congratulate all of you, my dear daughters, on this Eid, the birth anniversary of Imam Ali (as)
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Khamenei: During the blessed days of the month of Rajab & on the eve of the birth anniv. of Imam Ali (pbuh), Ayatollah Khamenei attended a Taklif Celebration [celebrating the time when a Muslim youth reaches age of observing religious obligations] for young schoolgirls on Friday afternoon
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Iran envoy at UN says initial investigation suggests Israel is behind the the attack of Isfahan
US CENTCOM seized over 3,000 AK-47 assault rifles, 578,000 rounds of ammo, and 23 advanced ATGMs from an Iranian ship in the Gulf of Oman on January 15th. Fifth such operation in a little over two months, on Jan 6th over 2,000 AK-47 assault rifles seized1 godine pre
US CENTCOM seized over 3,000 AK-47 assault rifles, 578,000 rounds of ammo, and 23 advanced ATGMs from an Iranian ship in the Gulf of Oman on January 15th. Fifth such operation in a little over two months, on Jan 6th over 2,000 AK-47 assault rifles seized
Iranian journalist: "Sources close to Iran's Supreme NSC say the micro aerial vehicles & explosives used in a recent attack on a military facility in Isfahan were transferred into Iran by "dissident Kurdish groups" through Iraqi Kurdistan, "ordered by a foreign intel. agency"
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Taliban FM Muttaqi: Afghanistan should not be held responsible for Pakistan's internal problems. If someone says that Afghanistan was the center of terrorism, then this terrorism would have also reached Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Iran. Yet that is not the case
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The Azerbaijani Ministry of Interior: 39 people were arrested for carrying out subversive activities for Iran
Iranian media: explosive drones were launched through difficult passages in the northwest of the country