6 יולי 2024
1 שנה לפני
U.S. and Israel launch a massive joint military exercise to send a message to Iran and others
Chief of staff of Iran's Armed Forces Mohammad Hossein Bagheri meets Syria Minister of Defence Ali Mahmoud Abbas in Tehran1 שנה לפני
Chief of staff of Iran's Armed Forces Mohammad Hossein Bagheri meets Syria Minister of Defence Ali Mahmoud Abbas in Tehran
1 שנה לפני
Iran's FM Amir-Abdollahian said over the weekend that EU's Borrell and EU presidency have assures him that the EU parliament resolution will not be implemented
1 שנה לפני
European Union: New sanctions against Iran target leaders of repression
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French Foreign Minister: It is time as Europeans to respond to Iran's hostage policy
The EU will add 37 individual entries to its sanctions against Iran in the Monday meeting of its Foreign Ministers, two sources told Reuters, but IRGC would not be sanctioned as an organisation yet despite the European Parliament's resolution that calls on EU to do so1 שנה לפני
The EU will add 37 individual entries to its sanctions against Iran in the Monday meeting of its Foreign Ministers, two sources told Reuters, but IRGC would not be sanctioned as an organisation yet despite the European Parliament's resolution that calls on EU to do so
1 שנה לפני
Khamenei: Taking into consideration social requirements in propagation and cultural activities does not mean forsaking God's grandeur and majesty. There are certain requirements for cultural work that must be given full attention
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Khamenei: Cultural & promotion departments and elements must be very careful that God's decree must not be delayed under any circumstances. A person should not be intimidated by any controversy, misleading ruckus, or accusations when carrying out this mission
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Khamenei: Imam Khamenei met with a number of the officials of the Islamic Propagation Organization
1 שנה לפני
Earthquake of magnitude 5.8 - Turkey-Iran border region
Netanyahu: Iran will remain the biggest challenge to Israel and its army
1 שנה לפני
UK imposes sanctions on Iran prosecutor general over the execution of former deputy Defense Minister Akbari
The Iranian Foreign Minister arrives in the Syrian capital, Damascus, and meets Bashar Al-Assad, to discuss developments in the region
1 שנה לפני
Iran says it has executed a dual Iranian-British national who once worked for its defense ministry, despite an international outcry over his death sentence and those of others held amid nationwide protests
1 שנה לפני
Khamenei: We shouldn't underestimate the enemy. The enemy does exist. The day you become so strong that the enemy loses all hope will be the day that you can feel tranquil and find peace of mind
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Khamenei: We must work to make ourselves stronger. We must make the enemy lose hope. Day by day, the radiance and emanations of the Islamic Revolution are increasingly being manifested outside the country
1 שנה לפני
Khamenei: It's now 40 years that the enemy is working against the Islamic Republic using various means. But it has failed because its calculations were wrong & continue to be wrong. It has failed up to now, it failed in Iran's recent unrest, & it will fail in the future if it tries again
1 שנה לפני
Khamenei: They imagined they could weaken the Islamic Republic's determination by relying on the petrodollars provided by a certain mercenary country of the US. They were wrong. The Islamic Republic's strong determination was stronger than all those factors that bring power
1 שנה לפני
Khamenei: They imagined that because of the economic problems that exist the Iranian nation would cooperate with the enemy's plot of subversion and separatism. It was a calculation, but their calculation was wrong
1 שנה לפני
Khamenei: The enemy had a comprehensive plot for the recent unrest in Iran. In my heart, I thought about how well the enemy had engineered this. It was well engineered. So why did they fail Because on the other hand, their calculations were wrong
1 שנה לפני
Iran's Foreign Ministry says it has summoned Sweden's ambassador to Tehran, whose country is the rotating president of the EU, in reaction to the remarks made by European officials against the Islamic Republic
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Khamenei: Imam Khamenei met with a number of elegists and poets who recite for the Household of the Prophet (pbuh) just an hour ago on the anniversary of the birth of Lady Fatimah Zahra (pbuh)
Iran's Judiciary says the country's Supreme Court has upheld the death sentence of Alireza Akbari, a former Deputy Minister of Defense on charge of spying for UK intelligence service.  There are reports that Akbari, who was arrested in 2019-20, held UK citizenship1 שנה לפני
Iran's Judiciary says the country's Supreme Court has upheld the death sentence of Alireza Akbari, a former Deputy Minister of Defense on charge of "spying for UK intelligence service". There are reports that Akbari, who was arrested in 2019-20, held UK citizenship
1 שנה לפני
Paris knife attack: several wounded at train station, police arrest assailant
1 שנה לפני
Khamenei: Hijab is obligatory in the religious laws, & there's no doubt about this. But those who don't fully observe the hijab shouldn't be accused of being irreligious or against the Revolution. They take part in certain religious or revolutionary ceremonies with enthusiasm & eagerness
1 שנה לפני
Khamenei: I received a newly declassified document saying Carter ordered the CIA in Dec. 1979 to overthrow the I.R. of Iran. This means they have had this intention since the Revolution's inception. The document mentions propaganda as the way to overthrow the Revolution
1 שנה לפני
Khamenei: Some ask why we are antagonizing the US government. We are antagonizing them. The US has been thirsty for our blood for 40 years now. We are confronting their animosity
1 שנה לפני
Khamenei: Progress is definite when we have young people like those who fought in the Sacred Defense. All global powers had united to divide Iran, but they failed to occupy even a single inch of the country. Is this something small Is this a small victory
1 שנה לפני
Khamenei: The aim of the IslamicRevolution was to stop Iran from being devoured by the West, from being trampled under the feet of the West, to stop Iran from being politically & militarily dominated by the West, to make Iran independent, & to revive Islamic Iran's historic identity