19 Îlon 2024
Fermandarekî payebilind ê Pasdaran nûçeyên derbarê şandina mûşekên Îranî bo Rûsyayê red dike û dibêje "şerê psîkolojîk"
Yekîtîya Ewrupa dibêje, hevpeymanan xwedî agahîyên pêbawer in ku Îranê mûşek şandine Rûsyayê
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spox: FM Abbas Araghchi and EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell have agreed to hold talks in the near future. The UN General Assembly sidelines offer a great opportunity for this exchange of ideas, though details of such meeting are yet to be finalized
Russian Foreign Minister: Regional war in the Middle East must be avoided
Iranian Foreign Ministry: Washington claims to support ceasefire but in practice does not use its capabilities to pressure Israel
Reuters sources: The military research center that was bombed in Syria includes a team of Iranian military experts
Iranian Foreign Ministry: Israel is obstructing reaching a ceasefire agreement in Gaza by raising new conditions every time
Iranian Foreign Ministry: Damascus announced that the attack at dawn today targeted research centers linked to the Ministry of Defense and the Syrian army
The death toll from the Israeli bombing of sites around Masyaf rises to 17 people
Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian is set to arrive in Baghdad on Wednesday. He will be signing several MOUs while in Iraq
1 week ago
Wezareta Derve ya Ukraynayê: Hevkariya leşkerî ya di navbera Rûsya û Îranê de ji bo Ukrayna, Ewropa û Rojhilata Navîn metirsiyeke cidî ya ewlehiyê ye
U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi uncrewed aerial vehicle and one support vehicle in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
Dewletên Yekbûyî hişyarî dide ku 60 roj ji Hilbijartinên 2024'an re li ser zêdekirina vebijarkên bandorê li gorî nirxandina îstîxbaratî ya ku nû hatiye weşandin, "Rûsya "metirsiya bandora biyanî ya herî aktîf e" Îran "hewldanek mezintir dike. Nêzîkatiya piralî" Çîn balê dikişîne ser pêşbaziyên dengdanê.
WSJ: Amerîka ji hevalbendên xwe re gotiye ku Îranê mûşekên balîstîk ên menzîl kurt şandine Rûsyayê. Heta niha, bi sedan şandin. Ceza ji aliyê DYE, YE û hevkarên xwe ve têne kirin
Israeli Foreign Minister: Iran intends to provide weapons to Palestinian fighters in the West Bank
Sekreterê Giştî yê NATOyê: Îran û Koreya Bakur di Şerê Ukraynayê de balafirên bêpîlot, cebilxane û çekên din didin Rûsyayê.
Nîvfermî @Tasnimnews_EN: "Rûsya hatiye şîret kirin ku xwe ji tedbîrên ku têkiliyên stratejîk ên Rûsya û Îranê xera bike dûr bixe, ji ber ku fikra korîdora Zengezûrê dê xalek nû ya şewatê li nêzî sînorên pir nazik ên bakurê rojavayê Îranê çêbike."
1 week ago
German Foreign Minister: Iran and its proxies should not add fuel to the fire
Iranian Foreign Minister: Regional peace, security and stability is not merely a preference, but a pillar of our national security. Any threat from North, South, East, or West to territorial integrity of our neighbors or redrawing of boundaries is totally unacceptable and a red line for Iran
1 week ago
Jordanian Foreign Minister: We warn of the dangers of regional escalation in the region
A truck was targeted by a drone at Syria-Iraq border. Unclear if an Israeli or American strike
Iran FM says any attempt to redraw boundaries in the region is “completely unacceptable and a red line for Iran”. This seems a reaction to Russia's support for establishing a corridor connecting Azerbaijan to Nakhchivan through Armenia
"Russia is not the only foreign power seeking to interfere" per AG GarlandSays seeing "increasingly aggressive" activity by Iran
2 week ago
Al-Sisi: The crises the region is experiencing confirm the importance of Egyptian-Turkish cooperation
The USS Georgia, a nuclear-powered submarine which was ordered to the Middle East by the Pentagon last month, is still on its way to the region
Iran summons British charge d'affaires in Tehran over recent UK sanctions on Iran
Israeli security source to Sky News Arabia: We have observed an increase in Iranian efforts to turn the West Bank into a real battlefield
Hezbollah envoy in Tehran met Iran FM, discussing the situation in Lebanon, Gaza and West Bank. Iranian FM said Iran’s support for Resistance front will continue
Fermandeyê Berevaniya Esmanî ya Îranê: Droneke biçûk a ku dixwest nêzîkî rezervên petrokîmiya li bajarê Tebrîzê bibe hat rûxandin.
Berdevkê Wezareta Derve ya Îranê îdiaya hebûna efserekî leşkerî yê Îranê li Ukraynayê ji bo perwerdekirina hêzên Rûsî bêbingeh red kir û got: "Ew îdiayên bêbingeh li ser mebestên siyasî yên taybet in û berovajî nêzîkatiyên Îranê ne."