19 Rugsėjis 2024
5 dieną prieš
Borrellas: ES svarsto galimybę įvesti apribojimus Irano aviacijos sektoriui
5 dieną prieš
ES: greitai ir suderindami su tarptautiniais partneriais reaguosime į Irano raketų siuntimo į Rusiją klausimą
5 dieną prieš
The Iranian Embassy strongly condemned the attack by unidentified armed individuals on the residents of Daikundi along the Daikundi-Ghor route.The embassy said that Iran demands the perpetrators of this incident be punished
Iranian Chief of Staff says that the "security vacuum" in the Middle East is pushing Iran to enhance its security capabilities
Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali-Akbar Ahmadian, arrived in Minsk, Belarus, at the invitation of his counterpart. He is set to meet senior officials in Minsk including President Lukashenka. Prior to this, he attended BRICS security summit in Russia6 dieną prieš
Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali-Akbar Ahmadian, arrived in Minsk, Belarus, at the invitation of his counterpart. He is set to meet senior officials in Minsk including President Lukashenka. Prior to this, he attended BRICS security summit in Russia
6 dieną prieš
Axios: The raid launched by Israel on Sunday was the first ground operation carried out by Israeli forces in recent years against Iranian targets in Syria
6 dieną prieš
Axios quoting sources: Missile factory destroyed in Syria strike was allegedly built by Iran, as is claimed by Israel and the United States
6 dieną prieš
US Deputy Representative to the Security Council: Iran Responsible for Arming the Houthis
Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian arrived in the city of Najaf, Iraq, following his visits to Baghdad, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah6 dieną prieš
Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian arrived in the city of Najaf, Iraq, following his visits to Baghdad, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah
In a rare admission, the Israeli army says it carried out two drone strikes in southern Syria today, targeting a Hezbollah operative and another Iran-linked terrorist. The military says the first strike, in the Quneitra area killed Ahmed al-Jaber, a member of Hezbollah's so-called Golan File unit. Another strike, in the al-Rafid area, targeted a "terrorist who advanced terror acts against the State of Israel, and acted with the cooperation and direction of Iran." the IDF says.
Irano prezidentas Masudas Pezeshkianas po vizitų Bagdade ir Erbilyje atvyko į Sulaymaniją.
Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian formally invited KDP President @masoud_barzani to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran: Barzani Headquarters
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U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi missile system in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
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Netherlands summons Iranian ambassador over reports Tehran sent missiles to Moscow
JAV ambasada Bagdade patvirtino, kad antradienį, rugsėjo 10 d., buvo įvykdytas „išpuolis" prieš „diplomatinį centrą" oro uoste.
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Irano užsienio reikalų ministras: priklausomi nuo sankcijų turėtų savęs paklausti, kaip Iranas gali gaminti ir parduoti pažangius ginklus
Iraqi Prime Minister: I discussed with the Iranian President the importance of stability in the region
Iranian President: We agreed to form a team of experts to develop strategic plans for broader cooperation between the two countries
Iranian President from Baghdad: Israel continues to commit human massacres in Gaza and continues to violate human rights
The Islamic Republic of Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian visited Iraq on Wednesday on his first foreign trip. Here he is at the Soleimani memorial and being welcomed by the prime minister. They plan to sign 15 MOUs
Iranian President: We agreed to form a team of experts from both countries to develop strategic plans for broader cooperation between the two countries
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Irano užsienio reikalų ministras: Teheranas neįteikė Rusijai balistinių raketų
Iraqi president Abdul Latif Rashid calls on Iranian counterpart Masoud Pezeshkian to reach satisfactory understandings on water sharing
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Kata'ib Hezbollah Iraq: Targeting Baghdad Airport at this time is carried out by suspicious hands and aims to disrupt the Iranian President's visit
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Irano užsienio reikalų ministerija po naujų sankcijų: bet kokie teiginiai, kad Iranas pardavė balistines raketas Rusijai, yra visiškai nepagrįsti
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Irano užsienio reikalų ministerija smerkia ES šalių dvišalių oro susisiekimo paslaugų susitarimų su Teheranu atšaukimą
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Iran's Minister of Interior has called for Afghan migrants residing in Iran to "go to their own country and work there to rebuild it" amid public demands to reduce the presence of millions of Afghan migrants, blamed for rising social and financial burdens
JK užsienio reikalų biuras: JK vyriausybė ir partneriai reaguoja į Irano balistinių raketų perdavimą Rusijai: JK ir E3 partneriai atšaukia dvišalius susitarimus su Iranu, kuris apribos Irano oro susisiekimą į JK ir Europą; JK ir JAV paskelbė suderintas sankcijas Irano ir Rusijos asmenims bei organizacijoms; Rusijos krovininiai laivai buvo nubausti už jų vaidmenį gabenant karines atsargas iš Irano į Rusiją1 savaitę prieš
JK užsienio reikalų biuras: JK vyriausybė ir partneriai reaguoja į Irano balistinių raketų perdavimą Rusijai: JK ir E3 partneriai atšaukia dvišalius susitarimus su Iranu, kuris apribos Irano oro susisiekimą į JK ir Europą; JK ir JAV paskelbė suderintas sankcijas Irano ir Rusijos asmenims bei organizacijoms; Rusijos krovininiai laivai buvo nubausti už jų vaidmenį gabenant karines atsargas iš Irano į Rusiją
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Šoigu Sankt Peterburge susitiko su Irano saugumo tarybos sekretoriumi, buvo aptarti saugumo klausimai
JAV iždas: sankcijos Irano aviacijai ir Rusijos laivams