4 Iulie 2024
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Khamenei: Strong economies are faced with bank failures, which you heard about recently. Of course, some of them were reported, and others were not, but you will hear about them soon. In some countries there are massive trillions of dollars of debts, which is an economic problem
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Khamenei: We are not the only ones faced with economic problems. Many countries around the world today have certain economic problems. Even the world's wealthy countries with strong, advanced economies are truly plagued by a large number of problems
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Khamenei: Both inflation and domestic production are important. Inflation is the main problem and domestic production is definitely one of the keys to saving the country from economic problems. So, considering these matters, this year's slogan is: "Inflation control, growth in production
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Khamenei: This year, the spring of nature coincides with the spring of spirituality–the month of Ramadan. It is said that one should not cover one's body from spring breeze. Similarly, regarding the spiritual spring of Ramadan, we should expose our hearts to this divine & fragrant breeze
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Khamenei: I congratulate the arrival of Nowruz to Iranians and the nations who honor Nowruz and place importance on it. May God bless all of you on the occasion of this noble Eid
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Khamenei: In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful O' Changer of hearts and sights, O' Director of nights and days, O' Transformer of situations and circumstances, Transform our circumstances to the best of circumstances
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German Foreign Minister: We will impose a sixth package of sanctions related to the violation of human rights on Iran
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Putin a discutat despre cooperarea în regiunea Caspică cu Consiliul de Securitate al Federației Ruse, Lavrov a făcut un raport.
Protesters took to Zahedan's streets after Friday prayers and chanted: "Basiji, IRGC, You are Our ISIS". The Revolutionary Guards and its paramilitary youth brigade, the Basij, have been at the forefront of suppressing anti-government protests in Iran
Zahedan, southeast Iran Protesters are chanting: "We swear on the blood of our compatriots that we will stand to the end."
Șeful UE FP @JosepBorrellF și FM Iran @Amirabdolahian au avut un apel telefonic, discutând despre discuțiile JCPOA, problema Ucrainei și cooperarea Iran-AIEA. Iran FM a spus că „Iranul și relațiile @IAEAOrg sunt în direcția bună". Despre Ucraina, el a spus că „Iranul a fost întotdeauna de partea păcii și nu de război"
"Remains to be seen" if Saudi Arabia will hold China accountable if Iran continues to ship weapons to Yemen for use vs KSA, per @CENTCOM's Gen Kurilla
UAE President HH Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed receives Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani — WAM
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - Northwestern Iran
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Turkish sources: the postponement of the four-way meeting that was scheduled for today in Moscow at the level of deputy foreign ministers of Turkey, Syria, Russia and Iran
A convoy of 10 cars carrying plainclothes forces attacked and stopped the car carrying civil rights activist Sepideh Qoliyan and her family home and arrested her again, just hours after she was released from jail after 4 years of imprisonment
Mass demonstrations of the people of Bukan protesting the killing of Shirzad Ahmadinejad, the arrested protester, under torture, the protesters lit fires in the streets and chanted the slogan of Shaheed Namr (Martyr does not die).
Bukan, northwest Iran: People are blocking roads and protesting the killing under torture of a local by the government's IRGC intelligence in the city of Urmia
A Saudi official said Wednesday that resuming diplomatic ties with Iran does not mean we are allies. Asked if Iran will remain committed to the deal, the official said China has leverage on Iran and Tehran will find it difficult to explain if the deal isn't honored
Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani will visit UAE tomorrow on Thursday to meet his Emirati counterpart and other senior officials to discuss bilateral, regional & international issues. Some economic and banking officials will also accompany him
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China, Iran and Russia begin naval exercises in the Gulf of Oman, they will last until March 19, - Chinese Ministry of Defense.
Karaj, west of Tehran, Iran Locals in the city's Khorramdasht district are turning the annual Fire Festivities into anti-government protests.
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Iran's mission to the United Nations says a breakthrough agreement with Saudi Arabia restoring bilateral relations will help bring a political settlement to Yemen's yearslong war, Iranian state media reported on Sunday
Two pick-ups of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards militia set off from the militia's headquarters in the Al-Tammou neighborhood in Al-Mayadhin and headed towards Abdel Moneim Riyad School, Corniche Street. The cars were covered from the back with a shade and loaded with a mortar, followed by an attack with artillery shells that targeted the base of the Al-Omar oil field.
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Khamenei: Today's world needs spirituality. Spirituality can be a factor to help nations move ahead
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Khamenei: The full launch of the North-South transport corridor (INSTC) will benefit Iran and Belarus as well as Russia and the region. Both countries must work to make the corridor operational
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Khamenei: Under the sanctions, Iran has been able to make enormous progress in different fields, including science and technology, the medical and biological sciences, space sciences, nuclear sciences, and nanotechnology
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Khamenei: The harsh sanctions have enabled Iran to discover its domestic potential and forces, and Iran has found many opportunities for progress during these past years while under sanctions
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Khamenei: Countries subject to US sanctions must counter the scheme of sanctions through cooperation and by setting up a joint assembly, and this can be done
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Khamenei: Belarusian President, Alexander Lukashenka, and his accompanying delegation met with Imam Khamenei just an hour ago