2 Июль 2024
ЦЕНТКОМ: 4 апреля 2024 года правительство США передало украинским вооруженным силам более 5000 автоматов АК-47, пулеметов, снайперских винтовок, РПГ-7 и более 500 000 патронов калибра 7,62 мм. Этого количества техники достаточно для оснащения одной БДЭ УКР стрелковыми винтовками. Это оружие поможет Украине защититься от российского вторжения. Правительство получило право собственности на эти боеприпасы 1 декабря 2023 года в рамках гражданского иска Министерства юстиции о конфискации оружия против иранского Корпуса стражей исламской революции (КСИР).2 месяц назад
ЦЕНТКОМ: 4 апреля 2024 года правительство США передало украинским вооруженным силам более 5000 автоматов АК-47, пулеметов, снайперских винтовок, РПГ-7 и более 500 000 патронов калибра 7,62 мм. Этого количества техники достаточно для оснащения одной БДЭ УКР стрелковыми винтовками. Это оружие поможет Украине защититься от российского вторжения. Правительство получило право собственности на эти боеприпасы 1 декабря 2023 года в рамках гражданского иска Министерства юстиции о конфискации оружия против иранского Корпуса стражей исламской революции (КСИР).
CENTCOM: Between approximately 12:15 p.m. and 2:40 p.m. (Sanaa time) on April 8, United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully engaged and destroyed an air defense system with two missiles ready to launch, a ground control station in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, and one unmanned aerial system launched by Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists from Yemen over the Red Sea. There were no injuries or damage reported by U.S., coalition, or commercial ships. Separately, at approximately 8:00 a.m. (Sanaa time) on April 7, an anti-ship ballistic missile was launched from a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen toward the Gulf of Aden where a coalition ship was escorting M/V Hope Island, a Marshall Islands Flagged, U.K. owned, Italian operated cargo ship. There were no injuries or damage reported by U.S., coalition, or commercial ships.
CNN reports that U.S. intelligence assesses that Iran has urged several of its proxy militia groups to simultaneously launch a large-scale attack against Israel, using drones and missiles, and that they could attack as soon as this week.2 месяц назад
CNN reports that "U.S. intelligence assesses that Iran has urged several of its proxy militia groups to simultaneously launch a large-scale attack against Israel, using drones and missiles, and that they could attack as soon as this week."
Iran's nuclear chief said that the country will host its first international nuclear energy conference in May in Isfahan2 месяц назад
Iran's nuclear chief said that the country will host its first international nuclear energy conference in May in Isfahan
2 месяц назад
Iranian Foreign Minister: We confirm that the coming days will be difficult for Israel
Iran FM: Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad Al-Nakhalah had high-level talks and significant consultations recently in Tehran2 месяц назад
Iran FM: Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad Al-Nakhalah had high-level talks and significant consultations recently in Tehran
2 месяц назад
Iranian Foreign Minister: U.S. bears part of the responsibility for the consulate attack, and Israel will be punished
2 месяц назад
Iranian Foreign Minister: Punishing Israel is certain and it will receive the necessary response
2 месяц назад
Iranian Foreign Minister: Israel's war on Gaza comes with American support and we are coordinating with Hamas and Islamic Jihad
2 месяц назад
Syrian Foreign Minister: Israel's actions are evidence of its desire to expand the scope of the war
Confirmed: Metrics show a moderate disruption to internet connectivity in Iran affecting multiple networks from early this morning; analysis of the incident is ongoing2 месяц назад
Confirmed: Metrics show a moderate disruption to internet connectivity in Iran affecting multiple networks from early this morning; analysis of the incident is ongoing
2 месяц назад
Iran’s foreign minister: We communicated to the US through appropriate diplomatic means that it is responsible as the full supporter of Israel
2 месяц назад
Reports of widespread disruption and interruption of the Internet in Iran
Iran FM is in Damascus2 месяц назад
Iran FM is in Damascus
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian arrives at Damascus International Airport coming from the Sultanate of Oman as part of a regional tour2 месяц назад
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian arrives at Damascus International Airport coming from the Sultanate of Oman as part of a regional tour
2 месяц назад
Israeli Chief of Staff: The army is capable of dealing with Iran offensively and defensively in all regions
2 месяц назад
Iranian media: The Foreign Minister visits Damascus on Monday to discuss the repercussions of the attack on the Iranian consulate
2 месяц назад
The U.S. government has found that Iran's intelligence services have used Press TV "to recruit sensitive assets, including U.S. persons."
2 месяц назад
Israel Security Services say Iran is probably behind a mourning bouquet that was sent to a hostage family and claims that "the country is more important" than her"
2 месяц назад
Advisor to Iran's Supreme Leader says Israeli embassies are "no longer safe"
2 месяц назад
Israeli Defense Minister: The defense system is ready to respond to any scenario in the confrontation with Iran
2 месяц назад
The Israeli Defense Minister at the end of a security assessment: We are ready to respond to any scenario in the face of Iran
2 месяц назад
Sounds of explosions heard in Damascus, information indicates the detection of spy balloons north of Damascus
Iran's police claim they arrested a senior operative of ISIS with two other members of the group accused of planning a suicide attack during next week's celebrations marking the end of the Ramadan. Eight others accompanying them were also detained, they said2 месяц назад
Iran's police claim they arrested a senior operative of ISIS with two other members of the group accused of planning a suicide attack during next week's celebrations marking the end of the Ramadan. Eight others accompanying them were also detained, they said
2 месяц назад
IRGC commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi was buried in Isfahan this morning
2 месяц назад
Iran's army chief says that US was involved in the attack on its consulate in Damascus, despite Washington clear rejections of these accusation
2 месяц назад
U.S. official: U.S. is on high alert in anticipation of an Iranian response to an Israeli raid in Damascus
2 месяц назад
NBC, according to American officials: The Biden administration is concerned that Iran is planning to strike targets inside Israel
2 месяц назад
Iran has placed all its armed forces on full high alert and a decision has been made that Iran must respond directly this time to create deterrence, two Iranian officials say - NYT
2 месяц назад
US has picked up intelligence that Iran is planning a retaliatory attack against Israel that would include a swarm of Shaheed loitering drones and cruise missiles.  Officials say the timing and target are unknown, but a proportional response to the Damascus attack would be to hit an Israeli diplomatic facility. The attack is likely to come between now and the end of Ramadan next week