5 Oktober 2024
Mahabad, NW Iran Protesters are in control of numerous districts in this city, according to local activists
Jam, S Iran: Protesters threw Molotov cocktails to set fire to the office of the head of Friday Prayers who is also Khamenei's rep. in the city1 år sedan
Jam, S Iran: Protesters threw Molotov cocktails to set fire to the office of the head of Friday Prayers who is also Khamenei's rep. in the city
Bukan, northwest Iran: Locals are on strike and continuing the nationwide protests against the government on the 55th day of the uprising.
Sekreterare för Irans högsta nationella säkerhetsråd sa i ett möte med sin ryska motsvarighet att Teheran välkomnar och stöder alla initiativ som kan leda till vapenvila och fred mellan Ukraina och Ryssland. Han sa också att Iran är redo att spela en roll för att få ett slut på kriget
I Teheran diskuterar det ryska nationella säkerhetsrådets generalsekreterare med sin iranska motsvarighet sätt att "konfrontera västerländsk inblandning"
Europeiska unionen överväger att utöka sanktionerna mot Iran och samordna dem med andra länder
Kurdish human rights organization: a massive strike in the cities of western Iran to protest the killing of demonstrators in Zahedan
Sekreteraren för det ryska säkerhetsrådet Patrushev höll rysk-iranska säkerhetssamråd i Teheran med sin iranska motsvarighet Shamkhani
Iran carries out the first execution of two people in Zahedan against the backdrop of protests
1 år sedan
Al Mayadeen reports that Israel was behind an air strike on a convoy carrying fuel across the Iraqi border into Syria yesterday. Per AP, at least 10 people were killed, some of whom were Iranian
1 år sedan
Confirmed info Tonight's airstrikes on Al Bukamal, Iraqi-Syria border was NOT a US strike, a senior US official confirms. Centcom is investigating the attack at the moment. There are reports of civilian casualties
1 år sedan
Khamenei: What is meant by "Middle East" Any region far from Europe is called the Far East, close to Europe is Near East, & anything in between is MiddleEast. Europe is the benchmark for these names. The West claimed such rights for themselves. Don't say the Middle East; say WestAsia
Iraqi minister of defense reaffirmed that Iraqi forces welcome every support from the military forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran
1 år sedan
Ukrainas president Zelensky har kallat Israels folkvalde premiärminister Netanyahu för att gratulera honom till segern
Protests in Bukan today
Iran's Ministry of Intelligence said it 26 "takfiri militants" were arrested, all of themfrom Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan
1 år sedan
Khamenei: Some say when you chant "Down with the US," this causes the US to become hostile toward you. But no. No one was chanting "Down with the US" in 1953 when the US toppled a government in Iran that had been elected by the people. But they inflicted the blow they had in mind
Marivan, West Iran: After sunset more protesters are taking to the streets and taking control of their districts, according to local activists
1 år sedan
Khamenei: Today, Western powers are gradually losing their political, scientific, cultural & economic dominance, & these will be transferred from the West to Asia in the new world order. Asia will become the center of science & economy, & also the political & military power of the world
1 år sedan
Khamenei: The US has fully staffed military bases in many places including in our region, in Europe & in Asia. The money for these bases is taken from the unfortunate host countries. This will end in the future new world order & the US will be forced to end its presence across the globe
1 år sedan
Khamenei: The current world order is changing & a new order will prevail, which will have 3 main elements: the isolation of the US; a transfer of political, economic, cultural & scientific power from the West to Asia; & an expansion of the Resistance Front in its battle against aggression
Tehran, Iran Students of Sharif and Tehran University - North Pardis Branch are on strike and continuing the nationwide protests against the government on the 51st day of the uprising
Mashhad, northeast Iran. Local university students are continuing the nationwide protests against the government on the 51st day of the uprising.
Irans utrikesminister säger att hans land försett Ryssland med drönare "innan kriget i Ukraina började"
Iran FM: Vi gav ett begränsat antal drönare till Ryssland månader före Ukrainas krig, men inga missiler. Vi kom överens med Ukraines FM om att ge oss bevis. Iransk delegation åkte till ett europeiskt land för två veckor sedan, men Ukrainas delegation kom inte på grund av USA
US Special Envoy for Iran: Tehran thinks it will get away if it helps covertly brutal Russian aggression, which it will not happen
A 17-year-old boy among those killed by government forces in Karaj1 år sedan
A 17-year-old boy among those killed by government forces in Karaj
Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman on Biden's "Free Iran" comment: "The US has been a usurper throughout the history and has never been a liberator
"I am designating President of the Haitian Senate, Joseph Lambert, for his involvement in significant corruption and a gross violation of human rights," says @SecBlinken in a statement
A number of women and men protesting in Shahinshahr, Isfahan, Iran