6 Ekim 2024
Head of the European Union delegation to the United Nations: We are concerned about Iran's lack of cooperation with the Atomic Energy Agency
Head of the European Union delegation to the United Nations: Diplomacy is the best way to ensure the purely peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program
U.S.'s representative to the United Nations: Iran continues to fuel conflict and instability in the Middle East
Deputy US envoy to the Security Council: Iran must make more efforts to prevent escalation
The European Union imposes sanctions on a research center affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri İdlib'e,Esed rejimi ve İran milislerinin kamikaze dron saldırılarını önlemek amacıyla sinyal bozucu sistemler sevk etti
The Islamic Republic's security forces have imposed movement restrictions against Iran's former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sources confirmed to @IranIntl. The limitations were imposed after his return from a trip to northern Iran. Ahmadinejad, who's turned into a critic of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's policies in recent years, was recently barred from running for president for the third time in a row3 ay önce
The Islamic Republic's security forces have imposed movement restrictions against Iran's former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sources confirmed to @IranIntl. The limitations were imposed after his return from a trip to northern Iran. Ahmadinejad, who's turned into a critic of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's policies in recent years, was recently barred from running for president for the third time in a row
Strong explosion on Syrian border as an Iraqi ammo depot blew up. It happened in Um Al-Jiban, W. of Sinjar, few km from Syria3 ay önce
Strong explosion on Syrian border as an Iraqi ammo depot blew up. It happened in Um Al-Jiban, W. of Sinjar, few km from Syria
3 ay önce
Ali Bagheri, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, met Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of Hamas, in Doha
3 ay önce
Iran's Supreme Court overturned the death sentence of a football coach accused of sexually assaulting 8 boys. The early teens said he lured them to his house for training and harassed them. Some victims said they were forced into sexual relations with each other and blackmailed
3 ay önce
Iranian Foreign Ministry: Tehran reserves the right to respond to Canada's decision to declare the Revolutionary Guard a "terrorist organization"
3 ay önce
Canada classifies the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization
3 ay önce
Washington Post: Indications that Iran is expanding work inside the Natanz facility, which could nearly triple the site's production of enriched uranium
@NATO şefi @jensstltenberg bu öğleden sonra Blinken ile görüştükten sonra: "Rusya'nın Ukrayna'daki savaşı barışçıl demokratik bir ülkeye yönelik acımasız bir saldırıdır. Bu savaş Çin, Kuzey Kore ve İran tarafından destekleniyor. ABD'nin başarısız olduğunu görmek istiyorlar. Onlar NATO'nun başarısızlığını görmek istiyorum"
The US President's envoy warned the Israelis of the possibility that the war with Hezbollah would lead to a large-scale Iranian attack that would be difficult for Israel to confront.
Iran’s acting foreign minister Ali Bagheri Kani arrives in the Kurdistan Region capital of Erbil
3 ay önce
CENTCOM: Husiler Aden Körfezi'ndeki M/V Verbena'ya Saldırıyor, USS Filipin Denizi Yaralı Denizciyi Tıbbi Olarak Tahliye Ediyor. İran destekli Husiler bugün Aden Körfezi'ne iki gemisavar seyir füzesi (ASCM) fırlattı. Her iki füze de Palauan bayraklı, Ukrayna'ya ait, Polonya tarafından işletilen dökme yük gemisi M/V Verbena'yı vurdu. M/V Verbena en son Malezya'ya yanaştı ve ahşap inşaat malzemeleriyle İtalya'ya doğru yola çıktı
Kann News reports that the head of the Israeli Nationalsecurity council Tzachi Hanegbi and the minister for strategic affairs Ron Dermer will depart to the US next week to discuss with senior Biden administration affairs the possibility of an all out war with Hezbollah and the Iranian threat
Attacks by Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen are putting a dent in international shipping in the RedSea & GulfofAden per new report from @DefenseIntel Container shipping down 90% despite US, European efforts to blunt Houthi's missile & drone strikes
3 ay önce
IAEA report on Iran seen by Reuters: Iran informed IAEA on June 9 and 10 that eight cascades each containing 174 IR-6 centrifuges would be installed at Fordow enrichment plant over the next 3-4 weeks
Iran’s acting foreign minister met Iraq’s foreign minister in Baghdad
Iraqi Foreign Minister: Expanding the war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon is a danger to the entire region
3 ay önce
Khamenei's military advisor: The people must elect a president who does not speak in contrast to the leader
On Iran-"The president is prepared to take a whole range of actions to to push back against Iranian aggression in every theater" per @JakeSullivan46 Tehran's support for Hamas "something that we are working to try to choke off"
3 ay önce
Moscow and Tehran are moving forward with their comprehensive bilateral cooperation agreement, despite potential changes to the timeline of specific events, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced on Tuesday. Peskov emphasized Russia's commitment to deepening its relationship with Iran. His remarks followed earlier reports from Russia's RIA state news agency, which suggested that the agreement had been temporarily suspended due to difficulties faced by Iranian partners. However, Iran's ambassador to Moscow, Kazem Jalali denied this claim speaking to Iran’s official news agency IRNA on Tuesday
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Eski CENTCOM şefi Amerika'nın Sesi'ne İran ve Rusya'nın "çıkar evliliği" yaptığını söyleyerek, Rusya'nın insansız hava araçları ve füzeler karşılığında İran'a ne verebileceği konusunda endişeleri dile getirdi. Ukraynalıların, Rusya'nın içinde Ukrayna'ya saldıran herhangi bir yere ateş edebilmesi gerektiğini ancak belirli sınırlar dahilinde ateş edebilmesi gerektiğini söyledi.
US Secretary of State: The longer the war in Gaza lasts, the greater the potential for the conflict to expand
7 Israeli air strikes targeted sites in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, near the Syrian border. The Israeli air strikes targeted infrastructure of the Iran-linked Hezbollah group and an arms shipment coming from Syria3 ay önce
7 Israeli air strikes targeted sites in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, near the Syrian border. The Israeli air strikes targeted infrastructure of the Iran-linked Hezbollah group and an arms shipment coming from Syria
3 ay önce
Iran’s former FM Zarif endorses reformist presidential candidate Masoud Pezeshkian. Iran's former Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, has endorsed the reformist presidential candidate Masoud Pezeshkian. Zarif's endorsement came in the form of an X post (tweet) that featured the hashtag "for Iran," echoing a tagline previously utilized by Pezeshkian
Iranian Foreign Ministry: There are no indications that the United States is serious about a ceasefire in Gaza