19 Вересень 2024
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Iran: Gaza cease-fire and Iran's retaliation are separate
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Iranian Foreign Ministry: We do not consider the United States an "honest mediator" in Gaza ceasefire talks
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Iran: Illogical to ask Iran for self-restraint against Israel
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Iranian Foreign Ministry: We do not seek to escalate tension in the region and support efforts to cease fire in Gaza
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Іран: Ми вітаємо будь-які чесні зусилля щодо припинення вогню в Газі
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Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman: Ceasefire in Gaza is Necessary
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U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
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Netanyahu: Israel is ready to confront any threat, whether in defense or attack
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British and French Foreign Ministers: Any Iranian attack will have devastating consequences
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Egyptian Foreign Minister Discusses Gaza Ceasefire Efforts with Iranian Counterpart
Iran-backed militias evacuate headquarters in Albukamal countryside
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Високопоставлений представник адміністрації на брифінгу для журналістів каже, що удар Ірану по Ізраїлю може призвести до катаклізмичних наслідків: Велика військова атака — немає нічого, що сталося, що могло б виправдати такий акт. Ми готові протидіяти та захищати Ізраїль, якщо це станеться. Але ми також закликаємо іранців — і я знаю, що багато хто з них — не рухатися цим шляхом, тому що наслідки можуть бути досить катастрофічними, особливо для Ірану.
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Reuters, quoting a Hamas official: The US administration has no seriousness in stopping the war, but rather aims to buy time
In apparent preparations for a potential strike in Iran, the Israeli Air Force yesterday conducted a long-range refueling exercise. In a statement, the IDF says the drill simulated a long-range flight deep in enemy territory, while conducting aerial refueling several times in short periods.1 місяць тому
In apparent preparations for a potential strike in Iran, the Israeli Air Force yesterday conducted a long-range refueling exercise. In a statement, the IDF says the drill "simulated a long-range flight deep in enemy territory, while conducting aerial refueling several times in short periods."
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French Foreign Minister: We are facing decisive days regarding reaching an agreement to cease fire in Gaza
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French Foreign Minister: The time is not right for either an Iranian response or Israeli revenge
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Israel FM told his counterparts from UK and France that Israel expect them to join an attack on Iran if it attacks Israel directly
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U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi ground control station in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
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Пентагон: Росія та Іран поглиблюють військове партнерство
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Israeli army Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says the military has killed more than 17,000 terror operatives in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the war
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Hagari: We are ready for any scenario, whether in defense or attack.
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There are no US forces in Iraq other than military advisors — Iraqi MFA
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French and British foreign ministers will arrive in Israel tomorrow for an urgent visit to try to prevent an all-out war in the region
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White House's Kirby on anticipated Iran attack: I can't sit here and tell you for sure that there's been a decision to change their (Iran) mind, and I can't tell you for sure if they attack, what that is going to look like, or even when it would occur
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The US Treasury Department on Thursday issued sanctions targeting Houthi and Hezbollah trade networks, as Washington seeks to increase pressure on Tehran and the Iranian-backed groups. The new sanctions targeted companies, individuals and vessels involved in the shipment of Iranian commodities, including oil and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to Yemen and the UAE on behalf of a Houthi financial official's network
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The White House: Iran has not budged from its threat to attack Israel, we hope it will not come to that. The US urges all parties to come to the peace talks
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IRGC announced Colonel Afshari died of injuries sustained in an US airstrike carried out in Syria few days ago. He was part of IRGC Aerospace Force. No photo currently available
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Google says an alleged Iranian hacking operation aimed at US presidential campaigns is ongoing and more wide-ranging than previously known
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Qatari Foreign Minister and his U.S. counterpart stress the need for calm and de-escalation in the region
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The draft agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership between Iran and Russia is under consideration by the presidents and will be signed soon, - the Iranian ambassador to Moscow said