5 Listopad 2024
Gantz: Iranian influence in the region must be confronted
Quite a footage of fighting between protesters and government agents in Qazvin last night
This man who was throwing rocks at the government forces from a rooftop in Karaj last night got shot and yet he continued1 godine pre
This man who was throwing rocks at the government forces from a rooftop in Karaj last night got shot and yet he continued
Massive crowd at protest in Tabriz
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British Maritime Trade Operations: Iranian march hovering over a ship in the Gulf of Oman this morning
Mahabad, the large presence of people of Mahabad in the funeral ceremony1 godine pre
Mahabad, the large presence of people of Mahabad in the funeral ceremony
Tabriz, northwest Iran Locals attending the funeral of Aylar Haghi, killed by the government's security forces, were chanting: "I will kill those who killed my sister."
Israeli army chief Aviv Kohavi heading to the US tomorrow for a series of meetings with American defense officials regarding the Iranian threat
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Britanske pomorske trgovačke operacije: brod je bio na meti bespilotne letjelice u Omanskom zaljevu ovog petka ujutro, a brod i sva njegova posada su sigurni
Mahabad, northwest Iran  Large number of people attending the funeral of Azad Hosseinpour, killed by the government's security forces, were chanting anti-government slogans1 godine pre
Mahabad, northwest Iran Large number of people attending the funeral of Azad Hosseinpour, killed by the government's security forces, were chanting anti-government slogans
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Khamenei: Hundreds of women were killed in Qom alone during the 8-year Imposed War by the US-backed Saddam government on Iran. A number of these women were participating in a mourning ceremony for Imam Hussain (pbuh) when they were killed
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Khamenei: The suicide attack of all the members of a group singing an anthem together in Qom was a unique tragedy in the 8-year Imposed War on Iran. These teenagers were singing together when a fighter jet of the US-backed Saddam government came & bombed the place martyring almost all the members
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Khamenei: Our country is a collection of various ethnicities. Suicide attack is a rosary thread connecting them. One martyr was from south of the country, another from north or east. All were killed for one goal, the honor of Islam, the greatness of the Islamic Republic & to strengthen Iran
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Khamenei: Suicide attack is a manifestation of self-sacrifice. Dead gives his life for the peace and security of others. Such a sacrifice is an outstanding moral virtue irrespective of religion or religious beliefs
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Khamenei: Following are the newly-published statements of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on October 30, 2022 in his address to the organizers of the Congress on Martyrs from the city of Qom
On the evening of November 17, at approximately 9:32 pm local time in Syria, rockets targeted Coalition Forces at the Green Village. Likely by Iran-backed militias in retaliation for recent Israeli strikes
Pentagon officials "remain skeptical" of Iran IRGC's claim last week it had developed a hypersonic missile, @DepPentPressSec Sabrina Singh tells reporters. US will continue to monitor Iran's weapons development and proliferation
CNN publishes images of the damage caused to the Israeli-owned Pacific Zircon oil tanker that was struck by  an Iranian Shahed-136 drone off the coast of Oman on Tuesday night1 godine pre
CNN publishes images of the damage caused to the Israeli-owned Pacific Zircon oil tanker that was struck by an Iranian Shahed-136 drone off the coast of Oman on Tuesday night
US Treasury: The new sanctions against Iran included 13 companies
The US Treasury imposes new sanctions on Iran, including oil and gas companies
Sanandaj, western Iran More footage of today's massive rally marking the 40th day of the killing of protesters by the government's security forces
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Resolution of the International Atomic Energy Agency condemns Iran's non-cooperation
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 57 km NE of Bandar-e Lengeh, Iran
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The European Union Mission in Vienna calls on Iran to provide an immediate explanation for traces of uranium in secret sites
White House says Iran 'likely conducted' attack on oil tanker off Oman coast
Fars News Agency: A number of citizens and policemen were killed in a shooting in the city of "Aiza" in southwestern Iran
Izraelski dužnosnik: Gađanje broda u Omanskom moru je iranska provokacija
University students protesting in Ahwaz today
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The company that owns the tanker, Pacific Zircon, reports that the ship was damaged by targeting it in the Sea of Oman
Eastern Pacific Shipping in a statement says all crew are safe and accounted for after drone attack, but minor damage caused to the vessel's hull1 godine pre
Eastern Pacific Shipping in a statement says all crew are safe and accounted for after drone attack, but minor damage caused to the vessel's hull