5 Cotmeh 2024
Large crowd of protesters out in Isfahan tonight
Mahabad, the night demonstrations of the people of Mahabad on the 35th day of nationwide protests1 year ago
Mahabad, the night demonstrations of the people of Mahabad on the 35th day of nationwide protests
Tabriz, NW Iran Locals are in control of their streets.
Iran's Foreign Minister @Amirabdolahian traveled to the Armenian capital Yerevan Thursday amid regional tensions and shortly after the IRGC held a large-scale military drill in the northwestern region of Aras along the borders of Armenia and Azerbaijan
"It's no secret that a [nuclear] deal does not appear imminent," @StateDeptSpox says. Nothing in recent weeks suggests Iran is prepared to change its approach
Pentagon: Civata Ewlekariya Netewî ya Amerîka dê bi sepandina tole û tedbîrên din, Îranê berpirs bibîne
Serokwezîrê Îsraîlê Lapid ji Wezîrê Derve yê Ukraynayê Kuleba re got ku Îsraîl ji kûrbûna hevkariya leşkerî ya di navbera Rûsya û Îranê de nîgeran e.
Kirby ji rojnamevanan re dibêje, Pentagon "bi awayekî aktîf, aniha" li pergalên berevaniya esmanî yên potansiyel dinêre da ku alîkariya Ukraynayê bike ku li hember xetera balafirên bêpîlot ên Îranê rû bi rû bimîne.
US State Department: Iran continues to restrict its citizens' access to the Internet as protests continue
Koordînatorê NSC yê Qesra Spî John Kirby dibêje, personelên leşkerî yên Îranî li ser erdê li Kirimê bûn û alîkariya pîlotên Rûsî kirin ku roja Duşemê bi firokeyên bêpîlot ên Îranê Kîev bombebaran kirin. Kirby dibêje, "Îran niha rasterast li ser erdê mijûl e."
Isfahan, central Iran Workers of the Entekhab Industrial Group are on strike. This is the 35th day of the nationwide uprising against the mullahs' government
1 year ago
Wezîrê Berevaniya Brîtanya: Du şervanên Rûsî di 29ê Îlonê de balafireke leşkerî ya bêçek a Brîtanî ya li ser mîsyoneke rûtîn li ser Deryaya Reş girt.
1 year ago
Wezîrê Berevaniya Brîtanya: Belgeyên vê yekê piştrast dikin ku Rûsyayê bi balafirên bêpîlot ên Îranê Ukrayna bombebaran kir
Wezîrê Derve yê Îranê îro pêwendiyeke telefonî bi Serokê Yekîtiya Ewropayê re kir û got: "Em li dijî şer û aloziya li Ukraynayê ne. Îdiaya şandina mûşekên Îranê bo Rûsyayê ji bo bikaranîna li dijî Ukraynayê bêbingeh e. Hevkariya me ya berevaniyê bi Rûsyayê re heye, lê siyaseta me ew e ku em neşînin. çek û dronên li dijî Ukraynayê
Welatên Yekîtiya Ewropî li ser toleyên nû yên li dijî Îranê ji ber şandina balafirên bêpîlot ji Rûsyayê re li hev kirin
Bandar Abbas, S Iran Young protesters rallied in the 22 Bahman neighborhood and lit fires to block the streets. "Death to the dictator." and "death to Khamenei." they chanted
U.S. Central Command:Today the CENTCOM Commander embarked the USS West Virginia Ballistic Missile Submarine1 year ago
U.S. Central Command:Today the CENTCOM Commander embarked the USS West Virginia Ballistic Missile Submarine
Alîkarê nûnerê Rûsyayê li Neteweyên Yekbûyî hinartina firokeyên bê firokevan ên Îranê bo Rûsyayê red kir, gefa vekolînê li peywendiyên xwe ligel sekreterê NY xwar, eger NY pisporan bişîne ji bo lêkolînkirina balefirên bêpîlot ên Rûsyayê li Ukraynayê.
Iran sent Ethiopia military drones in the summer of 2021 in violation of the UNSC resolution which includes sanctions on the transfer of military technologies through 2023, - the US State Department
1 year ago
Khamenei: A few years ago, when pictures of our advanced missiles & drones were published, they said they're photoshopped pictures. Now they say Iranian drones are dangerous. Why do you sell them to so & so These are feats carried out by Iranian elites. They bring honor to our country
YE 'delîlên têr' hene ku ji ber dronên rûsî yên li Ukraynayê li ser Iranranê ceza bike
1 year ago
Khamenei: Any issue our scientists have focused on, they've carried out tasks revered by the world: stem cells & animal cloning, sending satellites into space, humanoid robots, nuclear technology, building advanced missiles & drones, & making vaccines, specially COVID vaccines
1 year ago
Khamenei: World's bullying powers seek to dominate. How One day with weapons, one day with deception, & one day with science. Universities prevent their domination. If you are able to elevate the scientific status of the country, you have created an obstacle to the enemy's domination
1 year ago
Khamenei: Universities are a key pillar for the country's progress. Enemies of the country's progress value any opportunity that can harm, close, or cripple universities. Universities are one of the largest obstacles standing in the way of the Arrogant Powers' domination
1 year ago
Khamenei: Talented individuals are among the most important assets of the country. When we recognize that the talented are a great wealth, we will endeavor to nurture talented individuals, we will understand that losing them is a loss, & we will prevent this loss as much as possible
1 year ago
Khamenei: The presence of the youth, especially talented youth, engender hope wherever they are. I truly thank God that now after the COVID19 pandemic has diminished in our country, this lively, energetic, promising meeting is being held in person once again
Night protests in Saqqaz, Iranian Kurdistan
Wezareta Derve: Waşîngtonê çend amûr hene ji bo berdewamkirina berpirsyariya Îran û Rûsyayê
Mehrshahr, Alborz Province, northern Iran Locals in nationwide protests against the government on the 33rd day of the uprising & chanting: "Death to the dictator." "No fear. We're all together."
Dewletên Yekbûyî hişyarî dide ku ew ê li dijî pargîdanî û neteweyên ku bi bernameya drone ya Îranê re kar dikin gavan bavêje piştî ku Rûsyayê ew îtxal ji bo êrîşên kamikaze yên kujer li Kyiv bikar anî.