17 Setembro 2024
U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi uncrewed aerial vehicle and one support vehicle in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
EUA alertam sobre aumento de influência com 60 dias para a eleição de 2024 Rússia "a ameaça de influência estrangeira mais ativa" de acordo com avaliação de inteligência recém-divulgada Irã "fazendo um esforço maior. Abordagem multifacetada" China focada em disputas eleitorais
1 week atrás
WSJ: EUA disseram a aliados que o Irã enviou mísseis balísticos de curto alcance para a Rússia. Até agora, centenas foram enviados. Sanções sendo elaboradas por EUA, UE e parceiros
Israeli Foreign Minister: Iran intends to provide weapons to Palestinian fighters in the West Bank
Secretário-Geral da OTAN: Irã e Coreia do Norte fornecem drones, munições e outras armas à Rússia na guerra da Ucrânia
Semioficial @Tasnimnews_EN: "A Rússia foi aconselhada a evitar tomar medidas que possam prejudicar as relações estratégicas entre Rússia e Irã, porque a ideia do corredor de Zangezur criará um novo ponto crítico perto das fronteiras muito delicadas do noroeste do Irã."
1 week atrás
German Foreign Minister: Iran and its proxies should not add fuel to the fire
Iranian Foreign Minister: Regional peace, security and stability is not merely a preference, but a pillar of our national security. Any threat from North, South, East, or West to territorial integrity of our neighbors or redrawing of boundaries is totally unacceptable and a red line for Iran
1 week atrás
Jordanian Foreign Minister: We warn of the dangers of regional escalation in the region
A truck was targeted by a drone at Syria-Iraq border. Unclear if an Israeli or American strike
Iran FM says any attempt to redraw boundaries in the region is “completely unacceptable and a red line for Iran”. This seems a reaction to Russia's support for establishing a corridor connecting Azerbaijan to Nakhchivan through Armenia
"Russia is not the only foreign power seeking to interfere" per AG GarlandSays seeing "increasingly aggressive" activity by Iran
1 week atrás
Al-Sisi: The crises the region is experiencing confirm the importance of Egyptian-Turkish cooperation
1 week atrás
The USS Georgia, a nuclear-powered submarine which was ordered to the Middle East by the Pentagon last month, is still on its way to the region
Iran summons British charge d'affaires in Tehran over recent UK sanctions on Iran
Israeli security source to Sky News Arabia: We have observed an increase in Iranian efforts to turn the West Bank into a real battlefield
Hezbollah envoy in Tehran met Iran FM, discussing the situation in Lebanon, Gaza and West Bank. Iranian FM said Iran’s support for Resistance front will continue
Comandante da Defesa Aérea Iraniana: Pequeno Drone Destruído Que Tentava Se Aproximar de Reservas Petroquímicas na Cidade de Tabriz
O porta-voz do Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Irã negou a alegação sobre a presença de um oficial militar iraniano na Ucrânia para treinar forças russas como "infundada", acrescentando que "essas alegações infundadas são feitas com base em motivações políticas específicas e contradizem a abordagem do Irã".
Iran's Foreign Minister @Araghchi on Friday met Ali Akbar Velayati, a foreign policy advisor to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and a former foreign minister
Commander of the Iranian Army's Air Defense Forces: We are strengthening our power and monitoring the threat from Israel
U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi missile system and one uncrewed aerial vehicle in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
Borrell: Falei com o Ministro das Relações Exteriores iraniano sobre o envio de armas para a Rússia e ele disse que isso é uma notícia falsa
2 week atrás
The U.N. nuclear watchdog says Iran has further increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels
2 week atrás
IAEA: Iran has not provided an explanation for finding uranium traces at undeclared sites
US State Department Spokesperson: Iran will remain, in our view, the biggest destabilizing factor in the region
2 week atrás
Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Rússia: Biden não cumpriu suas promessas de devolver Washington ao acordo nuclear com o Irã, mas abandonou as negociações sobre ele
An explosion "caused by a gas leak" in an IRGC facility in Iran's Isfahan province has killed one and injured 10 others, the IRGC-affiliated Fars News reported citing a statement by Isfahan's Revolutionary Guard
2 week atrás
O Gabinete do Procurador-Geral da Ucrânia acusou o Brigadeiro-General do Corpo da Guarda Revolucionária Islâmica do Irã Sharif Molasarei Abbas Moussa (na ausência). O general é suspeito de liderar um grupo de instrutores iranianos que treinaram os militares russos para usar os drones Shahed-136 e Mohajer-6 contra a Ucrânia e participaram de seu lançamento da Crimeia ocupada
Iran's UN mission: Houthis agreed to temporary truce to allow Qatari boats, rescue ships to reach oil tanker Sonion in Red Sea