17 Setembro 2024
Parliament Spokesman: Iranian President Nominates Abbas Araghchi as Foreign Minister
Um novo NOTAM alerta os pilotos para evitar voar sobre uma área próxima à base aérea iraniana de Nojeh em Hamadan das 04:30 às 14:30 UTC diariamente, de 11 a 14 de agosto de 2024, devido a tiros programados. A área afetada se estende do solo até 10.000 pés acima do nível médio do mar. O Irã não deixou claro quais exercícios militares estão planejados para serem realizados na área, mas a Reuters informou na sexta-feira que dezenas de militares russos estão sendo treinados no Irã para usar o sistema de mísseis balísticos de curto alcance Fath-360. Em 2016, o Irã concedeu à Rússia permissão para conduzir operações aéreas na Síria a partir da mesma base aérea em Hamadan, e parece um cenário provável que o pessoal russo esteja usando a base aérea de Nojeh novamente, desta vez para fins de treinamento1 mês atrás
Um novo NOTAM alerta os pilotos para evitar voar sobre uma área próxima à base aérea iraniana de Nojeh em Hamadan das 04:30 às 14:30 UTC diariamente, de 11 a 14 de agosto de 2024, devido a tiros programados. A área afetada se estende do solo até 10.000 pés acima do nível médio do mar. O Irã não deixou claro quais exercícios militares estão planejados para serem realizados na área, mas a Reuters informou na sexta-feira que dezenas de militares russos estão sendo treinados no Irã para usar o sistema de mísseis balísticos de curto alcance Fath-360. Em 2016, o Irã concedeu à Rússia permissão para conduzir operações aéreas na Síria a partir da mesma base aérea em Hamadan, e parece um cenário provável que o pessoal russo esteja usando a base aérea de Nojeh novamente, desta vez para fins de treinamento
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Official to Reuters: US and coalition soldiers injured in yesterday's attack in Syria
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Jordanian Foreign Minister: We informed Iran and Israel that we will shoot down any target in the skies of Jordan
Barack Ravid for Axios: Israeli and US official believe that there are high chances Hezbollah will begin its "retaliation" today.
A suicide drone attack targets the US base Kharab al-Jir in the countryside of Hasakah, and the coalition forces shoot down another plane that tried to target the base1 mês atrás
A suicide drone attack targets the US base Kharab al-Jir" in the countryside of Hasakah, and the coalition forces shoot down another plane that tried to target the base
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A drone attack has targeted Kharab al-Jir base, a US military installation in the suburbs of Al-Hasakah in northeastern Syria
Iran is set to carry out an order by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to "harshly punish" Israel over the assassination of a Hamas leader in Tehran, a Revolutionary Guards deputy commander was quoted as saying on Friday by local news agencies
2 fontes de inteligência europeias disseram à Reuters que dezenas de militares russos estão sendo treinados no Irã para usar o sistema de mísseis balísticos de curto alcance Fath-360, acrescentando que esperavam a entrega iminente de centenas de armas guiadas por satélite para a Rússia para sua guerra na Ucrânia. Acredita-se que representantes do Ministério da Defesa russo tenham assinado um contrato em 13 de dezembro em Teerã com autoridades iranianas para o Fath-360 e outro sistema de mísseis balísticos
Israeli Chief of Staff: We are more prepared for any Iranian response than before
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Jordanian Foreign Ministry: Safadi stressed in a call with Blinken that stopping the aggression on Gaza is the first step towards de-escalation
Iran’s new president Pezeshkian is battling the IRGC in an attempt to prevent all-out war with Israel, according to The Telegraph. Top generals in IRGC are insisting on a direct strike on Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities, focusing on military bases to avoid civilian casualties, in response to the killing of Hamas leader Haniyeh in Tehran. But Pezeshkian has suggested targeting "secret Israeli bases" in Iran’s neighbouring countries, as it did in the past, before the first-ever direct attack on Israel in April
Russia prohibits carriers from flying over Israeli airspace between 22:00 UTC and 04:00 UTC from tonight until August 16th1 mês atrás
Russia prohibits carriers from flying over Israeli airspace between 22:00 UTC and 04:00 UTC from tonight until August 16th
IRGC Quds Force: Choosing Sinwar as Hamas leader is 'logical' because he is the most influential
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O Ministro da Defesa Yoav Gallant falou durante a noite com seu colega americano, o Secretário de Defesa dos EUA Lloyd Austin, na quarta ligação desse tipo na semana passada. "Gallant informou o secretário sobre a prontidão operacional do exército israelense para defender Israel contra o Irã e seus representantes na região", diz seu gabinete.
U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed two Iranian-backed Houthi anti-ship cruise missiles and one Houthi ground control station in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen. Additionally, USCENTCOM forces successfully destroyed one Houthi uncrewed surface vessel in the Red Sea
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US official: We see absolutely no legitimate basis for Iran to launch a military attack against Israel
Successive explosions in the Shayrat Airport area in the eastern countryside of Homs
WSJ: The U.S. has warned Iran that its newly elected government and economy could suffer a devastating blow if it were to mount a major attack against Israel
US State Department: Iran's escalation, if it occurs, will negatively affect efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement in Gaza
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Axios, citing sources: Commander of US Central Command, General Michael Corella, visits Israel for the second time in a week
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The Italian Prime Minister urges the Iranian President to avoid escalation in the region
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Commander of the US Fifth Fleet: Houthi arsenal is more powerful than it was a decade ago
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Cypriot government spokesman confirmed that his country is "ready to provide support for the evacuation of EU citizens in the event of the escalation in the Middle East."
Anas Haqqani, a prominent member of the Islamic Emirate, wrote on X that xenophobia and the violation of the human rights of Afghan migrants are unacceptable.Referring to the publicized torture of an Afghan migrant in Iran by a security officer, Haqqani expressed hope that this type of behavior will be stopped and held accountable. Nevertheless, Anas Haqqani thanked the host countries, especially the neighboring countries, for their hospitality and for providing asylum and he urged Afghan migrants to return to Afghanistan1 mês atrás
Anas Haqqani, a prominent member of the Islamic Emirate, wrote on X that xenophobia and the violation of the human rights of Afghan migrants are unacceptable.Referring to the publicized torture of an Afghan migrant in Iran by a security officer, Haqqani expressed hope that "this type of behavior will be stopped and held accountable. "Nevertheless, Anas Haqqani thanked the host countries, especially the neighboring countries, for their hospitality and for providing asylum and he urged Afghan migrants to return to Afghanistan
As part of the US assessments of Iranian revenge and fear of a regional war: 12 F-22 Raptor stealth aircraft, one of the most advanced air superiority aircraft in the world, are making their way to the Middle East. The planes are accompanied by at least 3 American refuelers.1 mês atrás
As part of the US assessments of Iranian revenge and fear of a regional war: 12 F-22 "Raptor" stealth aircraft, one of the most advanced air superiority aircraft in the world, are making their way to the Middle East. The planes are accompanied by at least 3 American refuelers.
Iran’s Foreign Ministry says Tehran's response to Haniyeh's killing will be “costly for Israel”
Iranian Pouya Air Il-76 Cargo (EP-PUS) from Tehran landed in Khmeimim Air Base, Syria this morning, transponders turned off all the way1 mês atrás
Iranian Pouya Air Il-76 Cargo (EP-PUS) from Tehran landed in Khmeimim Air Base, Syria this morning, transponders turned off all the way
Iranian security source: Joint training of the army and the Revolutionary Guard has begun in the western and central regions
The commander of the Belarusian Air Force arrived today for a special visit to Iran where he met with his Iranian counterpart