8 Сентябрь 2024
1 год назад
Putin on Thursday announced that a delegation of 80 large Russian companies will visit Iran next week, state-owned news agency RIA reported
1 год назад
Иран подписал меморандум о вступлении в Шанхайскую организацию сотрудничества
U.S. announces new Iran sanctions over cyberattacks
1 год назад
Pashinyan called Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi
Defense Minister Gantz to envoys of UN Security Council and Abraham Accords counties: Iran has tripled enrichment rate at Fordo underground site, doubled amount of advanced centrifuges at Natanz1 год назад
Defense Minister Gantz to envoys of UN Security Council and Abraham Accords counties: Iran has tripled enrichment rate at Fordo underground site, doubled amount of advanced centrifuges at Natanz
В Купянском районе обнаружены обломки иранского беспилотника Shahed-136 №M214, переименованного в Geran-2.1 год назад
В Купянском районе обнаружены обломки иранского беспилотника Shahed-136 №M214, переименованного в Geran-2.
1 год назад
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 72 km N of Tabas, Iran
1 год назад
IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmaeil Qa'ani has arrived in Iraq on foot as part of Arbaeen pilgrimage, Sabereen News, a Telegram channel close to IRGC proxies, reported Monday night
Defense Minister Gantz reveals a map of military facilities across Syria he alleges are used to manufacture precision missiles by Iran for Hezbollah1 год назад
Defense Minister Gantz reveals a map of military facilities across Syria he alleges are used to manufacture precision missiles by Iran for Hezbollah
Israel's Mossad head says dozens of Iranian plots abroad were recently foiled
1 год назад
Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Calls on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) not to succumb to Israeli pressure
1 год назад
Bloomberg on the Greek Federation of Merchant Seafarers: Iran has released the crews of two Greek tankers it detained last May
Israel thinks that at the current point in time no nuclear deal is going to be signed before the U.S. midterm elections on November 8th, a Senior Israeli official said in a briefing with reporters
PM Lapid on Israeli strikes in Syria: "Israel is working to prevent Iran from establishing terrorist bases throughout the Middle East and especially in Syria. I want to emphasize from here, Israel will not allow Syria to be used as an axis for the transfer of weapons to terrorist organizations, and will not accept the establishment of Iranian bases or militia bases on our northern border."
1 год назад
Albania says it has suffered a second cyber attack from Iran
1 год назад
New statement from the E3 on Iran, saying its new demands "raises serious doubts as to Iran's intentions and commitment to a successful outcome on the JCPoA
1 год назад
Iran IRGC military forces seize foreign ship in Persian Gulf for smuggling diesel
1 год назад
Reuters: 4 people arrested in a security operation against an Iranian drug smuggling gang
U.S. imposes sanctions on Iran over cyber activities, cyberattack on Albania
.@USTreasury announces new sanctions against Iran: One Iranian national and three Iranian companies targeted for IRGC links. A fourth Iranian company was designated for "service activities incidental to air transportation [Russia-EO14024]
White House: NATO members will decide how to respond to cyber attacks from Iran after the attack on Albania, including activating Article 5
The White House: Washington will take additional measures against Iran after the cyber attack on Albania, a NATO member
White House: The United States condemns the Iranian cyber attack against Albania
Albania's prime minister announces the severing of diplomatic relations with Iran after a cyberattack. This happened around the time of the MEK conference, which had to be cancelled as well due to a terror threat2 год назад
Albania's prime minister announces the severing of diplomatic relations with Iran after a cyberattack. This happened around the time of the MEK conference, which had to be cancelled as well due to a terror threat
2 год назад
Albania announces the end of diplomatic ties with Iran and orders all Iranian diplomats and embassy staff to leave the country within the next 24 hours over cyberattacks - Albanian PM Edi Rama
Оглашение телефонного разговора между @POTUS и @trussliz сегодня, в обсуждениях участвует Иран.
Israeli sources confirm that the raids on Aleppo are aimed at preventing arms shipments from Iran
2 год назад
Khamenei: Our nations didn't know the enemy during colonialism. They didn't have strong determination to confront the colonialists. They didn't have someone like our noble Imam Khomeini to guide them. Today, these exist. Islamic countries' elites are truly prepared today; so are the people
2 год назад
Khamenei: In the light of the soft power and hard power capacities that exist in the world of Islam, there is also definitely the ability to stop and push back the Arrogant Powers of the world
2 год назад
Israeli Prime Minister: We are ready for any threat and any scenario to deal with Iran