16 Сентябрь 2024
Two tankers have had their environmental and safety certifications withdrawn after @UANI's research showed that they had shipped cargoes of Iran oil, documents seen by Reuters show
2 год назад
Senior EU official says we are on the right track for final agreement in Iran nuclear talks in Vienna
Iran chief negotiator @Bagheri_Kani met EU's @enriquemora_ and Russia chief negotiator @Amb_Ulyanov today on Friday2 год назад
Iran chief negotiator @Bagheri_Kani met EU's @enriquemora_ and Russia chief negotiator @Amb_Ulyanov today on Friday
2 год назад
Блинкен говорит, что они с Лавровым также обсудили ядерные переговоры с Ираном и "короткое окно", оставшееся для достижения прогресса.
SDF forces have detained at least 89 ISIS militants around the al-Sina prison this morning. Clashes between SDF forces and ISIS sleeper cells in the vicinity of the al-Giweiran neighbourhood are continuing
2 год назад
Россия, Китай и Иран отработали операцию по борьбе с пиратством на учениях CHIRU 2022 в Оманском заливе, сообщили в Минобороны РФ.
The coalition: - The start of precise air strikes to destroy the capabilities of the Houthi militia in Hodeidah - The port of Hodeidah is the artery for smuggling Iranian weapons to the Houthis and a source of threat to the freedom of maritime navigation. Hodeidah port, Yemen
Ongoing raids throughout Gheiran neighborhood by HAT to track down escaped prisoners
2 год назад
.@SecBlinken says 'it's a matter of weeks' in terms of timeframe for determining if Iran nuclear talks should/can continue
Iran FM @Amirabdolahian met Russia FM Lavrov in Moscow2 год назад
Iran FM @Amirabdolahian met Russia FM Lavrov in Moscow
Israeli Defense Minister: An international effort must address Iranian aggression and the nuclear file
2 год назад
В январе-феврале ВМС России проведут обучение всем флотам. 140 судов, 60 самолетов, 10 000 военнослужащих
2 год назад
Iranian President: There are clear prospects for improving relations with Russia at all levels
2 год назад
Лавров проведет 20 января переговоры с главой МИД Ирана Хосейном Амиром Абдоллахияном, который находится в Москве в рамках визита в Россию президента Ирана Эбрахима Раиси, сообщила Захарова.
2 год назад
Russia, Iran and China to hold joint naval drills on Friday
2 год назад
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 92 km ESE of Qom, Iran
Biden: It is not time to abandon the nuclear negotiations in Vienna
Biden: There is no time to lose hope in the Iranian nuclear negotiations and progress has been made
On Iran deal, US President Joe Biden says "it's not time to give up," and that "there is some progress being made
2 год назад
Putin during his meeting with the Iranian President: Our intervention in Syria helped contain the "terrorist organizations"
2 год назад
Президент Ирана Эбрагим Раиси к Путину: мы могли бы создать синергию против Запада, США, мы сопротивляемся американцам 40 лет
2 год назад
Путин встретился с президентом Ирана Эбрагимом Раисом в Москве. Обсуждали ядерное соглашение, ситуацию в Афганистане
2 год назад
Дипломатическая встреча "четверки" в Берлине в четверг: министр иностранных дел США Энтони Блинкен, Германия Анналена Бербок, Франция Жан-Ив Ле Дриан и Лиз Трасс из Великобритании встретятся для обсуждения напряженности с Россией, а также ядерного соглашения с Ираном.
Iran, EU and E3 negotiators are now meeting in Palais Coburg in Vienna2 год назад
Iran, EU and E3 negotiators are now meeting in Palais Coburg in Vienna
Opposite the Tehran municipality this morning: Firefighters protest on the anniversary of Plasco building collapse which killed dozens2 год назад
Opposite the Tehran municipality this morning: Firefighters protest on the anniversary of Plasco building collapse which killed dozens
Iran president Raisi has arrived in Moscow for a two-day visit. He will meet Russia president Putin today on Wednesday2 год назад
Iran president Raisi has arrived in Moscow for a two-day visit. He will meet Russia president Putin today on Wednesday
Jan. 19 - Tehran, Iran  A large rally was held today by Tehran firefighters outside the Tehran Municipality to express their economic woes. If our problem isn't solved, this scene will repeat itself. they chant2 год назад
Jan. 19 - Tehran, Iran A large rally was held today by Tehran firefighters outside the Tehran Municipality to express their economic woes. "If our problem isn't solved, this scene will repeat itself." they chant
2 год назад
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 21 km NW of Dogonbadan, Iran
2 год назад
Reports of two explosions in the Al-Mayadin desert reverberated throughout the region. The sounds are coming from the side of Al-Rahba Castle, which is under the control of the Iranian militias
2 год назад
The UAE sent a letter to the United Nations Security Council UNSC condemning the Houthi attack on AbuDhabi, which killed three people, and claiming that the Iran-backed militia "spreads terrorism" in the region