17 Сентябрь 2024
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The White House, in a statement, says Biden discussed “new defensive U.S. military deployments” to support Israel defending against threats when he spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
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Iranian Fars Agency: Investigations confirmed that Israel planned and carried out the assassination of Haniyeh
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President Biden spoke on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and discussed the recent escalation in the region, U.S. official tells
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Axios, according to American officials: We expect Iran's response to be in the same style as its attack on Israel on April 13, but perhaps it will be broader in scope.
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Axios, according to American officials: The U.S. military is making preparations similar to those they made before the Iranian attack on Israel in April
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U.S. officials told Axios: Intelligence services have clear signals that Iran will respond
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Axios, citing American officials: The United States is preparing to repel an Iranian attack on Israel within days
As the threat of retaliation by Iran against Israel looms this week, Jordan has issued a NOTAM requiring all flights to the country carry an additional 45 minutes of fuel for “operational reason.”1 месяц назад
As the threat of retaliation by Iran against Israel looms this week, Jordan has issued a NOTAM requiring all flights to the country carry an additional 45 minutes of fuel for “operational reason.”
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The Iranian President appoints Mohammad Javad Zarif as his special assistant for strategic affairs
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Israeli army spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said in a press briefing that there was no Israeli airstrike or missile attack anywhere in the Middle East on Tuesday other than the one in Beirut. He added that in the last year Iran worked on smuggling sophisticated explosive devices to terror groups in the West Bank
Ismail Haniyeh's dead body arrives in Doha, Qatar1 месяц назад
Ismail Haniyeh's dead body arrives in Doha, Qatar
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Russian Foreign Ministry: We condemn the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and consider it a dangerous escalation
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Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah: When Iranians talk about the assassination of Haniyeh, they consider that the incident harmed their sovereignty, national security, prestige and honor. We, on all support fronts, have now entered a new phase, and its escalation depends on the behavior and response of the enemy.
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Nasrallah: Among the dead in the targeting of the building in Haret Hreik, Commander Fouad Shukr, and an Iranian martyr, in addition to dozens of wounded.
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United Nations: We must work to prevent the entire Middle East from heading to the brink of abyss
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Иранский чиновник сообщил Reuters: Хаменеи будет присутствовать на встрече с представителями "Оси сопротивления".
Iran’s acting FM had a phone call with Oman FM, discussing the assassination of Hamas chief in Tehran. Bagheri said that Israel has seriously endangered regional stability and security by “crossing all red lines and violating Iran’s territorial integrity and national security”1 месяц назад
Iran’s acting FM had a phone call with Oman FM, discussing the assassination of Hamas chief in Tehran. Bagheri said that Israel has seriously endangered regional stability and security by “crossing all red lines and violating Iran’s territorial integrity and national security”
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Top Iranian officials will meet the representatives of Iran's regional allies from Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen on Thursday to discuss potential retaliation against Israel after the killing of the Hamas leader in Tehran, five sources told Reuters
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Blinken to CNN: The Middle East is headed toward more conflict, and we urge all parties not to take escalatory measures
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Israeli air defense systems are highly prepared to intercept any threat from Lebanon, while Air Force fighters fly over the country's airspace.
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Acting Iranian Foreign Minister: Iran will not give up its right to respond
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Iran's Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei led funeral prayers for the Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran
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Iran's representative: Haniyeh's assassination is a violation of international law and Iranian sovereignty
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The U.S. envoy to the Security Council: Iran's arming of groups in Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq destabilizes the region
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Ynet reporting the Strauss ice cream factory in Acre was instructed by the Home Front Command to halt operations. The plant uses ammonia gas. Other factories using hazardous materials were instructed to empty reservoirs too
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China's representative before the Security Council: China strongly condemns the assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran, which is an attempt to sabotage peace efforts
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Iranian media reporting IRGC "military advisor" Milad Bedi was killed in the strike in Beirut yesterday
Geolocation of the building in northern Tehran where Ismail Haniyeh was reportedly assassinated: 35.81931, 51.41559. An Iranian official shared the image with @farnazfassihi, and it is circulating on Telegram. Green cloth and rubble is visible on the east side of the building1 месяц назад
Geolocation of the building in northern Tehran where Ismail Haniyeh was reportedly assassinated: 35.81931, 51.41559. An Iranian official shared the image with @farnazfassihi, and it is circulating on Telegram. Green cloth and rubble is visible on the east side of the building
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Iran’s supreme leader has issued an order for Iran to strike Israel directly following the assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran, according to three Iranian officials briefed on the order - NYT
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Commander of the Israeli Air Force, General Tomer Bar: "There is no point too far for us to attack"
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US State Department: We will take all measures to protect our personnel and interests in the Middle East
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Netanyahu: ”Today we have targeted all of our enemies…Challenging days are ahead of us, you will need to gather patience and courage… We will not abandon the citizens of the north and will not allow to prolongue their suffering.”
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The UN Security Council holds an emergency session following the assassination of Haniyeh
A letter today from Iran to the UN SecurityCouncil  This act could not have occurred without the authorization and intelligence support of the U.S1 месяц назад
A letter today from Iran to the UN SecurityCouncil "This act could not have occurred without the authorization and intelligence support of the U.S
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Hezbollah and Iranian militias in the Sayyida Zeinab area in the southern Damascus countryside are completely closing the entrances and exits of the city at the present time
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UAE Foreign Ministry: We express our deep concern about the escalation in the Middle East
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Hamas leader Khalil al-Hayya: There are no divisions within the movement following Haniyeh's assassination
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Hamas leader Khalil Al-Hayya: Israel's assassination of Ismail Haniyeh aims to ignite the entire region
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US says it sanctioned 5 people and 7 entities based in Iran and China that have facilitated procurements of critical components for Iran’s ballistic missile and UAV programs
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Israeli security cabinet meeting underway