3 years agoEarthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 92 km ESE of Qom, Iran
3 years agoBiden: It is not time to abandon the nuclear negotiations in Vienna
3 years agoBiden: There is no time to lose hope in the Iranian nuclear negotiations and progress has been made
3 years agoOn Iran deal, US President Joe Biden says "it's not time to give up," and that "there is some progress being made
3 years agoPutin during his meeting with the Iranian President: Our intervention in Syria helped contain the "terrorist organizations"
3 years agoПрезидент Ірану Ебрагім Раїсі до Путіна: ми могли б створити синергію проти Заходу, США, ми чинимо опір американцям 40 років
3 years agoПутін зустрівся з президентом Ірану Ебрагімом Раїсі в Москві. Обговорювали ядерну угоду, ситуацію в Афганістані
3 years agoДипломатична зустріч "четвірки" в Берліні в четвер: міністр закордонних справ США Ентоні Блінкен, Німеччина Анналена Бербок, Франція Жан-Ів Ле Дріан і Ліз Трасс з Великобританії зустрінуться для обговорення напруженості з Росією, а також ядерної угоди з Іраном.
3 years agoIran, EU and E3 negotiators are now meeting in Palais Coburg in Vienna
3 years agoOpposite the Tehran municipality this morning: Firefighters protest on the anniversary of Plasco building collapse which killed dozens
3 years agoIran president Raisi has arrived in Moscow for a two-day visit. He will meet Russia president Putin today on Wednesday
3 years agoJan. 19 - Tehran, Iran A large rally was held today by Tehran firefighters outside the Tehran Municipality to express their economic woes. "If our problem isn't solved, this scene will repeat itself." they chant
3 years agoEarthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 21 km NW of Dogonbadan, Iran
3 years agoReports of two explosions in the Al-Mayadin desert reverberated throughout the region. The sounds are coming from the side of Al-Rahba Castle, which is under the control of the Iranian militias
3 years agoThe UAE sent a letter to the United Nations Security Council UNSC condemning the Houthi attack on AbuDhabi, which killed three people, and claiming that the Iran-backed militia "spreads terrorism" in the region
3 years agoПутін прийме президента Ірану Раїсі в Москві в середу: Кремль
3 years agoSeveral airstrikes on Iran-backed Houthi positions in Sana'a, Yemen
3 years agoHaving returned from Tehran, Iran chief negotiator @Bagheri_Kani is now meeting EU and E3 negotiators in Palais Coburg
3 years agoСергій Лавров обговорив телефоном з главою МЗС Ірану ситуацію з ядерною угодою в контексті відновлених переговорів у Відні, - повідомили в МЗС РФ.
3 years agoIran FM spokesman (on Iran-Saudi talks): The focus is on launching Iran's OIC representation in Jeddah.As president Raisi had earlier noted, Iran is ready to reopen embassy in SaudiArabia & that depends on Saudi side. We'll consider all arrangements for this to be implemented
3 years agoIran's Foreign Ministry spokesman in press briefing: I advise US Secretary of State @SecBlinken to do all he can to make Plan A work, because Plan B won't be interesting to any country. Every country has its own Plan B, and ours may not be much interesting to them
3 years agoThe arrival of the commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Esmail Ghaani, to Najaf
3 years agoРадник США з національної безпеки: Ми сповнені рішучості не дати Ірану отримати ядерну зброю, але час закінчується
3 years agoIran: All offices in the city of Fahraj were closed due to severe storms and an increase in fine dust which significantly reduced the radius of visibility on the Fahraj-Zahedan axis. The storm also blocked the Fahraj-Zahedan axis for 4 hours.
3 years agoIran's former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave a harsh interview against Taliban to Aamaj News: "Taliban are a serious threat to the world, China, Russia and Pakistan will regret supporting Taliban"
3 years agoPutin to host Iran's Raisi. Russian President Putin will host his Iranian counterpart Raisi for talks in Moscow next week as Russia tries to help salvage a nuclear deal between world powers and Tehran, state television channel Rossiya-1 reported on Sunday. - Reuters -
3 years agoA massive demonstration at the Al-Salihiya crossing, and a large number of demonstrators gathered in the Al-Ma'amal area at the Ma'bbar, calling for the International Coalition and SDF to capture the seven villages from Assad's forces and Iran's militias. The demonstrators are from the villages of the northern Deir Ezzor countryside known as the Seven Villages in the Jazirah region.
3 years agoWorking Group on sanctions lifting meeting right now at Coburg. More meetings scheduled for today. Success of ViennaTalks on JCPOA is still uncertain, what's only logical in such a complex negotiation
3 years agoReports of AA activity in Kermanshah province, (Javanrud and Thalath baba jani), witnesses reported At least 3 blasts
3 years agoLarge-scale Iranian air defence drill in Kermanshah Province, explosions and AA guns heard firing into the sky