19 Septembrie 2024
4 o săptămână înapoi
U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed an Iranian-backed Houthi surface-to-air missile and radar system in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
4 o săptămână înapoi
Iranian military denies Fars News Agency report that 'bad weather and overload' caused helicopter crash
4 o săptămână înapoi
Netanyahu from the North: We are ready for any scenario, whether in defense or attack
4 o săptămână înapoi
The USS Abraham Lincoln, an aircraft carrier bound for the Middle East, and associated warships in its strike group are now in the Indian Ocean
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Fars News Agency: The crash of the plane of former Iranian President Raisi was caused by weather and weight
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Reuters: Iranian parliament approves Abbas Araghchi as foreign minister
Israel's army and security services confirms the killing of a senior Fatah official in Lebanon, who was linked to Iran's efforts to flood the West Bank with weapons4 o săptămână înapoi
Israel's army and security services confirms the killing of a senior Fatah official in Lebanon, who was linked to Iran's efforts to flood the West Bank with weapons
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Ismail Haniyeh's son to Asharq: The guided missile that killed my father targeted his room directly
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Ismail Haniyeh's son to Asharq: My father was killed by a 7.5 kg missile, according to investigations
Iranian authorities issued a NOTAM for Rocket launches to take place east of Tehran between August 22-24. Most likely exercises4 o săptămână înapoi
Iranian authorities issued a NOTAM for Rocket launches to take place east of Tehran between August 22-24. Most likely exercises
4 o săptămână înapoi
A bus carrying Pakistani pilgrims overturned in the central Iranian province of Yazd, killing 28 passengers and injuring another 23 people, state media reported on Wednesday. The accident was caused by a technical defect in the bus braking system, according to preliminary data
4 o săptămână înapoi
The National newspaper quoting sources in one of the armed groups in Iraq: Militias linked to Iran say the truce with the United States is over
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German Foreign Ministry summons Iranian ambassador in Berlin
4 o săptămână înapoi
IRGC: Political developments have nothing to do with our right to respond to Israel
4 o săptămână înapoi
Iran's IRGC spokesperson says the 'waiting period for Iran's retaliation' against Israel could be long @Reuters
Iran hosted a meeting with its proxies in the region on Thursday in Tehran. Attendees included Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Houthis of Yemen, and various Iraqi militias. Purpose was to discuss response to assassination of Ismail Haniya
The US government has concluded the Iranian government is behind the hack and leak operation targeting Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and also attempted to target the Biden-Harris campaign, CN reported Monday citing the FBI and other US intelligence agencies. The FBI in recent days briefed the former president on their preliminary findings, after news organizations reported receiving documents believed to have come from an account belonging to a senior Trump campaign official
Deir Ezzor, Eastern Countryside: Helicopters belonging to the International Coalition fly at low altitude over areas controlled by the "SDF" in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor
1 lună înapoi
Iran: Gaza cease-fire and Iran's retaliation are separate
Iranian Foreign Ministry: We do not consider the United States an "honest mediator" in Gaza ceasefire talks
Iran: Illogical to ask Iran for self-restraint against Israel
Iranian Foreign Ministry: We do not seek to escalate tension in the region and support efforts to cease fire in Gaza
Iran: Salutăm orice efort onest pentru încetarea focului în Gaza
Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman: Ceasefire in Gaza is Necessary
U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
Netanyahu: Israel is ready to confront any threat, whether in defense or attack
1 lună înapoi
British and French Foreign Ministers: Any Iranian attack will have devastating consequences
1 lună înapoi
Egyptian Foreign Minister Discusses Gaza Ceasefire Efforts with Iranian Counterpart
Iran-backed militias evacuate headquarters in Albukamal countryside
Reporterii oficiali ai administrației înalte spun că o lovitură iraniană asupra Israelului ar putea aduce „consecințe cataclismice": „Un atac militar major - nu s-a întâmplat nimic care să justifice un astfel de act. Suntem pregătiți să contracarăm și să apărăm Israelul, dacă ar avea loc. Dar, de asemenea, i-am încuraja pe iranieni - și știu că mulți sunt - să nu meargă pe acest drum, deoarece consecințele ar putea fi destul de cataclismice, în special, pentru Iran".