19 Septembrie 2024
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Commander of the Iranian Army's Air Defense Forces: We are strengthening our power and monitoring the threat from Israel
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U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi missile system and one uncrewed aerial vehicle in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
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Borrell: M-am adresat ministrului iranian de externe despre trimiterea de arme în Rusia și i-a spus că aceasta este o știre falsă
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The U.N. nuclear watchdog says Iran has further increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels
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IAEA: Iran has not provided an explanation for finding uranium traces at undeclared sites
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US State Department Spokesperson: Iran will remain, in our view, the biggest destabilizing factor in the region
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Ministerul rus de Externe: Biden nu și-a îndeplinit promisiunile de a returna Washingtonul la acordul nuclear cu Iranul, ci a abandonat mai degrabă negocierile asupra acestuia
An explosion caused by a gas leak in an IRGC facility in Iran's Isfahan province has killed one and injured 10 others, the IRGC-affiliated Fars News reported citing a statement by Isfahan's Revolutionary Guard3 o săptămână înapoi
An explosion "caused by a gas leak" in an IRGC facility in Iran's Isfahan province has killed one and injured 10 others, the IRGC-affiliated Fars News reported citing a statement by Isfahan's Revolutionary Guard
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Biroul Procurorului General al Ucrainei l-a acuzat pe generalul de brigadă al Corpului Gărzii Revoluționare Islamice din Iran pe Sharif Molasarei Abbas Moussa (în absență). Generalul este suspectat că a condus un grup de instructori iranieni care au antrenat armata rusă să folosească drone Shahed-136 și Mohajer-6 împotriva Ucrainei și au participat la lansarea acestora din Crimeea ocupată.
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Iran's UN mission: Houthis agreed to temporary truce to allow Qatari boats, rescue ships to reach oil tanker Sonion in Red Sea
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MTV information: A meeting was held hours ago at the Pentagon, bringing together Arab military attachés in Washington, including the Lebanese military attaché at the Lebanese embassy.
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US State Department: Iran is not cooperating with the IAEA
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CIA deputy director David Cohen says Hamas leader in Gaza Yhaya Sinwar is the decision maker regarding hostage and ceasefire deal - not Iran
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President Masoud Pezeshkian is set to make his first foreign visit to Baghdad in mid-September, as announced by the Iranian ambassador to Iraq
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Israeli Foreign Minister: Iran is working to build a terror front in the West Bank against Israel based on the Gaza and Lebanon model
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Israeli FM: The Israeli army is working intensively from tonight in the Jenin and Tulkarm refugee camps to thwart Islamic-Iranian terrorist infrastructures that have been established there. Iran is working to establish an eastern terrorist front against Israel in the West Bank, according to the Gaza and Lebanon model, by financing and arming militants and smuggling advanced weapons from Jordan. We must deal with the threat just as we deal with the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza, including the temporary evacuation of Palestinian residents and whatever steps are required. This is a war for everything and we must win it.
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Iranian Deputy Defense Minister says their revenge for Haniyeh's assassination will be “sudden and proportionate”, and Israel “must live in a state of psychological anxiety”
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NSC spokesperson John Kirby says Iran is “postured and poised” to attack Israel, says US has warned Iran not to attack, will help defend Israel if Iran does
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The Spokesman for the White House National Security Council, John Kirby has stated that Iran is now preparing for an Attack against Israel, and that the United States will aid in the Defense of Israel if or when the Attack occurs
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Israeli Defense Minister to US Chief of Staff: Iran Must Be Prevented from Possessing Nuclear Weapons
Defense Minister Gallant in a meeting with U.S. Chief of Staff Brown and Chief of Staff Halevi: Iranian aggression is breaking records, to counter it we must promote joint cross-border capabilities in all theaters of war.3 o săptămână înapoi
Defense Minister Gallant in a meeting with U.S. Chief of Staff Brown and Chief of Staff Halevi: "Iranian aggression is breaking records, to counter it we must promote joint cross-border capabilities in all theaters of war."
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The Pentagon continues to assess that there is a threat of attack against Israel by Iran and its proxies, even after the events of this weekend
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Iran’s Chief of Staff says Haniyeh's assassination in Tehran is something that “cannot be forgotten” and the revenge for it is “inevitable” and that the retaliation may be carried out by “the Axis of Resistance or by Iran”
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Qatari Foreign Ministry: Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs discussed with Iranian Foreign Minister the situation in Gaza and developments in mediation efforts
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Iranian, Qatari Foreign Ministers Hold Talks in Tehran
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Iranian Foreign Ministry says Hezbollah attack yesterday made Israel lose its 'deterrent power'
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Iranian FM to Italian counterpart: Tehran does not seek to increase tensions but is not afraid of them
Alerts for a possible drone infiltration in the southern Golan Heights3 o săptămână înapoi
Alerts for a possible drone infiltration in the southern Golan Heights
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Iranian Foreign Minister: Our response to the Israeli attack in Tehran will be decisive and well-calculated
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American Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke by phone with Defense Minister Gallant and informed him that he had ordered the two American aircraft carriers and their aid ships to remain in the Middle East at this time to help defend Israel