29 Juni 2024
Iran president says Tehran will not allow the slightest change in the geopolitics of the Caucasus region. On recent conflict, he said, “The tension between Azerbaijan and Armenia is not accepted at all. The issue can be resolved through dialogue”
Iran has canceled all flights to Armenia and Azerbaijan
Iran and Russia defense ministers met in Tehran. Another top Iranian military commander said the document for long term cooperation between Iran and Russia is being prepared and that it has strong military and defense dimensions
Der russische Verteidigungsminister Schoigu werde sich heute in Teheran mit Vertretern des Kommandos der iranischen Streitkräfte treffen, behauptet die Agentur Tasnim.
President Biden this morning “held an emotional call with the families of the seven American citizens who are returning home to the United States from Iran. Each family member who joined the call spoke with the President. The White House is also pleased"
9 Monat zuvor
Plane carrying 5 Iranian Americans prisoners freed by Iran has arrived in Doha as part of a prisoner swap with America
Plane carrying 5 freed Americans in prisoner exchange with Iran departs Tehran for Qatar
Iran says frozen funds transferred from South Korea to Qatar
Iranian media: The incident of unidentified objects falling in the city of Gorgan was the result of testing a missile system by the Ministry of Defense
Iran hopes prisoner swap with US will go ahead Monday: FM spokesman
Iran confirms a drone crashed in the Golestan Province. The political deputy of the Golestan region Governor said the drone crashed at around 9:00 AM and pieces of the drone fell in some areas of Gorgan *
Reuters: A Qatari plane in Iran is preparing to transport 5 Americans who will be released and two of their relatives to Doha today.
@USTreasury sanction 29 individuals & entities connected to Iran's suppression of protests after the death of Mahsa Amini at the hands of Tehran's Morality Police. Targets include:-18 members of the IRGC & LEF; -Fars, Tasnim & PressTV news outlets; -3 senior officials
The White House: The new sanctions on Iran are linked to human rights violations
Live metrics show a significant disruption to internet connectivity in Zahedan, Iran; the incident continues the weekly pattern of regional internet shutdowns targeting anti-government protests, and comes on the eve of the anniversary of Mahsa Amini's death
9 Monat zuvor
Iran's IRGC has seized two foreign oil tankers, flying the flags of Panama and Tanzania, accusing them of smuggling over 1.5 million liters of fuel in the Persian Gulf
9 Monat zuvor
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) carried out a missile test of advanced Barak MX air defense system in Azerbaijan, shooting down a ballistic missile. The company said it recently carried out the operational demonstration without saying where it was carried out. But the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense said it had carried out an air defense firing drill in which the Ildirim 8-ER (believed to be the local name of the Barak MX) was used to shoot down a ballistic missile
The head of the Iranian General Staff assured the Azerbaijani Defense Minister that Tehran is not amassing military equipment on the border
Iran FM, in a joint presser with Iraq FM, said that they had “important discussion on full implementation of Tehran-Baghdad security agreement”, adding “Iraqi FM gave good information regarding the relocation of terrorist groups near the border with Iran”. Iran FM (in a joint presser with Iraq FM): We had important discussions on bilateral and regional issues as well as the full implementation of Tehran-Baghdad security agreement. Iraq FM today gave good information on moving terrorist groups away from the border with Iran
.@StateDeptSpox says the US will be watching the Iranian funds transferred to Qatar closely to make sure they are only spent on humanitarian goods and will "have the ability to freeze them again if we need to."
Iraq FM is expected to visit Iran tomorrow on Wednesday as the deadline on the implementation of the Baghdad-Tehran security agreement on Iraqi Kurdistan region nears. Iraq FM will visit Iran tomorrow on Wednesday. Bilateral relations, regional and int'l issues are expected to be discussed in his visit to Tehran. The visit transpires as September 19 deadline regarding Tehran-Baghdad security agreement on Iraqi Kurdistan region looms
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant reveals that Iran is establishing an airport in southern Lebanon, 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the Israeli border, which is being used “for terror purposes.” Gallant says the airport is being built in the Qalaat Jabbour mountain region. “In the pictures, you can see the Iranian flag flying over the runways, from which the Ayatollah government plans to operate against the citizens of Israel,” Gallant says9 Monat zuvor
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant reveals that Iran is establishing an airport in southern Lebanon, 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the Israeli border, which is being used “for terror purposes.” Gallant says the airport is being built in the Qalaat Jabbour mountain region. “In the pictures, you can see the Iranian flag flying over the runways, from which the Ayatollah government plans to operate against the citizens of Israel,” Gallant says
9 Monat zuvor
The Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency expresses his dissatisfaction with what he considers "disdain" of Iran's nuclear escalation in light of the reduction in tensions between Tehran and Washington.
Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kenani: (US-Armenia joint exercise) US forces have never sought to provide security. Everywhere they have gone they have caused instability and security problems.The problems in the region must be solved by the countries of the region. We see the presence of extra-regional forces in the region as contrary to stability and security
NATO's deputy chief says defense alliance very worried about Iran-Russia partnership, wants to bolster cooperation with Israel
Warningwarning Confirmed: An internet disruption has been registered in Iran for the second night in a row from ~1:00 am local time; Network data show connectivity falling down to 71% of ordinary levels
Mossad-Direktor David Barnea sagt, Iran habe die Absicht gehabt, Russland zusätzlich zu den verkauften UAVs auch mit Kurz- und Langstreckenraketen zu versorgen. Dies sei vereitelt worden, sagt er. „Sie haben die Absicht, andere Waffen zu verkaufen, die ebenfalls vereitelt werden. Wir befürchten, dass die Russen im Gegenzug fortschrittliche Waffen an die Iraner weitergeben werden, was sicherlich unseren Frieden und vielleicht sogar unsere Existenz hier gefährden wird."
Iran President had a phone call with Iraq PM, saying Tehran will not tolerate "movements by terrorist and separatist groups", a reference to Kurdish opposition groups in Iraqi Kurdistan. Iraqi PM said the country is committed to the fight against elements threatening security
.@TheJusticeDept announced Friday the successful disruption of a multimillion-dollar shipment of crude oil by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that was bound for another country, after seizure of over 980,000 barrels of crude oil carried by Suez Rajan
9 Monat zuvor
Iranian media: 3 people were killed in an explosion at the Arad Koh waste treatment plant in the capital, Tehran