22 Oktober 2024
German police detain Iranian suspected of planning 'Islamist-motivated' attack
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: My strong advice to Commander-in-Chief of the Police Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Radan, is that he should seek the Almighty God's satisfaction & also the satisfaction of the dear people when protecting security & ensuring public welfare
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: Imam Khamenei appoints Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Radan as Commander-in-Chief of the Police Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran
AFP: Iran executes two people for participating in protests
Protest in Zahedan, Sistan Baluchistan, Iran, today
Iranian militias mobilized in Al-Mayadin, left their HQs for fear of being targeted by warplanes.
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: The West has broken all moral & human boundaries & seeks to normalize & legalize all sins that are forbidden in all religions. Prohibitions on homosexuality, etc. are not limited to Islam. These are strictly forbidden in all religions. They legalize these & are not even ashamed
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Khamenei: Some said unrestricted relations between men & women in the West would make men sexually indifferent & prevent sexual crimes. But it's become worse & men's appetites have grown 100 times, leading to various types of sexual corruption & them breaking all moral & human boundaries
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Khamenei: The ultimate disgrace of the West is that despite the problems in their society such as sexual slavery and the female sex trade, they claim to be the flag bearers of women's rights
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Khamenei: Even now women are paid less than men for doing the same work in many Western countries. Women are being misused. Under the pretext of women's emancipation in the 19th and 20th centuries, women were pulled out from their homes to work in factories with lower wages
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: In the West's capitalistic system, it was the men who were managing the economy, trade deals, & such. Thus, men have priority over women in the capitalistic system. Since capital is more in the hands of men, men have a higher priority
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: The West's capitalistic system is dominated by men. In capitalism, capital is something higher than humanity. Humanity is being used to serve capital. Thus, any human being who can generate and accumulate more capital is more valuable
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Khamenei: Imam Khamenei met with a number of mothers and exemplary women who are active in cultural, social, academic, and scientific fields today, days before the anniversary of the birth of Lady Fatimah Zahra (pbuh), which is Women's Day in Iran
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: Martyr Soleimani revived the Resistance. There was a time when the Palestinians used to fight using stones. Compare this with the situation in Palestine today. Are the current situations in Gaza and in the West Bank the same as before
1 Jahr zuvor
Eric Edelman and Ray Takeyh argue that the Biden administration should help #IranRevolution2022 by 1) leaving #IranTalks and enforcing sanctions 2) helping communication of protesters via Starlink and other ways 3) Funding broadcasting to #Iran
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: The issue of science and scientific progress is a common discourse in the country. Scientific progress and crossing scientific boundaries should not be forgotten due to focusing on religious and revolutionary issues to such an extent that scientific advancement is neglected
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: Some principles & concepts are constant & eternal, like the principle of justice, which has existed for thousands of years & never becomes obsolete. But it is possible to bring about changes & use new ways in administering justice
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: The new idea brought by the Islamic Republic is that religious principles and faith are also influential in the formation of a government in addition to the people's role
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: Imam Khamenei met with some of the members of the Union of Islamic Students Associations in Europe today
Tehran, Iran Protesters in the capital's Tehranpars district used Molotov cocktails in an attack targeting a site of the paramilitary Basij units
Suspect wielding machete attacks NYPD officers near Times Square
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: The activities of the Commander of the IRGC Quds Force, General Qaani, are praiseworthy. Thank God, the void created by the departure of General Soleimani has been filled in many instances
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: One of General Soleimani's major accomplishments was stopping ISIS and severing many of their roots
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Khamenei: Palestinians have made progress against the Zionists, & the Resistance has attained results in Iraq, Syria & Yemen. Using his experience in the Sacred Defense & the advice of people, General Soleimani relied on domestic resources to strengthen the Resistance in these countries
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: Martyr Soleimani brought new life to the Resistance Front. His material, spiritual, & moral support protected, fortified, & revived this eternal, growing phenomenon of "Resistance" against the Zionist government, the influence of the US & against other Arrogant states
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: General Soleimani was brave, faithful, responsible, and intelligent. His sincerity was the best of his qualities, and it is why God has made him so highly respected and honoured in this world. His reward in the other world is unfathomable to human beings' minds
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: Today, Imam Khamenei met with members of the Headquarters for Commemoration of the Suicide attack of General Soleimani and the General's family. The Leader's statements in this meeting will be published in minutes
Javanrud, W Iran   Security forces opened fire on protesters today in Javandrud. Social media reports say one protester was shot and killed1 Jahr zuvor
Javanrud, W Iran Security forces opened fire on protesters today in Javandrud. Social media reports say one protester was shot and killed
Rudsar, N Iran Protesters in Ghadir Square continued the nationwide anti-government protests on the 106th night of the uprising. They also established roadblocks
Death toll from nationwide protests in Iran over death of a young woman in police custody has risen to 476, according to a rights group