30 June 2024
Rudsar, N Iran Protesters in Ghadir Square continued the nationwide anti-government protests on the 106th night of the uprising. They also established roadblocks
Death toll from nationwide protests in Iran over death of a young woman in police custody has risen to 476, according to a rights group
Tabriz, NW Iran Locals gathered to mark the 40th day of Aylar Haghi's murder by security forces began chanting: "We're all together and we'll fight to the end."
Tabriz, NW Iran: "Khamenei is a murderer and his rule is illegitimate." locals chanted to mark the 40th day of the killing of Aylar Haghi by security forces
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 55 km NNE of Tabas, Iran
South Korea and the United States are considering staging their first large-scale, joint live-fire drills in six years in 2023 as Seoul and Washington strengthen security coordination against North Korea
Iranian Foreign Ministry: We have repeatedly responded to Kyiv's baseless accusations regarding the alleged drone issue
U.S. has sanctioned Iran's attorney general Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, the chief of the Basij Cyberspace Headquarters, the commander of IRGC forces in Tehran Hassan Hassanzadeh, among others
Sanandaj, western Iran: Protesters are establishing roadblocks and chanting: "Death to Khamenei." "Death to the dictator
Netblocks: Internet service disruption lasted for two days in Iranian Kurdistan
1 year ago
Khamenei: The US clearly admitted they created ISIS. Then they hold up the flag of human rights and speak about human rights & the rights of women. They have been disgraced in the Shahcheragh terrorist attack
1 year ago
Khamenei: The enemy's culpability in the Shahcheragh tragedy differs from many terrorist attacks. Sometimes, a military or political group is the target. That's different. Here, they struck a number of pilgrims who were seeking nearness to God. It wasn't a political target or a battle
1 year ago
British Defense Secretary: Russia intends to provide Iran with modern military equipment in exchange for drones
UN Human Rights Council president Federico Villegas has appointed the members of the recently established Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran: - Sara Hossain of Bangladesh (chair) - Shaheen Sardar Ali of Pakistan - Viviana Krsticevic of Argentina
1 year ago
Khamenei: The tragic terrorist attack in the holy shrine of Shahcheragh made hearts grieve, but it will remain permanently in Iran's history. The hands behind this heinous act, the US who created Daesh, must be exposed
1 year ago
Khamenei: In addition to Daesh who carried out the terrorist attack in the Shahcheragh shrine, the main backers & creators of Daesh, US & allies, were partners in this crime. They deceitfully hoist the flag of human rights in words, but in practice, they create dangerous terrorist groups
1 year ago
Khamenei: Imam Khamenei met with families of dead of Shahcheragh terrorist attack
Israeli Defense Minister: Iran poses a threat first to the world and the region, and then to Israel
30 of 35 Russian drones were shot down overnight
At least 39 protesters are currently at risk of execution or being sentenced to death in Iran, the Oslo-based human rights group @IHRights has warned
1 year ago
Khamenei: I offer my condolences to the honorable family of the martyr and all the people of Baluchestan, especially the people of Khash and Iranshahr. I ask God to bestow His mercy on all of us
1 year ago
Khamenei: The villains who committed this crime are disgraceful mercenaries who are at the service of the enemies of the welfare of our Baluch countrymen & the unity of Iranian ethnic groups. The responsible government agencies must quickly & sternly pursue & punish the criminals
1 year ago
Khamenei: The tragic kidnapping of Mr. Molawi Abdulwahid Rigi (may God bestow His mercy on him) and the suicide attack of this courageous, benevolent cleric has brought my sorrow and grief
1 year ago
UK sanctions Russian military commanders, Iranian businessmen
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 46 km NNE of Tabas, Iran
1 year ago
German Foreign Minister: We have frozen the assets of those targeted by sanctions against Iran
1 year ago
German Foreign Minister: European sanctions targeted leaders in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard
Iranian Foreign Ministry: We believe in ensuring regional security across the countries of the region, and we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs
At 7 am this morning the family of Majidreza Rahnavard was called by government officials and told that he was executed, and that his body was buried as a cemetry in Tehran, according to @1500tasvir
Josep Borrell: The European Union will agree to tough sanctions against Iran