5 July 2024
An Israeli hacker group shut down the Iranian state-controlled Fars News Agency on Sunday night. according to foreign reports
Tehran tonight. Night 9 of nation wide Iran Protests now IranRevolution - a bonfire of hijabs with women saying: "We don't want an Islamic Republic"
Borrell: Repression of protesters in Iran is unjustified and unacceptable
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 58 km NNE of Bandar Abbas, Iran
Iranians protesting today in Kermanshah
Iranian News Agency: The Norwegian ambassador to Tehran was summoned due to the interference of the Speaker of the Norwegian Parliament in Iran's internal affairs
Protesters toss Molotov cocktails at government forces in Qom, Iran
A video circulating of shooting at protesters in Ahvas, Iran
Large protests continous across Iran tonight. This video is from Tehran
United States is sanctioning Iran's so-called "Morality" Police responsible for the death of Mahsa Amini
The wreckage of a failed Iranian kamikaze UAV Shahed-136 with the number M229 in Nikopol1 year ago
The wreckage of a failed Iranian kamikaze UAV "Shahed-136" with the number M229 in Nikopol
The official death toll from the protests in Iran has risen to 17
Police vehicle torched in Sirjan1 year ago
Police vehicle torched in Sirjan
Another police vehicle torched by protesters in Tabriz, Iran
Netblocks: "Iran is now subject to the most severe internet restrictions since Nov 2019 massacre. Mobile networks largely shut down (MCI, Rightel, Irancell - partial). Regional disruptions observed during protests. Instagram, WhatsApp restricted
Iran has been restricted WhatsApp amid the protests over the death of MahsaAmini: NetBlocks
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 7 km SE of Khowy, Iran
At least six killed in protests in Iran triggered by the death of a 22-year-old woman in police custody, local sources report
Iranian President: We do not seek to make or obtain nuclear weapons, and these weapons have no place in our faith
Activists: Clashes between students and university security in Tehran
The street sign in Tehran reading "Hijab Street" has been defaced with the name of Mahsa Amini by Iranian protesters
Hundred of Iranian gathered in Istanbul over the death last week of a 22-year-old woman in police custody. The protesters chanted slogans against Khamenei and the hijab laws.   Footage: Taksim, Istanbul. 20 of September1 year ago
Hundred of Iranian gathered in Istanbul over the death last week of a 22-year-old woman in police custody. The protesters chanted slogans against Khamenei and the hijab laws. Footage: Taksim, Istanbul. 20 of September
1 year ago
Khamenei: In the issue of reporting, the enemy tries to act opposite to the truth. The result of being overcome by the enemy's fake grandeur & splendor in the political realm is fearing the enemy, & in the cultural sphere this brings humiliation & low self-esteem in facing the enemy
1 year ago
Khamenei: Today, the military status of the country & the security achieved due to it has reached a level where the country is deterring foreign threats. The Administration & the Parliament should know that backing the Armed Forces is something mandatory
1 year ago
Khamenei: The enemy imposed maximum pressure, but they failed. The enemy designed a project for a "New Middle East", but they failed. The enemy started transgressing our borders from air & sea, but they failed. All of their failures are due to the Iranian nation's spirit of resistance
1 year ago
Khamenei: The 1980-1988 Sacred Defense proved a principle to the Iranian nation. That principle is that safeguarding the country & deterring the enemies' tampering is achieved through resistance, not submission
1 year ago
Khamenei: They couldn't tolerate that a nation didn't fear the US. So they wanted to take revenge on Iran. They tried striking blows such as attempts at coups, the Tabas aerial attacks, & inciting ethnic groups, but they failed. So they started a military war from a neighboring country
1 year ago
Khamenei: World's Arrogant Powers were behind Saddam in his war on Iran, because they were enraged by the Islamic Revolution. The Revolution wasn't merely a temporary political defeat for the Arrogant Powers. It was a threat to the domineering system of global imperialism
1 year ago
Khamenei: There was a time we asserted that all the world powers such as the West, NATO, etc. are fighting us. The war on Iran was an international war. This was our assertion those days. Today, they themselves publish the documents & proofs, & you can see their admissions & testimonies
Tehran, Iran government security forces open fire and take footage of protesters in the country's capital