11 March 2025
2 year ago
Khamenei: I send my greetings to the souls of Palestinian dead & Palestinians taken captive but resisting with a firm willpower. I call on the world of Islam, especially the youth, to participate in this field. Our concluding call is: "All praise is due to God, the Lord of the worlds"
2 year ago
Khamenei: Some Arab govts have asked US to accelerate solving the Palestinian issue. If by that they mean U.S. should remove obstacles in the way of the Zionist government, before it leaves the region, then they have been 1stly traitorous & 2ndly naïve because the blind can't lead the blind
2 year ago
Khamenei: Iran advocates and supports the camp of Resistance. It advocates and supports the Palestinian Resistance. We have always said this, we have always acted on this, and we have stood by it
2 year ago
Khamenei: You self-sacrificing youth in WestBank & 1948 lands, you fighters in Jenin & Quds & Gaza & the residents of Palestinian camps outside of Palestine are important parts of the Resistance. Greetings be on you. Know that, "Verily God will defend those who believe" [Quran, 22:38]
2 year ago
Khamenei: Resistance fights against intl terrorism, helps the resistant people of Yemen in the war imposed on them, wrestles with Zionist usurpers in Palestine & will bring them to their knees by God's grace. It also highlights the issue of Quds & Palestine for global public opinion
2 year ago
Khamenei: Resistance formation in West Asia has been region's most blessed phenomenon. It was the Resistance that managed to cleanse Lebanon's occupied territories of Zionists pollution, pull Iraq out of US clutches, save Iraq from ISIS & assist Syria against US schemes
2 year ago
Khamenei: On the issues of Muslim world, with Palestine on top, we cannot & must not rely on these racist, hostile powers. Only with the power that comes from resistance, originated in Quranic teachings can one resolve Muslim world's issues & the issue of Palestine
2 year ago
Khamenei: The liars in Europe & US who make extravagant claims about human rights & who created a commotion on the issue of Ukraine keep totally silent in the face of all these crimes in Palestine. Not only do they not defend the people, they also help that bloodthirsty wolf
2 year ago
Khamenei: Even though the Zionistgovernment is out of breath, it continues to commit crimes and kill people with its weapons. It murders unarmed women, children, the elderly and the youth. It imprisons and tortures them, destroys houses and demolishes farms and property
2 year ago
Khamenei: Recent years' incidents in Palestine annuls all schemes for compromise with Zionist government; as no plan for Palestine is implementable with out its owners, Palestinians' consent. So all former pacts e.g. OsloAccords, DealoftheCentury & attempts for normalization have been nullified
2 year ago
Khamenei: Palestinians' jihadi moves in the northern & southern parts of the 1948 lands, the massive rallies in Jordan & Eastern Quds, the brave defense of AlAqsa Mosque by Palestinian youth & the military maneuvers in Gaza show that all of Palestine has become an arena of resistance
2 year ago
Khamenei: Polls show that almost 70% of the Palestinians in the 1948 and 1967 lands and in the surrounding camps encourage the Palestinian leaders to carry out attacks on the Zionistgovernment. This signifies the complete preparedness of the Palestinians to confront the usurping government
2 year ago
Khamenei: The activities in Jenin have enraged the Zionist government to the point of madness. This is while 20 years ago, the usurping government killed 200 ppl in Jenin refugee camp in response to the death of a few Zionists in Nahariya, with the purpose of forever concluding the Jenin matter
2 year ago
Khamenei: The Zionist government is wallowing in a network of political & military problems. The former butcher & criminal who headed that government was thrown into the dustbin of history following the epic at Saif al-Quds. Every hour his current successors await the sharp blade of another epic
2 year ago
Khamenei: Today the usurping government's biggest supporter, the U.S., has suffered consecutive defeats: in Afghanistan, in its maximum pressure policy against Iran, in trying to control world's economy & in its domestic management & the deep rift inside the U.S. establishment
2 year ago
Khamenei: Everything signals a new equation in Palestine's present & future. Today an "invincible willpower" in Palestine & West Asia has replaced the "invincible army" of the Zionists. Today, that criminal army has been forced to turn its aggressive formation into a defensive one
2 year ago
Khamenei: The Palestinian nation is showing every day that it has stood up & will stand up against the oppressor with an exemplary courage. Palestinian youth have acted as a defensive shield for Palestine with their self-sacrificing activities and they are harbingers of a different future
2 year ago
Khamenei: Once more, QudsDay has arrived. Holy Quds calls all Muslims in the world. The truth is that as long as the usurping, criminal Zionist government is dominating over Quds, all days of the year should be considered to be Quds Day
2 year ago
Khamenei: Greetings to all Muslim brothers and sisters throughout the world. Greetings to the youth of the world of Islam. Greetings to the courageous, zealous youth of Palestine and upon all the people of Palestine
2 year ago
Khamenei: Ayatollah Khamenei's statements on the occasion of the International QudsDay coming in a few hours. A part of this speech will be in Arabic and addresses the Islamic Ummah and the Palestinian Nation
2 year ago
Khamenei: QudsDay is a good opportunity for showing solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine & increasing their strength. Unfortunately, Muslim states are not doing enough at all. Many don't take any action, & some don't even speak up in support of the Palestinian people
Conflict in Saravan-Rasht Police repressive forces injured the demonstrators by shooting shotguns
Rasht, N Iran: Video shows long convoys of security forces on their way to Saravan in Rasht, N Iran to suppress peaceful locals who were protesting the use of their region as a garbage dump. Iran Protests
Mehran Gharabaghi was arrested on Jan. 18, 2020, in Behbahan on charges of moharebeh & corruption on earth. He will stand trial on June 30, in the first branch of the Mahshahr Revolutionary Court. He is being held in the  Central Prison Ahwaz, SW Iran2 year ago
Mehran Gharabaghi was arrested on Jan. 18, 2020, in Behbahan on charges of "moharebeh" & "corruption on earth." He will stand trial on June 30, in the first branch of the Mahshahr Revolutionary Court. He is being held in the Central Prison Ahwaz, SW Iran
White House spokeswoman: We keep the Israelis informed of the course of negotiations with Iran
The White House expresses its concern that Iran will develop a nuclear weapon within weeks
2 year ago
Khamenei: This year's QudsDay is different from other years. The Palestinians have been making great sacrifices both during last year's and this year's Ramadan. The Zionist government is committing the worst crimes, & the US & Europe are supporting them
2 year ago
Khamenei: Palestine is both oppressed and powerful; it's an oppressed power. I said the same about Iran many years ago. Palestine is truly strong today. The Palestinian youth do not allow the question of Palestine to be forgotten & they're standing up in opposition to the enemy's crimes
2 year ago
Khamenei: The US is getting weaker day by day – from within, in its domestic policies, in its foreign policies, in its economy and in its security. The US has become weaker since 20 years ago and continuing up until today
2 year ago
Khamenei: On the eve of a probable NewWorldOrder, all countries including Iran have a duty to be active in the fields of both soft & hard power such that they can ensure their nation's interests & security. The most important duty is on the shoulders of the university students