29 June 2024
2 month ago
The Kremlin: Everyone must exercise restraint to ensure that stability in the Middle East is not destabilized
2 month ago
The Russian presidency calls on Iran and Israel to exercise "restraint"
2 month ago
The Kremlin: The Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus violated all principles of international law
The foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Iraq spoke today on the phone with Iran's foreign minister and discussed regional tensions. A source with direct knowledge said the Arab foreign ministers spoke to their Iranian counterpart after they received calls from White House Middle East czar Brett McGurk, who asked them to convey a message to Iran of the need to de-escalate the situation with Israel
2 month ago
CENTCOM Commander Gen. Erik Kurilla is expected to visit Israel on Thursday to coordinate around a possible attack on Israel by Iran and its proxies, two Israeli officials said. — Axios via @BarakRavid
Iran and UAE FMs had a phone call over Gaza and bilateral relations
2 month ago
Reuters: German Lufthansa airlines suspends its flights to and from Tehran until tomorrow, Thursday, due to the current situation in the Middle East
Iran’s foreign minister in a message expressed condolences to Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh over death of his sons and grandchildren in Israeli attack
BIDEN at press conference: "We also want to address the Iranian threat to launch a significant-they're threatening to launch a significant attack in Israel. As I told Prime Minister Netanyahu, our commitment to Israel security against these threats from Iran and its proxies is iron clad. Let me say it again, iron clad - all we can to protect Israel's security."
U.S. believes Iran and proxies preparing missile and drone strikes against government targets in Israel - Bloomberg
Israeli War Council member Benny Gantz: We will enter Rafah and call for an U.S.-led regional alliance against Iran
Gantz: Iran is well aware that if it attacks Israel, we will respond immediately
Amid threats by Iran to respond to the alleged assassination by Israel of two generals among several Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officers in Syria's Damascus, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says any attack on the country will face a strong defense, before a "powerful response in its territory."
Israeli Foreign Minister warns of crisis in the Middle East: "If Iran attacks from its territory, Israel will react and attack"
Iran's leader: When they attack the consulate and the embassy, it is as if they have attacked our soil. Israeli government made a mistake. It must and will be punished
2 month ago
USS Mason destroyed an inbound anti-ship ballistic missile today launched by Iran -backed Houthis from Yemen over the GulfofAden The ASBM was likely targeting the MV Yorktown, a U.S.-flagged, U.S.-owned vessel being escorted by USS Laboon & USS Mason, per @CENTCOM
8 Syrians working within the Iranian Revolutionary Guard were killed in an attack on their headquarters in Al-Mayadeen
Iranian FM Hossein Amir-Abdollahian will travel to New York to attend the UN Security Council meeting on Palestine scheduled for April 18
Iran says Israeli presence in UAE is a threat
Jaish al-Adl claims responsibility for the attack that led to the death of 5 Iranian policemen in eastern Iran
CENTCOM: On Apr. 4, 2024, the U.S. government transferred over 5,000 AK-47s, machine guns, sniper rifles, RPG-7s and over 500,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition to the Ukrainian armed forces. This constitutes enough materiel to equip one UKR BDE with small arms rifles.  These weapons will help Ukraine defend against Russia’s invasion. The government obtained ownership of these munitions on December 1, 2023, through the Department of Justice’s civil forfeiture claims against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).2 month ago
CENTCOM: On Apr. 4, 2024, the U.S. government transferred over 5,000 AK-47s, machine guns, sniper rifles, RPG-7s and over 500,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition to the Ukrainian armed forces. This constitutes enough materiel to equip one UKR BDE with small arms rifles. These weapons will help Ukraine defend against Russia’s invasion. The government obtained ownership of these munitions on December 1, 2023, through the Department of Justice’s civil forfeiture claims against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
CENTCOM: Between approximately 12:15 p.m. and 2:40 p.m. (Sanaa time) on April 8, United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully engaged and destroyed an air defense system with two missiles ready to launch, a ground control station in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, and one unmanned aerial system launched by Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists from Yemen over the Red Sea. There were no injuries or damage reported by U.S., coalition, or commercial ships. Separately, at approximately 8:00 a.m. (Sanaa time) on April 7, an anti-ship ballistic missile was launched from a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen toward the Gulf of Aden where a coalition ship was escorting M/V Hope Island, a Marshall Islands Flagged, U.K. owned, Italian operated cargo ship. There were no injuries or damage reported by U.S., coalition, or commercial ships.
CNN reports that "U.S. intelligence assesses that Iran has urged several of its proxy militia groups to simultaneously launch a large-scale attack against Israel, using drones and missiles, and that they could attack as soon as this week."
Iran's nuclear chief said that the country will host its first international nuclear energy conference in May in Isfahan
Iranian Foreign Minister: We confirm that the coming days will be difficult for Israel
Iran FM: Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad Al-Nakhalah had high-level talks and significant consultations recently in Tehran
Iranian Foreign Minister: U.S. bears part of the responsibility for the consulate attack, and Israel will be punished
Iranian Foreign Minister: Punishing Israel is certain and it will receive the necessary response
Iranian Foreign Minister: Israel's war on Gaza comes with American support and we are coordinating with Hamas and Islamic Jihad
Syrian Foreign Minister: Israel's actions are evidence of its desire to expand the scope of the war