5 October 2024
Iran president Raisi and Finland FM @Haavisto met today in Tehran. Iranian president said "the ground for an agreement is ready if the sanctions are lifted, and Iran has shown that it is living up to its commitments, but we won't make our country's economy to await the JCPOA"
Yemen's Foreign Minister: The recent Houthi escalation is evidence of Iran's violation of the arms embargo on the militia
2 year ago
Iran's Foreign Minister: Part of the demands for lifting sanctions were not even discussed in the nuclear talks
2 year ago
European coordinator in nuclear talks: Nuclear negotiations need to conclude quickly
2 year ago
Russia's envoy in Vienna: The nuclear negotiations that will resume tomorrow will be in its last stage
2 year ago
Security alert in Qamishli after the assassination of an official in an Iranian militia
2 year ago
The assassination of an official in an Iranian militia in Qamishli
Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Shamkhani says that "an agreement where sanctions forming the maximum pressure are not liftedcannot bea good agreement"
Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander Qaani arrives in Baghdad and meets with the leaders of the Popular Mobilization Forces
2 year ago
Eye of the Euphrates Network: Iranian militias deploy surface-to-surface missiles called "Al-Muhandis" in the eastern countryside of Raqqa, which is under the control of the Assad government.
Israeli Prime Minister: I discussed by phone with President Biden steps to curb Iran's nuclear program
Prime Minister of Israel: I discussed with President Biden the increasing aggression of Iran in the region
.@AlHadath is citing the BBC on Iran "Dozens of Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) commanders detained in Tehran's Evin prison following last year's killing of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh
Israeli Prime Minister: Iran is intensifying its aggressive behavior in the region, coinciding with the Vienna talks
Bennett: Israel will retain freedom of action with Iran, with or without a nuclear deal
Al-Arabiya sources: News of the arrival of the commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to Erbil
Iran's security chief Shamkhani has dismissed the US restoration of sanctions waivers as "a show", saying that unless Tehran "reaps real economic benefits", the move will "not be considered constructive"
2 year ago
Russia's representative in Vienna: Washington's return to nuclear waivers means that negotiations have entered their final stage
Iran says US steps on lifting civilian nuclear program sanctions 'good but not enough'
US waives sanctions on Iran's civil nuclear program
2 year ago
An IRGC military convoy has entered IRGC influenced government areas from Al-Bukamal railway crossing, with the convoy heading towards Imam Ali base and Al-Mayadin and Deir Ez Zor Airbase
2 year ago
Iran - "the central threat around which Central Command is organized" per @CENTCOM's Gen McKenzie Says US-Iran still in a state of "contested deterrence" with Tehran trying to work/inflict suffering below the threshold of what it thinks will provoke US action
Republican leader in the US Senate: Iran's policy aims to get Washington out of the region
Israel Defense Minister and the King of Bahrain sign a defense pact2 year ago
Israel Defense Minister and the King of Bahrain sign a defense pact
An ultralight plane has crashed near the eastern Iranian city of Kashmar, killing both pilots, Iranian media reported on Thursday2 year ago
An ultralight plane has crashed near the eastern Iranian city of Kashmar, killing both pilots, Iranian media reported on Thursday
A suspected Iranian disinformation unit ran an elaborate network on Facebook targeting nationalist and ultra-religious Jews in Israel in an attempt to stoke division and inflame tensions with Palestinians, according to research shared exclusively with BBC
2 year ago
Khamenei: May God bless Moustapha Akkad's soul who to some extent depicted the great character of the honorable Hamza in his movie "The Message" by giving the role to an extremely famous, professional & truly illustrious actor. Of course just to an extent were they able to depict him
2 year ago
Khamenei: The honorable Hamza (pbuh), the Prophet's uncle, is truly an unrecognized, unacknowledged companion of the Prophet (pbuh), although he played a significant role in early Islam. I truly thank those who have thought of honoring this noble figure, Hamza, the Master of the Martyrs
The U.S. is sending advanced jet fighters and a guided-missile destroyer to the UAE to help it counter an escalating threat from Yemen's Houthis after the Iran-backed group launched a series of missiles and drones at the Gulf nation
2 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 8 km NE of Kāzerūn, Iran