4 يوليو 2024
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Pakistan says Iran strikes killed 'two children' and calls attack an 'unprovoked violation' by Tehran. -AP
Pakistan MFA: Pakistan strongly condemns the unprovoked violation of its airspace by Iran and the strike inside Pakistani territory which resulted in the death of two  children while injuring three girls  This violation can have serious consequences, MFA adds5 الشهر منذ
Pakistan MFA: "Pakistan strongly condemns the unprovoked violation of its airspace by Iran and the strike inside Pakistani territory which resulted in the death of two children while injuring three girls" This violation can have serious consequences, MFA adds
البيت الأبيض: نرغب في توقف الهجمات بالبحر الأحمر
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Iran says its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has launched missile and drone attacks inside Pakistan against Sunni Baloch militant group Jaish Al-Adl - Tasnim
Iran’s foreign minister met caretaker prime minister of Pakistan in Switzerland on the sideline of WEF2024. Iran today targeted two sites belonging to a terrorist group in Pakistan5 الشهر منذ
Iran’s foreign minister met caretaker prime minister of Pakistan in Switzerland on the sideline of WEF2024. Iran today targeted two sites belonging to a terrorist group in Pakistan
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Initial Reports of Ballistic Missile Strikes by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps against multiple Locations on the Border between Iran and Pakistan, with several of the Missiles said to have Impacted on Pakistani Territory near the Town of Panjgur
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رئيس وزراء العراق: هجوم أربيل عدوان صريح على البلاد
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رئيس وزراء العراق: نحتفظ بكل الإجراءات الدبلوماسية والقانونية ردا على ضربات إيران في أربيل
During the Davos annual meeting, Kurdistan Region Prime Minister @masrourbarzani and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken held discussions. Blinken conveyed Washington's serious concern regarding the recent attacks on Erbil5 الشهر منذ
During the Davos annual meeting, Kurdistan Region Prime Minister @masrourbarzani and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken held discussions. Blinken conveyed Washington's serious concern regarding the recent attacks on Erbil
USCENTCOM Seizes Iranian Advanced Conventional Weapons Bound for Houthis. On 11 January 2024, while conducting a flag verification, U.S. CENTCOM Navy forces conducted a night-time seizure of a dhow conducting illegal transport of advanced lethal aid from Iran to resupply Houthi forces in Yemen5 الشهر منذ
USCENTCOM Seizes Iranian Advanced Conventional Weapons Bound for Houthis. On 11 January 2024, while conducting a flag verification, U.S. CENTCOM Navy forces conducted a night-time seizure of a dhow conducting illegal transport of advanced lethal aid from Iran to resupply Houthi forces in Yemen
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Iraq recalled its ambassador from Tehran for "further consultations," after the IRGC carried out an attack in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan Region
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المتحدث باسم حماس: يجب على الأمة توسيع ساحة الصراع ردا على المحاولات الأمريكية لمنع ذلك
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رئيس حكومة كردستان العراق: لا نعتقد أن الإرهاب قد انتهى ونحتاج لقوات التحالف
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رئيس حكومة كردستان العراق: نأمل أن تتخذ الحكومة ببغداد كل الإجراءات لمنع تكرار هجمات إيران
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رئيس حكومة كردستان العراق: كل المزاعم الإيرانية لا أساس لها من الصحة
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المرشد الإيراني: اليمنيون قطعوا شرايين إسرائيل الحيوية ولم يهابوا تهديدات الولايات المتحدة
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قائد القوات الجوية في الحرس الثوري: قصفنا المقر إسرائيلي في أربيل بالعراق بـ 11 صاروخا باليستيا
مصادر يمنية: الحوثيون ينقلون دفعة من الصواريخ من صنعاء إلى الحديدة برفقة خبراء من الحرس الثوري الإيراني
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وكالة الأنباء العراقية: وزارة الخارجية تستدعي القائم بالأعمال الإيراني وتسلمه مذكرة احتجاج أدانت فيها الاعتداء على أربيل
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The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) condemns Iran's attack on Erbil on Monday evening, stressing that "attacks, by any side, violating Iraqi sovereignty & territorial integrity must stop." - Statement
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The Iraqi foreign ministry expresses its "strong denunciation and condemnation of the Iranian aggression" against Erbil, saying that Baghdad will take legal measures against Tehran including submitting a compliant to the UN Security Council - Statement
UKMTO has received a report of an incident approximately 57NM North West'of Assab, Eritrea. Authorities are investigating.5 الشهر منذ
UKMTO has received a report of an incident approximately 57NM North West'of Assab, Eritrea. Authorities are investigating.
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Iraqi security sources said one rocket had fallen on the house of a senior Kurdish intelligence official and another on a Kurdish intelligence center. Three had crashed into a prominent Kurdish businessman's home, the sources said, killing him
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Four of Peshraw Dizayi (Giant Kurdish Businessman) family members lost their lives in Iranian missile strike
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U.S. officials say no American facilities have been impacted by missile strikes in Erbil
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At least 4 civilians killed, 5 injured in Iranian missile attack on northern Iraq - K24
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IRGC confirms ballistic missile attack on "spy headquarters" and "gathering of anti-Iranian terrorist groups" in the region
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Explosions as several rockets fell inside Erbil
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مراسل ستيب: دوي 4 انفجارات قوية ومتتالية هزت أرجاء الحدود السورية التركية شمال محافظة إدلب شمال غربي سوريا
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وزير الخارجية الإيراني لنظيره الروسي: "العدوان الأمريكي على اليمن خطأ استراتيجي" (الخارجية الإيرانية)
India’s foreign minister met Iran’s president today in Tehran5 الشهر منذ
India’s foreign minister met Iran’s president today in Tehran
India, Iran sign agreement on further development of Chabahar port
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Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu held telephone conversations with the Minister of Defense and Support of the Armed Forces of Iran. The parties discussed current issues of bilateral military and military-technical cooperation, and exchanged views on regional security issues
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CENTCOM: On Jan. 14 at approximately 4:45 p.m. (Sanaa time), an anti-ship cruise missile was fired from Iranian-backed Houthi militant areas of Yemen toward USS Laboon (DDG 58), which was operating in the Southern Red Sea. The missile was shot down in vicinity of the coast of Hudaydah by U.S. fighter aircraft. There were no injuries or damage reported