22 أكتوبر 2024
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Canada condemns the deadly drone attack against U.S. personnel in Syria and is deeply concerned by its Iranian origin. Our condolences go to the family of the U.S. contractor killed in the attack, and we wish a speedy recovery to the injured
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 39 km ESE of Dehlorān, Iran
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مسؤول أمريكي: إصابة واحدة على الأقل في صفوف قواتنا جراء القصف الصاروخي على قاعدتنا جراء استهداف احدى القواعد العسكرية الأميركية في دير_الزور شرق سوريا
استنفار للميليشيات الإيرانية في بلدتي الميادين و البوكمال شرقي دير الزور، مع إخلاء للمقرات وسط تحليق مكثف لطيران التحالف الدولي بسماء المنطقة
بايدن: الولايات المتحدة لا تسعى للصراع مع إيران لكننا مستعدون لتوجيه ضربات قوية لحماية مواطنينا
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Militant groups believed to be affiliated with Iran have launched another round of rockets targeting US forces near oil and gas fields known as Conoco near Deir Ezzor, US officials tell @NatashaBertrand @OrenCNN. The US is still assessing any damage or casualties
الرئيس الأمريكي بايدن: كان هناك هجوم على قواتنا في سوريا بالأمس من قبل جماعات مدعومة من إيران وقد أعطيت تعليماتي بالرد السريع
تجدد القصف الصاروخي على القاعدة "الأميركية" شرقي دير الزور مع تحليق مكثف للطيران المروحي الامريكي
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U.S. officials are responding to reports that an American contractor was killed, and six others were injured after an Iranian drone strike. The Pentagon says they retaliated with airstrikes on key facilities used by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
SecDef Austin says US intel attributes the drone that killed the American & wounded others in Syria to be of Iranian origin. 2 of the wounded were treated on site, while 3 additional service members & the U.S. contractor were medically evacuated to Iraq. Statement:1 سنة منذ
SecDef Austin says US intel attributes the drone that killed the American & wounded others in Syria to be "of Iranian origin." 2 of the wounded were treated on site, while 3 additional service members & the U.S. contractor were medically evacuated to Iraq. Statement:
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مصادر محلية: ميليشيات موالية لإيران تقصف بالصواريخ قاعدة للقوات الأميركية في حقل العمر شرقي دير_الزور
ديرالزور ذيبان سقوط إحدى الصواريخ التي أطلقها المليشيات الإيرانية من مناطق سيطرتها في المياذين باتجاه حقل العمر النفطي في منزل عيد الكعيران في بلدة ذيبان شرقي ديرالزور.
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 - 13 km SW of Khowy, Iran
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Khamenei: The Quran contains points of wisdom on issues related to individuals and family life, on issues related to governance, and also concerning international relations. We must benefit from the Quran for all these issues
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Khamenei: The Quran is a book for life, a book of wisdom, and a book of teachings. The Quran has lessons for all aspects of life. A person can find tens of fundamental points for one's life on each page of the Quran
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Khamenei: The Quran has a beautiful appearance on the outside, and inside its meaning is deep
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Khamenei: Listening to the Quran is necessary and is not just done for entertainment. Listening to the Quran prepares one to receive divine mercy, and it can acquaint people with divine mercy
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Khamenei: On the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, the month in which the holy Quran was revealed, a luminous meeting for gaining affinity with the Quran was held with Imam Khamenei in attendance today (Thursday)
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5.1 magnitude earthquake. 40 km from Qarnābād, Golestān, Iran
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - Turkmenistan-Iran border region
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Khamenei: We categorically deny any presence in the UkraineWar. They deceitfully claimed that Iran was involved in Ukraine war. This is absolutely false. We are not involved at all
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Khamenei: Our dear people have always shown their presence and support over these many years. All those who supported recent riots received a slap in the face from the people. God willing, the enemies of the people will receive such slaps in the face in the future too
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Khamenei: The enemy says to not listen to the Leader's words since they're repetitive. They're repetitive For years the enemy is loudly saying they want to force the Islamic Republic to its knees. The Leader says they can't do anything at all. This isn't repetition; it's perseverance
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Khamenei: In a HybridWar, the enemy uses the media and cultural, security, and economic elements as well as its influence to bring blockades against the nation, to cause despondency, and to cause a people to ignore their own potential
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Khamenei: Some countries cut their dependence on the US dollar, & their situation improved. Countries under Western sanctions saw their connection to SWIFT, a Western system, cut off. They put the dollar aside & traded in local currencies improving their situation. We must do the same
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Khamenei: The US & Europe wanted to isolate us, but the efforts of the Iranian nation helped us to join some key regional alliances & our ties with regional governments have been strengthened. Stronger ties with Africa and LatinAmerica are a definite part of our plans
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Khamenei: The Islamic Republic has also made progress in foreign relations. The US and Europeans pushed to isolate Iran. But what they did gave the opposite result. Yes, our relations with Westerners were weakened, but relations with Asia became 100% stronger
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Khamenei: The US said the economic pressures they've put on Iran are unprecedented in history. Despite all their lies, they were true on this. But under such circumstances we've progressed in science, technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, health, & in nuclear & aerospace technology
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Khamenei: During recent unrest, US president and heads of states of certain European countries openly offered weapons, & financial & security support to rioters to at least weaken the Islamic Republic. But what happened was the opposite