4 يوليو 2024
10 الشهر منذ
Iran MFA spox says the Iran, US deal on prisoner swap is "progressing", adding "if this is implemented correctly, it can be a constructive step toward taking next steps in a responsible return of the US to the agreement"
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Iran MFA spox: US sends messages for direct talks with Iran to resolve differences & to pave the way for implementation of JCPOA. But new sanctions, seizure & unloading Iran's oil are inconsistent with the messages. This approach is against recent understanding on prisoner swap
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رئيس منظمة الطاقة الذرية الإيرانية: تخصيب طهران لليورانيوم مستمر
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President Cyril Ramsphosa says leaders of the BRICS bloc have decided to invite Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to become full members from 1 January 2024
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Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Alexander Fomin and Commander of the Ground Forces of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran Brigadier General Kiyumars Heydari discussed issues of military cooperation during negotiations in Moscow
Iran unveiled a new drone dubbed Mohajer 10, claiming it has an operational range of 2,000 km10 الشهر منذ
Iran unveiled a new drone dubbed Mohajer 10, claiming it has an operational range of 2,000 km
EU countries have discussed importing Iran gas through Türkiye. Iran Deputy Oil Minister: negotiations are ongoing & have not yet reached a conclusive agreement. Iran will not prevent Turkmenistan gas reaching Turkey via Iran if it wants to transport its own gas to EU10 الشهر منذ
EU countries have discussed importing Iran gas through Türkiye. Iran Deputy Oil Minister: negotiations are ongoing & have not yet reached a conclusive agreement. Iran will not prevent Turkmenistan gas reaching Turkey via Iran if it wants to transport its own gas to EU
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وسائل إعلام إيرانية: متحدث الخارجية الإيرانية يقول إن عملية الإفراج عن الأموال المجمدة ستتم خلال شهرين
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إيران: تبادل السجناء مع الولايات المتحدة قد يستغرق شهرين
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 29 km NW of Gerāsh, Iran
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Putin and Raisi hold call, discuss possible Iran's membership of BRICS: Russian media
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Iran and Saudi Arabia FMs are now meeting in Riyadh
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وزير الخارجية الإيراني: عودة العلاقات الإيرانية المصرية لحالتها العادية على جدول أعمالنا
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بريطانيا: تهديد متزايد في محيط مضيق هرمز وعلى جميع السفن المارة توخي الحذر والإبلاغ عن أي نشاط مريب
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الأسطول الأميركي الخامس لـ"الشرق": ملتزمون بمواجهة تصرفات إيران البحرية التي تزعزع الاستقرار
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محامي: تم نقل 4مواطنين أميركيين تحتجزهم إيران من سجن إيفين بطهران إلى الإقامة الجبرية بفندق في إيران
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Iranian TV: a tanker flying the Panamanian flag catches fire near Iranian shores
Iran FM @Amirabdolahian met president of SouthAfrica today in Pretoria10 الشهر منذ
Iran FM @Amirabdolahian met president of SouthAfrica today in Pretoria
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The CEO of Esfrain Industrial Complex in North Khorasan announced that an explosion occurred in the melting section of this complex and eight people were injured
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Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran has resumed operations, state media in Iran reported Wednesday, following a thaw in ties seven years after the mission was closed
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الخارجية الإيرانية تستدعي سفير بريطانيا في طهران احتجاجا على "تدخله بالشؤون الداخلية" لإيران
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Iran and Srilanka FMs met in Tehran to discuss expansion of economic cooperation and release of prisoners
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Iranian and Syrian foreign ministers met in Tehran today on Monday, July 31
Iran said it will pursue its interests over a disputed natural gas field if Saudi Arabia and Kuwait shun cooperation11 الشهر منذ
Iran said it will pursue its interests over a disputed natural gas field if Saudi Arabia and Kuwait shun cooperation
CENTCOM chief Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla met with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Israeli army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, and other Israeli army officials. According to a readout, they discussed the Iranian threat in the Middle East and cooperation with the US.
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الدفاع الروسية: نائب وزير الدفاع يجري محادثات مع نظيره الإيراني بشأن التعاون العسكري وتطورات الوضع الدوليn
Pro-Iranian militia in Iraq are now urging their followers to target Swedish citizens in Iraq, labeling them as Supporters of Zionism”. Ash’ab al-Kahaf has issued a statement calling on its supporters to aim at Swedish interests & citizens in Iraq11 الشهر منذ
Pro-Iranian militia in Iraq are now urging their followers to target Swedish citizens in Iraq, labeling them as "Supporters of Zionism”. Ash’ab al-Kahaf has issued a statement calling on its supporters to aim at Swedish interests & citizens in Iraq
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رئيس جهاز المخابرات البريطاني: قرار إيران تزويد روسيا بطائرات مسيرة يثير الخلافات في طهران
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وقالت إيران إنها "تحتفظ بموقف محايد في الصراع الأوكراني. الادعاءات المتعلقة بتورط إيران في الوضع الأوكراني لا أساس لها ". كما شددت إيران على "احترام سيادة واستقلال وسلامة أراضي جميع الدول".
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لافروف: لست متفائلا باستئناف العمل بالاتفاق النووي الإيراني