22 أكتوبر 2024
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Turkish Armed Forces dispatched signal jamming systems to Idlib to prevent kamikaze drone attacks by the Assad government and Iranian militias.
The Islamic Republic's security forces have imposed movement restrictions against Iran's former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sources confirmed to @IranIntl. The limitations were imposed after his return from a trip to northern Iran. Ahmadinejad, who's turned into a critic of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's policies in recent years, was recently barred from running for president for the third time in a row4 الشهر منذ
The Islamic Republic's security forces have imposed movement restrictions against Iran's former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sources confirmed to @IranIntl. The limitations were imposed after his return from a trip to northern Iran. Ahmadinejad, who's turned into a critic of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's policies in recent years, was recently barred from running for president for the third time in a row
Strong explosion on Syrian border as an Iraqi ammo depot blew up. It happened in Um Al-Jiban, W. of Sinjar, few km from Syria4 الشهر منذ
Strong explosion on Syrian border as an Iraqi ammo depot blew up. It happened in Um Al-Jiban, W. of Sinjar, few km from Syria
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Ali Bagheri, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, met Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of Hamas, in Doha
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Iran's Supreme Court overturned the death sentence of a football coach accused of sexually assaulting 8 boys. The early teens said he lured them to his house for training and harassed them. Some victims said they were forced into sexual relations with each other and blackmailed
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الخارجية الإيرانية: طهران تحتفظ بحق الرد على قرار كندا إعلان الحرس الثوري "منظمة إرهابية"
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Canada classifies the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization
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واشنطن بوست: مؤشرات لتوسيع إيران العمل داخل منشأة نطنز مما قد يضاعف إنتاج الموقع من اليورانيوم المخصب ثلاث مرات تقريبًا
رئيس حلف شمال الأطلسي @jensstltenberg بعد محادثات مع بلينكن بعد ظهر اليوم: "حرب روسيا في أوكرانيا هي اعتداء وحشي على دولة ديمقراطية مسالمة. هذه الحرب مدعومة من قبل الصين وكوريا الشمالية وإيران. إنهم يريدون رؤية الولايات المتحدة تفشل. إنهم أريد أن أرى الناتو يفشل"
هآرتس: مبعوث الرئيس الأميركي حذر الإسرائيليين من احتمال أن تؤدي الحرب مع حزب الله إلى هجوم إيراني واسع يصعب على إسرائيل التصدي له
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Iran’s acting foreign minister Ali Bagheri Kani arrives in the Kurdistan Region capital of Erbil
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القيادة المركزية: الحوثيون يضربون السفينة Verbena في خليج عدن، وتقوم السفينة الحربية USS Philippine Sea بإجلاء البحارة المصاب طبيًا. أطلق الحوثيون المدعومين من إيران اليوم صاروخين كروز مضادين للسفن (ASCM) في خليج عدن. أصاب كلا الصاروخين سفينة M/V Verbena، وهي ناقلة بضائع ضخمة مملوكة لأوكرانيا وترفع علم بالاو وتديرها بولندا. رست السفينة M/V Verbena مؤخرًا في ماليزيا وكانت في طريقها إلى إيطاليا حاملة مواد بناء خشبية
Kann News reports that the head of the Israeli Nationalsecurity council Tzachi Hanegbi and the minister for strategic affairs Ron Dermer will depart to the US next week to discuss with senior Biden administration affairs the possibility of an all out war with Hezbollah and the Iranian threat
Attacks by Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen are putting a dent in international shipping in the RedSea & GulfofAden per new report from @DefenseIntel Container shipping down 90% despite US, European efforts to blunt Houthi's missile & drone strikes
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IAEA report on Iran seen by Reuters: Iran informed IAEA on June 9 and 10 that eight cascades each containing 174 IR-6 centrifuges would be installed at Fordow enrichment plant over the next 3-4 weeks
Iran’s acting foreign minister met Iraq’s foreign minister in Baghdad4 الشهر منذ
Iran’s acting foreign minister met Iraq’s foreign minister in Baghdad
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وزير الخارجية العراقي: توسيع الحرب بين إسرائيل وحزب الله في لبنان هو خطر على المنطقة كلها
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المستشار العسكري لخامنئي: على الشعب أن ينتخب رئيسا لا يتحدث خلافا للمرشد
On Iran-"The president is prepared to take a whole range of actions to to push back against Iranian aggression in every theater" per @JakeSullivan46 Tehran's support for Hamas "something that we are working to try to choke off"
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Moscow and Tehran are moving forward with their comprehensive bilateral cooperation agreement, despite potential changes to the timeline of specific events, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced on Tuesday. Peskov emphasized Russia's commitment to deepening its relationship with Iran. His remarks followed earlier reports from Russia's RIA state news agency, which suggested that the agreement had been temporarily suspended due to difficulties faced by Iranian partners. However, Iran's ambassador to Moscow, Kazem Jalali denied this claim speaking to Iran’s official news agency IRNA on Tuesday
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قال رئيس القيادة المركزية الأمريكية السابق لإذاعة صوت أمريكا إن روسيا لديها "زواج مصلحة" مما يثير مخاوف بشأن ما قد تقدمه روسيا لإيران مقابل الطائرات بدون طيار والصواريخ. وقال إن الأوكرانيين يجب أن يكونوا قادرين على إطلاق النار في أي مكان داخل روسيا التي تهاجم أوكرانيا "ولكن بحدود معينة
وزير الخارجية الأمريكي: كلما طالت الحرب في غزة، زادت احتمالات اتساع الصراع
7 Israeli air strikes targeted sites in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, near the Syrian border. The Israeli air strikes targeted infrastructure of the Iran-linked Hezbollah group and an arms shipment coming from Syria4 الشهر منذ
7 Israeli air strikes targeted sites in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, near the Syrian border. The Israeli air strikes targeted infrastructure of the Iran-linked Hezbollah group and an arms shipment coming from Syria
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Iran’s former FM Zarif endorses reformist presidential candidate Masoud Pezeshkian. Iran's former Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, has endorsed the reformist presidential candidate Masoud Pezeshkian. Zarif's endorsement came in the form of an X post (tweet) that featured the hashtag "for Iran," echoing a tagline previously utilized by Pezeshkian
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الخارجية الإيرانية: لا توجد مؤشرات على أن الولايات المتحدة جادة بشأن وقف إطلاق النار في غزة
CENTCOM:June 7 Red Sea In the past 24 hours, Iranian-backed Houthis launched four anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBM) from Houthi controlled areas of Yemen over the Red Sea. There were no injuries or damage reported by U.S., coalition, or commercial ships.Additionally, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed four UASs and two ASBMs in Houthi controlled areas of Yemen. USCENTCOM forces also successfully destroyed one UAS launched from a Houthi controlled area of Yemen into the Bab al-Mandab Strait.Separately, USCENTCOM forces successfully destroyed a Houthi patrol boat in the Red Sea.It was determined these systems presented an imminent threat to U.S., coalition forces, and merchant vessels in the region. This action was taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S., coalition, and merchant vessels
The US warned Israel: a "limited operation" in Lebanon could push Iran to intervene
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Yemen's Houthi rebels unveil solid-fuel 'Palestine' missile that resembles Iranian hypersonic
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بيان فرنسي ألماني بريطاني مشترك: نرحب بقرار الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية بشأن إيران
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Iran’s acting president, in a phone call with Azerbaijan’s president, said that the presence of Israel makes the Caucuses region insecure