22 أكتوبر 2024
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 111 km NW of Bandar Abbas, Iran
الخارجية الإيرانية ترفض اتهامات إسرائيلية بأن طهران هاجمت ناقلة نفط في الخليج
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10 Iranians, including judges, in the new EU sanction list, says FM Jean Asselborn of Luxembourg
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إعلام إسرائيلي: البحرية ترفع درجة الجاهزية في البحر الأحمر خوفا من اعتداء إيراني
US Ambassador to Israel says "as Biden has said, we will not stand by & watch Iran get a nuclear weapon, number one. Number two all options are on the table. Number three, Israel can & should do whatever they need to deal with that and we've got their back" - Times of Israel
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دبلوماسيون لبلومبرغ: اكتشاف يورانيوم مخصب بنسبة نقاء 84% في إيران
Syria and Iran condemn repeated Israeli attacks against Syria, the last of which killed five Syrians after midnight on Sunday
Netanyahu stops short of claiming overnight strike. "our efforts unceasing for simple reason Iran's acts of aggression unceasing. Last week, Iran again attacked oil tanker in Persian Gulf, struck at intl freedom of navigation. Yesterday, Iran attacked US base in Syria"
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Khamenei: The devastating earthquake that affected Syria and Turkey was a tragic event. This is something that is related to all Muslims, and truly everyone should feel pained and saddened by such events
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Khamenei: The solution to all problems is returning to Islam, to unity and solidarity between Islamic nations, and to cooperation between Muslim governments in the true sense and not superficially
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Khamenei: Being silent on the Palestinian issue has harmed the Islamic world. This silence of Muslim governments about such an invasion, an invasion on them & the Islamic nation, & then recently they even go along with it, has weakened those countries and caused their subjugation
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Khamenei: Palestine is still a major issue today. A nation, a country, is completely dominated by not ordinary human beings, but by a group of savage, evil, wicked people while Islamic governments just look and watch
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Khamenei: Kindness, affection, sincerity, and cordiality between members of a society is another treasure brought by the appointment of the Prophet so that life in society would be with mercy and magnanimity
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Khamenei: One of the very important lessons and treasures that exists in the appointment of the Prophet is remaining firm and impenetrable when facing ill-wishers. Human societies normally suffer due to the influence of enemies. Do not allow their influence to spread in society
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Khamenei: Resistance is among the treasures that are a part of the appointment of the Prophet (pbuh). Resistance is the key to reaching goals. Whatever goals you have, for this world or the next, it is possible to reach them through persistence & resistance. It's impossible without these
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Khamenei: The Holy Prophet's appointment to prophethood is the greatest gift given to humanity by God. The reason is that his appointment brought never-ending treasures for humanity that can even ensure the felicity of human beings in their lives in this world before the Hereafter
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Khamenei: My congratulations on Eid al-Mab'ath to all the truth-seekers and Muslims of the world. Truth-seekers will definitely be attracted by the message brought by the Prophet if the call of his message is heard by their hearts
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Khamenei: Imam Khamenei met with ambassadors from Islamic countries and Iranian officials earlier today on the occasion of Eid al-Mab'ath, the day when ProphetMuhammad (pbuh) was appointed as the prophet of Islam
مصادر تقول إن إسرائيل كثفت محادثاتها مع السعودية بشأن تطوير علاقات عسكرية واستخباراتية أوثق في ضوء المخاوف المتزايدة بشأن إيران - بلومبرج
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Last Friday, Iranian drones targeted the Campo Square commercial ship owned by an Israeli billionaire in the Arabian Sea causing no serious damage,a US mil official confirms. "The attack was carried out by Iran itself" another military source in the mideast told
Iran's revolutionary guard has attacked an oil tanker owned by an Israeli billionaire with suicide drones, Israeli source confirms - N121 سنة منذ
Iran's revolutionary guard has attacked an oil tanker owned by an Israeli billionaire with suicide drones, Israeli source confirms - N12
مجموعة العمل الخليجية الأميركية: إيران مستمرة في تزويد الحوثيين بصواريخ متقدمة ومسيرات
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Khamenei: Secondly, have other sectors worked less than the defense sector The work done in manufacturing & infrastructure projects, roads, dams, & similar areas is several times more than the work carried out in the defense sector. Much work has been done
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Khamenei: They ask why we've focused our efforts on weapons, drones, missiles, etc. The answer is that firstly, it's necessary: a country that has enemies must think of defending itself. Wisdom requires and Islam tells us, "and prepare against them what force you can"
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Khamenei: The Iranian nation's message on this 22nd of Bahman was their full support of the Islamic Republic. The enemies and the US-Zionist owned global media empire tried to make their voices prevail, but no, they have failed. The Iranian nation's voice has prevailed over other voices
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Khamenei: This year's 22nd of Bahman was historic. Ppl created an epic throughout the country. Enemy's extensive propaganda & provocations, cold weather, & freezing temperatures in some areas all failed to affect the warmth of the Iranian nation. Ppl participated in such a glorious manner
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Khamenei: I admire the Iranian nation for their valuable, widespread participation in this year's walk on the 22nd of Bahman [Feb 11]. I don't consider myself worthy of thanking you. It's God that should thank you. May God blees this effort of the Iranian nation
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Khamenei: Imam Khamenei met with a number of people from Iran's East Azerbaijan Province today, Wednesday morning, three days before the anniversary of the historic uprising of the people of Tabriz against the oppressive Pahlavi government on Feb
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Khamenei: President Ebrahim Raisi met with Imam Khamenei today to report on the scheduled agenda of his imminent trip to China. Imam Khamenei wished the president success
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Opposition groups rally in France demanding EU list Iran's Guards as terrorist group