22 أكتوبر 2024
"يُظهر رسم حكومي رفعت عنه السرية أن الطائرات بدون طيار صُنعت في إيران ، وشُحنت عبر بحر قزوين إلى روسيا - مع ميناء ساعدت إيران في تطويره - ثم نُقلت إلى قاعدتين جويتين"
بلديnوزير الخارجية الأمريكي: إيران تعمل على زعزعة الاستقرار في منطقة الشرق الأوسط
Rough shape of Iran Fattah missile overlayed on picture
IRGC Aerospace Commander Amirali Hajizadeh has tweeted that “on Tuesday the sun will rise with (the launch of a missile called) Fattah.” IRGC-affiliated channels say Iran will probably unveil its first hypersonic missile named Fattah in coming hours
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Grossi in his press brief says the source of 84 percent enriched uranium in Iran was “oscillation,” And that there has been no production or accumulation of highly enriched uranium
بلينكن: أمن منطقة الشرق الأوسط يخدم مصالحنا
UKMTO has been made aware of a MV being approached by 3 small craft, carrying armed personnel in an area 27nm miles north of Mina Saqr1 سنة منذ
UKMTO has been made aware of a MV being approached by 3 small craft, carrying armed personnel in an area 27nm miles north of Mina Saqr
فرض البرلمان الأوكراني عقوبات على إيران على مدى الخمسين عامًا القادمة لمساعدتها روسيا في الحرب ضد أوكرانيا1 سنة منذ
فرض البرلمان الأوكراني عقوبات على إيران على مدى الخمسين عامًا القادمة لمساعدتها روسيا في الحرب ضد أوكرانيا
السلطة القضائية الإيرانية: اعتقال 14 شخصا شمال غربي البلاد على صلة بإسرائيل كانوا يخططون للقيام بعمليات اغتيال
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Senior Taliban commander Abdulhamid Khorasani, aka Nasser Badri, has in a video message warned that the group will fight against Iranians "with more passion" than they did against the US forces. "We will conquer Iran soon if Taliban's leaders give the green light for jihad."
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“Iran's semi-official Nour News confirmed the death of one Iranian border guard.” Afghanistan
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Iran's official news agency says two Iranian border guards have been killed in today's clashes with the Taliban. Two civilians have also been injured on the Iranian side
Omani Foreign Ministry announces an agreement on a prisoner exchange deal between Iran and Belgium, mediated by Muscat
Iran’s Foreign Minister @Amirabdolahian: “We do not recognize the current government ruling Afghanistan and we emphasize the need to form a comprehensive government in Afghanistan because the Taliban is part of the reality of Afghanistan, not all of it.”
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فرنسا تدين اختبار إيران لصاروخ باليستي بعيد المدى وتصفه بأنه "انتهاك لقرارات مجلس الأمن"
Iran says it has successfully test-launched ballistic missile
Tehran Times: Iranian President Appoints Ali Akbar Ahmadian as Secretary of Iran's National Security Council
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وزيرة الخارجية الألمانية: الاتحاد الأوروبي سيتخذ قرارا اليوم بشأن عقوبات جديدة على إيران تشمل الحرس الثوري
Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani will leave his position, according to Nour News, which is affiliated to the SNSC.nShamkhani has also posted a poem on his Twitter which implies he's leaving his position
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Putin and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi are participating via video-link on Wednesday in the signing ceremony of an agreement on the creation of the Rasht-Astara railway section in the republic
Azerbaijan has detained 7 people on charges of spying for Iran1 سنة منذ
Azerbaijan has detained 7 people on charges of spying for Iran
Security guards at Tehran University attacked students at the School of Fine Arts after a quarrel with a student over her head covering. The guards reportedly beat a number of students who had come to the defense of the female student
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انطلاق اجتماع وزراء خارجية روسيا وسوريا وتركيا وإيران في موسكو
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UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk: “On average so far this year, over 10 people are put to death each week in Iran, making it one the world’s highest executors
Iran’s new ambassador to Damascus says Iranian president Raisi will travel to Syria on Wednesday, May 3
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Iran army says two Iranian crew members are missing after the collision with the foreign tanker, which was seized by the navy
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US Navy Central Command says Iran's IRGC has seized the 'Advantage Sweet' oil tanker while it was transiting international waters in the Golf of Oman. The US 5th Fleet is monitoring the situation. The tanker was headed for the US
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - southern Iran
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الشرق_ وزير الدفاع التركي: ناقشت مع وزراء دفاع سوريا وتركيا وإيران تعزيز الأمن في سوريا وتطبيع العلاقات بين أنقرة ودمشق
Treasury sanctions senior officials in Iran for protest suppression and internet censorship