22 أكتوبر 2024
الجيش الإسرائيلي: نحقق في دور إيران في إطلاق الصواريخ
المتحدث باسم الخارجية الإيرانية: لقاء وزير الخارجية مع نظيره السعودي كان إيجابيا ويمكن القول إنه تم تفعيل العلاقات الرسمية بين البلدين
Per the joint statement, Saudi FM renewed his invitation for Iran FM to visit SaudiArabia. Iranian FM also invited Saudi FM to visit Tehran for a bilateral meeting
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IED most likely belongs to ISIS explodes in a car carrying Iranian-backed militiamen in the eastern countryside of Homs, central Syria, killing five and injuring three
Iran says it foiled drone attack against ministry of defense complex in #Isfahan. Tasnim reports that it was a small drone that was shot down before causing any damage to the complex
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Israeli FM @elicoh1: Spoke with French FM to coordinate measures to contain Iran’s nuclear program. Israel and France see eye to eye on danger of nuclear Iran. Only determined & coordinated action by West will lead to sanction that tighten the ring around neck of rule of terror in Tehran.
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Pentagon says USS George HW Bush carrier was repositioned "as a precaution" due to "increased attacks from #IRGC affiliated groups targeting our service members across across the area...but it's still in the purview of EUCOM."
The U.S. discussed with its European and Israeli partners a proposal for an interim agreement with Iran that would include some sanctions relief in exchange for Tehran freezing parts of its nuclear program
Reports a second IRGC member Moqdad Mehghani who was injured in the Israeli attack on the Damascus region a few nights ago has died. IRGC officer and advisor Milad Heydari was the first confirmed Iranian death in this attack
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 30 km SE of Mohr, Iran
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باكستان تقول إن "إرهابيين" من الجانب الإيراني قتلوا أربعة من جنود حرس الحدود الباكستانية
An IRGC advisor and officer, Milad Heydari, was killed in the alleged Israeli airstrike on Damascus last night, according to Iranian media
SANA publishes images of Syrian air defenses engaging the alleged Israeli airstrike over Damascus
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Fazıl Mustafa, Chairman of the Great Liberation Party in Azerbaijan, was injured in an armed attack
Assassination attempt on Azerbaijani MP Fazil Mustafa at his residence in Baku city. The MP was shot multiple times and is known for his strong stance against the Iranian government. Lightly wounded1 سنة منذ
Assassination attempt on Azerbaijani MP Fazil Mustafa at his residence in Baku city. The MP was shot multiple times and is known for his strong stance against the Iranian government. Lightly wounded
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Netanyahu: "I'm taking a time out in the legislation of the judicial reform. I decided to suspend the vote on 2nd & 3rd reading of the legislation in the current Knesset session, in order to try & reach an understanding on the legislation in the next Knesset session"
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Canada condemns the deadly drone attack against U.S. personnel in Syria and is deeply concerned by its Iranian origin. Our condolences go to the family of the U.S. contractor killed in the attack, and we wish a speedy recovery to the injured
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 39 km ESE of Dehlorān, Iran
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مسؤول أمريكي: إصابة واحدة على الأقل في صفوف قواتنا جراء القصف الصاروخي على قاعدتنا جراء استهداف احدى القواعد العسكرية الأميركية في دير_الزور شرق سوريا
استنفار للميليشيات الإيرانية في بلدتي الميادين و البوكمال شرقي دير الزور، مع إخلاء للمقرات وسط تحليق مكثف لطيران التحالف الدولي بسماء المنطقة
بايدن: الولايات المتحدة لا تسعى للصراع مع إيران لكننا مستعدون لتوجيه ضربات قوية لحماية مواطنينا
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Militant groups believed to be affiliated with Iran have launched another round of rockets targeting US forces near oil and gas fields known as Conoco near Deir Ezzor, US officials tell @NatashaBertrand @OrenCNN. The US is still assessing any damage or casualties
الرئيس الأمريكي بايدن: كان هناك هجوم على قواتنا في سوريا بالأمس من قبل جماعات مدعومة من إيران وقد أعطيت تعليماتي بالرد السريع
تجدد القصف الصاروخي على القاعدة "الأميركية" شرقي دير الزور مع تحليق مكثف للطيران المروحي الامريكي
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U.S. officials are responding to reports that an American contractor was killed, and six others were injured after an Iranian drone strike. The Pentagon says they retaliated with airstrikes on key facilities used by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
SecDef Austin says US intel attributes the drone that killed the American & wounded others in Syria to be of Iranian origin. 2 of the wounded were treated on site, while 3 additional service members & the U.S. contractor were medically evacuated to Iraq. Statement:1 سنة منذ
SecDef Austin says US intel attributes the drone that killed the American & wounded others in Syria to be "of Iranian origin." 2 of the wounded were treated on site, while 3 additional service members & the U.S. contractor were medically evacuated to Iraq. Statement:
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مصادر محلية: ميليشيات موالية لإيران تقصف بالصواريخ قاعدة للقوات الأميركية في حقل العمر شرقي دير_الزور
ديرالزور ذيبان سقوط إحدى الصواريخ التي أطلقها المليشيات الإيرانية من مناطق سيطرتها في المياذين باتجاه حقل العمر النفطي في منزل عيد الكعيران في بلدة ذيبان شرقي ديرالزور.
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 - 13 km SW of Khowy, Iran
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Khamenei: The Quran contains points of wisdom on issues related to individuals and family life, on issues related to governance, and also concerning international relations. We must benefit from the Quran for all these issues