22 أكتوبر 2024
الخارجية المصرية: نتطلع لأن يسهم الاتفاق السعودي الإيراني في تخفيف حدة التوتر في المنطقة وتعزيز الاستقرار
وزيرا الخارجية السعودي والإيراني سيجتمعان لتفعيل الاتفاق وترتيب تبادل السفراء ومناقشة سبل تعزيز العلاقات
Iranian government and Saudi Arabia came to agreements and china was the mediator between the countries, which decided to renew their diplomatic relations
وسائل إعلام إيرانية رسمية: اجتماع قريب بين وزيري خارجية إيران والسعودية
وسائل إعلام إيرانية: طهران والرياض اتفقتا على استئناف العلاقات وإعادة فتح سفارتي البلدين في غضون شهرين
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs: INSTEX's 10 shareholders decided to liquidate INSTEX due to continued Iranian obstacles (March 9, 2023)
U.S. has imposed sanctions on an Iran sanctions evasion network, including 39 entities constituting a significant "shadow banking" network.
وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: لن نسمح لإيران بالحصول على سلاح نووي
البنتاغون: أوستن شدد لنتنياهو على العواقب المميتة لتوسيع إيران تعاونها العسكري مع روسيا
On International Women's Day, Treasury sanctions officials in Iran linked to serious human rights abuses against women and girls
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Turkish Foreign Minister says Ankara is "strengthening cooperation" with Iran regarding the supply of Iranian gas to Turkey
Anti government protest are growing again in Iran: Parents in Karaj protested about the gas attack on schools across the country and chanted chemical attack should be condemned and safety and security of schools should be maintained1 سنة منذ
Anti government protest are growing again in Iran: Parents in Karaj protested about the gas attack on schools across the country and chanted "chemical attack should be condemned" and "safety and security of schools should be maintained"
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Khamenei: Some ppl are undoubtedly involved in this crime. Responsible organizations must uncover the source of this crime & its perpetrators. It's not a petty crime. It's a crime against the most members of society,& it causes fear & insecurity. Their punishment must be a lesson
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Khamenei: The country's officials must earnestly investigate the matter of the poisoning of students. This is a crime which is unforgiveable. If the poisoning of students is proven, the perpetrators of this crime must be given the maximum punishment without pardon
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Khamenei: Following an annual tradition, Imam Khamenei planted a sapling in the area next to his office on Monday morning on the occasion of National Tree Planting Day
Baloch protesters in the streets after Friday prayers in Zahedan yesterday
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البنتاغون: إيران تتعاون مع روسيا وهذا سيكون له مضاعفات سيئة على المنطقة
مدير وكالة الطاقة الذرية: على إيران أن تكون واضحة بشأن برنامجها النووي
Zahedan, SE Iran Authorities are attacking the protesters. Dozens of vehicles have been dispatched to the Grand Makki Mosque, surrounding the entire area
#Iran rejects accounts and reports propagated by Western states and media outlets alleging that the Islamic Republic arrested participants in the peaceful protests that took place in the country in autumn
الخزانة الأميركية: العقوبات الجديدة على إيران تستهدف شركات وسفن شحن وبتروكيماويات
U.S. Central Command:CENTCOM supported a maritime interdiction by UK forces of advanced Iranian weapons1 سنة منذ
U.S. Central Command:CENTCOM supported a maritime interdiction by UK forces of advanced Iranian weapons
"The two German diplomats are being expelled due to Germany's irresponsible interference in Iran's internal and judicial affairs," state media quoted Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani as saying
رئيس هيئة العمليات بالجيش الإسرائيلي: إيران فشلت مرتين الشهر الماضي باستهداف قطع بحرية في بحر العرب بالمسيرات
1 سنة منذ
مسؤول السياسة الخارجية بالاتحاد الأوروبي: على النظام الإيراني وقف الإعدامات بحق المحتجين
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Taliban authorities in Nimruz province confirmed that they have received a total of 101 dead bodies of Afghan refugees from Iran over the past two months
Not just Russia - @CISAJen says cyber threats also exist from China Iran and others Warns of potential cyber fallout for the US if China decides to invade Taiwan
Explosions and anti-aircraft fire in Iran are part of an exercise, according to local media1 سنة منذ
Explosions and anti-aircraft fire in Iran are part of an exercise, according to local media
رئيس مجلس القيادة اليمني: الحرس الثوري الإيراني سبب كل مشاكل منطقتنا
1 سنة منذ
Khamenei: It was 1990, one year after Imam Khomeini had passed away. A group of people said Iran was on the brink of ruin and destruction. In 1990. Even now some perceive Iran's situation to be like this because their own identity and character are on the brink of destruction