10 سبتمبر 2024
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Understood after several conversations with sources in Beirut and Tehran that the “Axis of Resistance” told mediators “we’ll do what is needed to have an effective and efficient response” whatever the consequences are, even if it’s a large scale war
Jordanian Foreign Minister Travels to Tehran for Talks. Tasnim was informed that Jordanian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi is set to visit Tehran today for discussions with Iranian officials1 الشهر منذ
Jordanian Foreign Minister Travels to Tehran for Talks. Tasnim was informed that Jordanian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi is set to visit Tehran today for discussions with Iranian officials
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The US Secretary of Defense has ordered the deployment of another squadron of F-22 fighter jets to the Middle East
الخارجية الأميركية: بلينكن يبحث مع نظيره الفرنسي التحديات التي تشكلها التهديدات الإيرانية
وزير خارجية مصر خلال اتصال مع نظيره الإيراني: التطورات غير مسبوقة وخطيرة الحدث_
وزير خارجية مصر يجري اتصالا هاتفيا مع نظيره الإيراني ويؤكد على أن "التطورات الأخيرة تهدد استقرار المنطقة"
The US @CENTCOM says its forces “successfully destroyed an Iranian-backed Houthi missile and launcher in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen” over the past 24 hours
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الحرس الثوري الإيراني: انتقام طهران سيكون شديدا وفي الوقت والمكان المناسبين وبالطريقة الملائمة
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الحرس الثوري الإيراني: إسرائيل خططت ونفذت اغتيال هنية بدعم من الحكومة الأمريكية
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الحرس الثوري: الصاروخ الذي استهدف هنية رأسه يزن نحو 7 كلغم
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US official says they expect an Iranian attack on Israel before the end of the week: WSJ
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Iran arrests more than two dozen senior intelligence, military officials and staff of the IRGC guest house where Hamas leader was killed in a sweeping crackdown for the security breach
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US Defense Secretary orders navy cruisers, destroyers and an additional fighter squadron to the Middle East, Pentagon says - Reuters
Beirut International Airport has cancelled multiple flights scheduled for early hours of Saturday, the airport's official website shows.1 الشهر منذ
Beirut International Airport has cancelled multiple flights scheduled for early hours of Saturday, the airport's official website shows.
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الخطوط الجوية التركية تلغي رحلاتها إلى إيران بسبب التوتر في المنطقة
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Iran has rejected mediation efforts to temper its response to Israel and that the messages, whether from friendly or adversarial states, have not swayed Iran’s resolve to retaliate decisively against Israel
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البنتاغون: قواتنا تعرضت منذ أكتوبر لأكثر من 180 هجوما في الشرق الأوسط
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البنتاغون: لا نريد حرباً إقليمية لكننا سنُدافع عن قواتنا في كل مكان
Biden then told Netanyahu that the US will help Israel defeat an Iranian attack but the president also warned Netanyahu that if he escalates again, he shouldn't count on the U.S. to bail him out, US official tells Axios
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Hamas' top leader Ismail Haniyeh was buried in Qatar on Friday following his assassination in the Iranian capital Tehran, and his possible succcessor told mourners his death would only make the Palestinian militant group more determined in its struggle against Israel
كيربي: نأخذ تهديدات إيران بجدية ونقوم بإجراء التعديلات اللازمة لنتمكن من القيام بمنع أي هجوم محتمل ضد إسرائيل
US intelligence agencies now assess that Iran has joined the list of U.S. adversaries trying to interfere in the US. presidential elections
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US is preparing to send additional jets fighters to the Middle East in response to threats by Iran and its proxies to attack Israel: New York Times
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"الميادين": قصف مدفعي إسرائيلي يستهدف بلدتي بليدا ورب ثلاثين
البيت الأبيض: نعيد تقييم وضع قواتنا في الشرق الأوسط
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The German government has deported the Iran government-linked Imam of the Islamic Center in Berlin, Nasir Niknejad, according to information obtained by Iran International's correspondent in Berlin
المرصد السوري: ميليشيات إيرانية تخلي مقراتها في البوكمال بدير الزور
The White House, in a statement, says Biden discussed “new defensive U.S. military deployments” to support Israel defending against threats when he spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
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وكالة فارس الإيرانية: التحقيقات أكدت أن إسرائيل خططت ونفذت عملية اغتيال هنية
President Biden spoke on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and discussed the recent escalation in the region, U.S. official tells