5 أكتوبر 2024
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Khamenei: The Iranian nation is a Muslim nation. It is a nation of the Quran & a nation dedicated to Imam Hussain (pbuh). Are those who insult Imam Hussain & the million man Arbaeen Walk, those who disrespect the procession & make disparaging remarks about it, supporting the Iranian ppl
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Khamenei: The Iranian nation is Imam Hussain's (pbuh) nation
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Khamenei: Directors of the riots pretend to support the Iranian people But they've fought against all the wishes, beliefs & sanctities of the people They've fought Islam, burned a mosque, the Quran & Iranian flag, fought Iran, & disrespected the national anthem showing their real intention
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Khamenei: This spectacle of villainy in Iran will be stopped without a doubt. Then, the Iranian nation will re-enter the field to continue their path in making advancements more energetic than before and with a better spirit
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Khamenei: The rioters are causing problems for the people, & they are committing crimes. However, these rioters on the streets and those directing them from behind the scenes are too inferior to be able to damage the Islamic Republic
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Khamenei: Those orchestrating the riots behind the scenes wanted the people to come out. Now that they've failed, they're trying to exhaust the officials with their villainous acts. They're mistaken. Such villainy only causes people to become fed up with them, disgusted and hate them more
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Khamenei: If we had not made any progress, if we had failed to demonstrate a strong presence in the region, & if we had submitted to America's aggression & hegemony, then pressures and sanctions would have decreased. Of course, they would have come and dominated us
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Khamenei: Whenever the strength of the Islamic Republic has been more pronounced in the world, the enemy's efforts to maul the Islamic Republic have increased
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Khamenei: The problem that the West & the Arrogant Powers have with the Islamic Republic of Iran is that the Islamic Republic is making progress. The entire world is seeing this advancement & acknowledging it. This is intolerable to the West
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Khamenei: NATO, the US, the former Soviet Union & some European countries backed Saddam during the 8-year war on Iran. In fact, the whole world was on one side & the Islamic Republic on the other side. But Iran won this war with bare hands by relying on God & the determination of the people
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Khamenei: The problem that the Arrogant Powers have with the Islamic Republic of Iran is that if the Islamic Republic makes advances, thrives, and shines in the world, the Western world's logic of liberal democracy will be invalidated
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Khamenei: Afghanistan is a current example in front of your eyes of this plundering. The US committed various crimes in Afghanistan. After 20 years, the same govt they were fighting against returned to power in Afghanistan. They gave them control & left the country in disgrace
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Khamenei: Over 200 yrs, West looted the world using the logic of LiberalDemocracy. Invading countries & looting resources under the pretext of spreading freedom & democracy, Europe got rich at the expense of wealthy countries like China & India. In Iran too, they did whatever they could
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UK Foreign Secretary @JamesCleverly warned on Saturday that the threat from Iran's nuclear program is "more advanced than ever before". "Britain is determined to work alongside our friends to counter the Iranian threat," he said, addressing the Manama Dialogue in Bahrain
وزير خارجية إيران: التدخلات الأجنبية في شؤوننا الداخلية مرفوضة ونستنكر الهجمات بمدن إيرانية عدة
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Israeli strikes on Saturday morning killed four Syrian soldiers in central and western districts, Syrian state media said. SOHR reported that the strikes targeted pro-Iranian groups in Homs and Hama provinces, and a Syrian air defence battery in Latakia - via @AFP
مستشار الأمن القومي الأميركي: سنواصل محاسبة النظام الإيراني على قتل المتظاهرين
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وزير خارجية بريطانيا: تهديدات روسيا وإيران للمنطقة والعالم أصبحت أكثر من أي وقت مضى
غانتس: يجب مواجهة النفوذ الإيراني في المنطقة
Quite a footage of fighting between protesters and government agents in Qazvin last night
This man who was throwing rocks at the government forces from a rooftop in Karaj last night got shot and yet he continued1 سنة منذ
This man who was throwing rocks at the government forces from a rooftop in Karaj last night got shot and yet he continued
Massive crowd at protest in Tabriz
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هيئة عمليات التجارة البحرية البريطانية: مسيرة إيرانية تحوم فوق سفينة بخليج عمان صباح اليوم
Mahabad, the large presence of people of Mahabad in the funeral ceremony1 سنة منذ
Mahabad, the large presence of people of Mahabad in the funeral ceremony
Tabriz, northwest Iran Locals attending the funeral of Aylar Haghi, killed by the government's security forces, were chanting: "I will kill those who killed my sister."
Israeli army chief Aviv Kohavi heading to the US tomorrow for a series of meetings with American defense officials regarding the Iranian threat
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هيئة عمليات التجارة البحرية البريطانية: سفينة كانت محاصرة بمركبة جوية بدون طيار في خليج عمان صباح اليوم الجمعة والسفينة وجميع أفراد طاقمها بأمان
Mahabad, northwest Iran  Large number of people attending the funeral of Azad Hosseinpour, killed by the government's security forces, were chanting anti-government slogans1 سنة منذ
Mahabad, northwest Iran Large number of people attending the funeral of Azad Hosseinpour, killed by the government's security forces, were chanting anti-government slogans
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Khamenei: Hundreds of women were killed in Qom alone during the 8-year Imposed War by the US-backed Saddam government on Iran. A number of these women were participating in a mourning ceremony for Imam Hussain (pbuh) when they were killed
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Khamenei: The suicide attack of all the members of a group singing an anthem together in Qom was a unique tragedy in the 8-year Imposed War on Iran. These teenagers were singing together when a fighter jet of the US-backed Saddam government came & bombed the place martyring almost all the members