5 أكتوبر 2024
US Special Envoy for Combating Anti-Semitism @StateSEAS: "Iranian President Raisi's call for "research" to determine whether the Holocaust happened is ludicrous and dangerous. His statement is a form of Holocaust denial and a form of antisemitism
Locals in the Iranian capital attacked a van of the government's "morality police" and broke its front window
Sep. 19 - Tehran, Iran Beheshti University students chant "death to the dictator." during Iran Protests over Mahsa Amini death
الرئيس الإيراني: لا لقاءات أو مفاوضات مع الجانب الأمريكي على هامش اجتماعات الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة
U.S. forces in Syria investigating 'failed' rocket attack targeting American base at Green Village Sunday night. Three 107mm rockets fired at base. A fourth rocket along with rocket tubes found 3 miles away: CENTCOM
Sanandaj, W Iran Reports say security forces shot tear gas and opened fire on peaceful IranProtsts tonight against the killing of 22yr old MahsaAmini by the morality police.
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Khamenei: Imam Khamenei expressed his satisfaction with the reports and set of measures taken by the Administration during the Shanghai Summit, and he wished for the success of the President preceding his trip to New York
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Khamenei: Don't forget enjoining patience. Patience means resistance; it means persistence. It means not feeling one is tired & facing a dead end. This is the meaning of patience. Walk the path of truth & bring others onto the path of truth too
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Khamenei: There are bandits who dislike events like the ArbaeenWalk & the fervent public turnout, & they work against it. Every one of us should take action & each of us has a duty. Our plan today, more than ever, is this vital, eternal verse, "Enjoin the truth & patience" [103:3]
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Khamenei: These groups & Heyats for ImamHussain are a reliable, precious treasure; appreciate them. Heyats for Imam Hussain are for remembering as well as clarifying. Heyats should both keep these memories alive & be bases for clarification
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Khamenei: An event like the Arbaeen walk couldn't have come about based on any human strategy or planning. This was only possible through God's will. It's obvious God is advancing the cause of seeking & turning to Islam, & He is raising the flag of the Ahlul Bayt's Islam higher every day
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Khamenei: This year's Arbaeen walk was conducted with more magnificence and glory than any other period in history. Indeed, the Arbaeen Walk and this massive participation of Muslims is a miraculous phenomenon
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Khamenei: The Arbaeen walk is the glorious flag of Hussain ibn Ali (pbuh)
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Khamenei: A mourning ceremony for the Arbaeen (40th day) of the martydrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (as) was held an hour ago, with Imam Khamenei in attendance
Security forces in Iran's Saqqez are using pellet guns and tear gas against protesters following the burial of Mahsa_Amini, @IranIntl has learned. Several protesters have been injured.
The red line to us is that there should not be extraction from Karish, Iran backed Hezbollah chief  warned Israel Yesterday, Israeli Defense Minister Gantz @gantzbe warned Nasrallah if he attacks Karish gas field, Lebanon will pay the price2 سنة منذ
"The red line to us is that there should not be extraction from Karish", Iran backed Hezbollah chief warned Israel Yesterday, Israeli Defense Minister Gantz @gantzbe warned Nasrallah "if he attacks Karish gas field, Lebanon will pay the price"
A significant internet outage has been registered in Tehran, Iran with real time network data showing connectivity at 67% of ordinary levels; the incident comes amid protests over the death of Mahsa Amini and may affect coverage of events on the ground
The streets of Tehran are in turmoil with the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was beaten and fell into a coma while being detained by the Moral Police on the grounds that her clothes and headscarf were not Islamic in Tehran. The people are indignant: "Death to the dictator
Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old girl brutally hit by the Islamic Republic's morality police, has died, @IranIntl learned
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Putin on Thursday announced that a delegation of 80 large Russian companies will visit Iran next week, state-owned news agency RIA reported
Iran signed a memorandum on joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
U.S. announces new Iran sanctions over cyberattacks
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Pashinyan called Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi
Defense Minister Gantz to envoys of UN Security Council and Abraham Accords counties: Iran has tripled enrichment rate at Fordo underground site, doubled amount of advanced centrifuges at Natanz2 سنة منذ
Defense Minister Gantz to envoys of UN Security Council and Abraham Accords counties: Iran has tripled enrichment rate at Fordo underground site, doubled amount of advanced centrifuges at Natanz
تم العثور على حطام الطائرة الإيرانية بدون طيار شاهد -136  M214 ، التي تم تغيير علامتها التجارية إلى جيران -2 في منطقة كوبيانسك2 سنة منذ
تم العثور على حطام الطائرة الإيرانية بدون طيار شاهد -136 # M214 ، التي تم تغيير علامتها التجارية إلى جيران -2 في منطقة كوبيانسك
2 سنة منذ
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 72 km N of Tabas, Iran
IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmaeil Qa'ani has arrived in Iraq on foot as part of Arbaeen pilgrimage, Sabereen News, a Telegram channel close to IRGC proxies, reported Monday night
Defense Minister Gantz reveals a map of military facilities across Syria he alleges are used to manufacture precision missiles by Iran for Hezbollah2 سنة منذ
Defense Minister Gantz reveals a map of military facilities across Syria he alleges are used to manufacture precision missiles by Iran for Hezbollah
Israel's Mossad head says dozens of Iranian plots abroad were recently foiled
المتحدث باسم الخارجية الإيرانية يدعو الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية لعدم الرضوخ لضغوط إسرائيل