6 أكتوبر 2024
Mehran Gharabaghi was arrested on Jan. 18, 2020, in Behbahan on charges of moharebeh & corruption on earth. He will stand trial on June 30, in the first branch of the Mahshahr Revolutionary Court. He is being held in the  Central Prison Ahwaz, SW Iran2 سنة منذ
Mehran Gharabaghi was arrested on Jan. 18, 2020, in Behbahan on charges of "moharebeh" & "corruption on earth." He will stand trial on June 30, in the first branch of the Mahshahr Revolutionary Court. He is being held in the Central Prison Ahwaz, SW Iran
المتحدثة باسم البيت الأبيض: نبقي الإسرائيليين على اطلاع على مسار المفاوضات مع إيران
البيت الأبيض يعرب عن خشيته من تطوير إيران لسلاح نووي في غضون أسابيع
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Khamenei: This year's QudsDay is different from other years. The Palestinians have been making great sacrifices both during last year's and this year's Ramadan. The Zionist government is committing the worst crimes, & the US & Europe are supporting them
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Khamenei: Palestine is both oppressed and powerful; it's an oppressed power. I said the same about Iran many years ago. Palestine is truly strong today. The Palestinian youth do not allow the question of Palestine to be forgotten & they're standing up in opposition to the enemy's crimes
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Khamenei: The US is getting weaker day by day – from within, in its domestic policies, in its foreign policies, in its economy and in its security. The US has become weaker since 20 years ago and continuing up until today
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Khamenei: On the eve of a probable NewWorldOrder, all countries including Iran have a duty to be active in the fields of both soft & hard power such that they can ensure their nation's interests & security. The most important duty is on the shoulders of the university students
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Khamenei: The UkraineWar should be considered more deeply. This war isn't simply about a military invasion of a country. The roots of this invasion are deep and a complex, difficult future can be predicted
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Khamenei: Today the world is on the threshold of a NewWorldOrder: a new international order against the previous monopolar and bipolar world
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Khamenei: Imam Khamenei meeting with a number of university students on the 24th day of the month of Ramadan
Qeshm Fars Air 747 EP-FAA heading back to Tehran from Damascus #Syria
تصاعد ألسنة الدخان من جهة نهر الفرات في مدينة الشحيل شرقي ديرالزور بعد قيام دوريات لقوات قسد بإستهداف احد عبارات النـــهرية التي تنقل المازوت للتهريب الى مناطق نظام الأسد والمليشيات الايرانية.
In Iraq, committee investigating March Iranian missile attack on Erbil: we will take legal & diplomatic steps against Iran
Asaluyeh, southern Iran Workers of Hengam petrochemical are on strike protesting poor working conditions2 سنة منذ
Asaluyeh, southern Iran Workers of Hengam petrochemical are on strike protesting poor working conditions
Bushehr, southern Iran Workers of a local steel factory are on strike in support of the petrochemical workers' protests and strike2 سنة منذ
Bushehr, southern Iran Workers of a local steel factory are on strike in support of the petrochemical workers' protests and strike
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إيران تدعو لعقد اجتماع جديد في فيينا لبحث الاتفاق النووي
IRGC consulting with Russian officials on mutual sanctions busting, Russian military sales to the IRGC, IRGC & Russian cooperation in Syria, and a myriad of other malign activities
Tehran, Iran Students at the University of Science and Technology rallied today against harassment from the Intelligence Agency's Harasat, tasked with keeping students in check. "The University is not a prison. Students are not criminals." they chant
In a phone call Friday, Iran FM @Amirabdolahian & EU Foreign Policy Chief @JosepBorrellF discussed the stalled talks on reviving nuclear deal. Iran FM said Tehran, E3, Russia & China are all ready to finalize deal, but Biden admin lacks courage to correct Trump's wrong policies
مصدر إيراني مطلع للجزيرة: طهران أكدت أن المخازن والمنشآت ستكون هدفا لها إذا قررت إسرائيل إشعال حرب مع إيران
Iran says intelligence agents in Sistan and Baluchistan province arrest 3 "Mossad spies" that were linked to the publication of some information and documents. Remember that when Iran describes suspects as Mossad spies, they are not Israelis but usually Kurds
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Biden officials have notified their European counterparts that Washington does not plan on delisting Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as part of the nuclear talks in Vienna aimed at reviving the JCPOA, a senior Israeli diplomatic official claims
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A drone strike targeted a pro-Iran Iraqi militia in W Mosul; pro-militia sources claim the drone is Turkish and had flight back to Kurdistan. A separate report claimed a militia drone targeted KRG oil pipeline near Turkish border
Mahshahr police chief, Kazemi said a chief warrant officer was killed in a clash
Iran will harshly confront Israel "wherever it feels necessary", Esmail Qaani, the head of the Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force, said on Thursday, according to the semi-official Nour News agency
وزير خارجية العراق للرئيس الإيراني: لن نكون منطلقا للاعتداء على أي دولة
Iran will support all those who fight against "the Zionist government" and speed up its destruction, the commander of the IRGC Quds Force said Thursday
Assassination attempt targeting the legal representative of Iran's ambassador to Iraq in Baghdad
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Khamenei: Is there even a possibility that the Saudis would win the war in Yemen There's no possibility. With the endeavors, initiative and courage of the Yemeni people and leaders, there's no possibility of you winning
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Khamenei: I have a word with the Saudis, and I give this counsel out of good will for them. Why are you continuing a war you're certain you won't win Find a way out of this war