19 سبتمبر 2024
Second transport flight Iran -to Russia today1 سنة منذ
Second transport flight Iran -to Russia today
A member of the Basij militia was killed and a number of policemen were injured during a riot in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran: Tasnim1 سنة منذ
A member of the Basij militia was killed and a number of policemen were injured during a riot in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran: Tasnim
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Germany asks citizens to leave Iran immediately
Clashes in Amol
Remembering HadisNajafi 40 days after she was killed by Iran security forces in Karaj1 سنة منذ
Remembering HadisNajafi 40 days after she was killed by Iran security forces in Karaj
Iran- People establishing roadblocks and taking control of their streets, disarmed some police in Karaj Tehran1 سنة منذ
Iran- People establishing roadblocks and taking control of their streets, disarmed some "police" in Karaj Tehran
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إيران إنترناشونال: إطلاق نار على المشاركين في إحياء ذكرى إحدى ضحايا الاحتجاجات في كرج
روبرت مالي لـ العربية: سنفرض عقوبات على أي جهة تصدر المسيّرات الإيرانية إلى روسيا
روبرت مالي لـ العربية: إيران تقف إلى جانب روسيا في الحرب بأوكرانيا
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Khamenei: Why didn't those who claim to advocate human rights condemn the killing of Arman & other such killings Why didn't they not condemn the terrorist attack on Shahcheragh in Shiraz These are people who support human rights
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Khamenei: That young seminary student in Tehran, our dear Arman, what was his sin They tortured a young student to death and threw his corpse in the street. Are these insignificant matters Who are these murderers Where do they get their orders from
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Khamenei: The Shahcheragh event was a major crime. What sin had those little boys committed Why did they bring such a heavy sorrow upon a 6-year-old who lost his parents & brother Why What can this child do with such a large, intolerable grief
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Khamenei: The West teaches how to cause destruction, make Molotov cocktails & make handmade bombs in their media. The point is not just that this is a crime. It's corruption & maliciousness. This is a sign of the moral corruption of a ruling system
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Khamenei: The appearance of the riots was that there were some young ppl or teenagers taking part. These are our children; we don't have issues with them. That was out of excitement, emotion & some negligence in understanding issues. The key part is the main directors who enter with plots
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Khamenei: The US had an obvious role in the riots in the country in the recent weeks. The statement from the Ministry of Intelligence & the IRGC Intelligence Service contained important information. The US had organized & planned such things for Tehran, major cities & small cities
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Khamenei: What does "whatever they had" mean It means they used their intelligence services, their media, their internet capabilities, & their past experience to try to overcome the Iranian nation. The Iranian nation truly returned their punch & defeated them
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Khamenei: The events over the past few weeks weren't simple street riots. The enemy started a hybrid war. The US, Israel, some sly, vicious European powers, & certain groups used whatever they had to do this
حذرت أوكرانيا إيران من مغبة نقل الصواريخ والطائرات المسيرة إلى روسيا - وزير الخارجية كوليبا1 سنة منذ
حذرت أوكرانيا إيران من مغبة نقل الصواريخ والطائرات المسيرة إلى روسيا - وزير الخارجية كوليبا
Protest at Nowshahr, Iran
كيربي: لم نر بعد أن إيران زودت بالفعل روسيا بصواريخ أرض أرض لاستخدامها في الحرب
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الخارجية الروسية: الحملة الإعلامية التي أطلقتها وسائل الإعلام الغربية قد تؤدي لتصعيد خطير للتوتر في الخليج
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Khamenei: A sign of the US decline is the election of people like the current & the former presidents. One was a man like Trump whom the world considered to be crazy. After he was defeated, a man like this current one comes into power, and you know about him
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Khamenei: They failed in Lebanon. This new contract between Lebanon and the usurping Zionist government over maritime borders, gas fields, etc. was a defeat for the US. Because the US said it should happen the way they wanted. But Hezbollah overturned all those plots
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Khamenei: The US invaded Afghanistan to eradicate the Taliban. They spent money, committed crimes, & lost soldiers. After 20 years, they handed Afghanistan over to the Taliban & withdrew. What does this mean It means this was another of their miscalculations
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Khamenei: They invaded Iraq but failed. That there are elections in Iraq today & an Iraqi is elected was not what the US wanted. When Saddam was gone, they put a military man to head Iraq. They found they couldn't do things with a military man, so they put a non-military person in charge
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Khamenei: The signs of the US's decline are obvious. They have economic, social, & moral problems inside the US. There are discords & bloody divisions. These are their domestic problems. And there are their miscalculations in global affairs
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Khamenei: We will never forget the suicide attack of Martyr Soleimani. They should know this. We have spoken about this, and we are firm on it. It will happen at the proper time and in the right place, God willing
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Khamenei: One can see a trace of the US in most of the events that take place against Iran. Then they claim they care about the Iranian nation. You have imposed the most severe sanctions - the like of which they admit have never been imposed on any nation in history - against Iran
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Khamenei: The US today is the same US of August 19, 1953, but with 2 key differences. 1. The ways it shows its hostility have become more complicated. 2. The US was the dominant power at the time of the 1953 coup. It isn't today
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Khamenei: In its propaganda, the US says the overtaking of the Spy Den (US embassy) was the start of the conflict between the Iranian nation & the US. They lie. The conflicts between Iran & the US started with the 1953 coup. Why did you overthrow a national govt elected by popular vote
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Khamenei: November 4th is a day that manifests the reality that the US is completely vulnerable. This day is both a manifestation of the evil of the US and a manifestation of its being struck & defeated. November 4th is a historic day to study & learn from these experiences
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Khamenei: Two days before the 13th of Aban (4th of November), which is National StudentsDay and also the National Day of Fighting Global Imperialism, Imam Khamenei met with a number of Iranian students from across the country