20 سبتمبر 2024
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.7 - 11 km ESE of Khowy, Iran
Divandareh, Kurdistan province. Heavy confrontation between protesters and security forces reportedly erupted on late Tuesday.  Iran   مهسا_امینی1 سنة منذ
Divandareh, Kurdistan province. Heavy confrontation between protesters and security forces reportedly erupted on late Tuesday. Iran مهسا_امینی
Government forces shooting straight towards protesters in Divandar, Iran tonight1 سنة منذ
Government forces shooting straight towards protesters in Divandar, Iran tonight
إطلاق نار على المحتجين في سنندج عاصمة كردستان إيران
Students at Yazd Medical School in Iran topple the banner calling for mandatory hejab. They chant No veil. Freedom and equality. (it rhymes in Persian—Na roosari, azadi va barabari)1 سنة منذ
Students at Yazd Medical School in Iran topple the banner calling for mandatory hejab. They chant "No veil. Freedom and equality." (it rhymes in Persian—Na roosari, azadi va barabari)
Teachers in Sanandaj have joined the protests
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Khamenei: Our country's great advantage is that our security is built from within. The US mistakenly imagines they know Iran. They inject their poison, but their schemes won't work
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Khamenei: What are foreign states' motives for creating riots in Iran They see that, praise God, Iran's development has gained momentum & measures are taken that can nullify sanctions, which are the enemy's only weapon currently. They can't tolerate this, so they designed these riots
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Khamenei: The Americans and Israelis express a phony sorrow over the death of an Iranian girl. They do not feel any sorrow for her at all. They're happy because they have found an excuse to commit mischief in Iran. Mahsa_Amini
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Khamenei: This is not about Hijab in Iran. Many Iranian women who don't observe the Hijab perfectly are among the steadfast supporters of the Islamic Republic. It is about Islamic Iran's independence & resistance. The US cannot tolerate a strong, independent Iran
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Khamenei: Is there a history of US mercenaries, like some states in the region including the Saudis, supporting rioters in European countries But such support against Iran has happened repeatedly. How can some people not see the US & Israel's hands in this event
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Khamenei: Many riots take place around the world. Especially in France, massive riots occur every now and then, but has the US president ever supported European rioters, issued a declaration or said we stand with you Is there any record of US media supporting them
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Khamenei: Some individuals are against stating that certain events were designed & carried out by the enemy. They stand up to defend US & Zionist intelligence services, & they use fallacious analysis & rhetoric to deny it was the work of the enemy
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Khamenei: I openly state that the recent riots & unrest in Iran were schemes designed by the US; the usurping, fake Zionist government; their mercenaries; & some treasonous Iranians abroad who helped them
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Khamenei: The young girl's death was a tragic incident that saddened us too. But the right reaction to it wasn't for some to create insecurity for ppl, burn the Quran, Mosques, banks, & ppl's cars, & to pull off women's scarves. These weren't normal acts. They were planned
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Khamenei: The Leader of the Islamic Revolution's behind the scenes account of recent events and the oppression against the Iranian nation Imam Khamenei's statements, he made this morning, will be published in minutes
Yazd, central Iran:  University students and interns held a protest gathering and strike outside the local Sadoughi Hospital1 سنة منذ
Yazd, central Iran: University students and interns held a protest gathering and strike outside the local Sadoughi Hospital
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شبيغل: مقترح العقوبات الأوروبية يستهدف 16 شخصية ومؤسسة إيرانية مسؤولة عن قمع الاحتجاجات
Saqqez, western Iran, Sa'adi Street: Protesters in the hometown of MahsaAmini torched a banner of Qassem Soleimani
Najafabad, Isfahan Province, central Iran: Students of the Islamic Azad University continuing the nationwide protests against the government on the 18th day of the uprising
An Iranian Army commando in a video warns those following orders of the mullah government and attacking protesters: You all are easily identifiable and you will be punished
At least 41 people were killed during the bloody Friday of Zahedan in southeastern Iran, increasing the death toll from Iran Protests2022 to 133, the Oslo-based NGO @IHRights reported on Sunday
Iraqi President Barham Salih says Iranian attacks inside Kurdistan Region are a violation of the country's sovereignty, and "unacceptable" in a meeting with national security adviser Qassem Al-Araji - press release
IRGC's Intelligence Chief, Ali Mousavi, has been assassinated by unknown individuals in Zahedan city, Sistan and Baluchistan province of Iran. Iranian officials have confirmed his death. This comes after today's protests by Baloch people in the city
Iran's Intelligence Ministry says it has arrested nine foreigners including German, Polish, French, Italian, Dutch, and Swedish nationals in recent days over their alleged involvement in Iran
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الاتحاد الأوروبي يدين قصف إيران لشمال العراق ويعتبره انتهاكا لسيادة بغداد
Chief of staff of the Iranian armed forces, Gen. Mohammad Bagheri issues a warning, says Iran has the right to confront and retaliate against United States, and aware of their bases inside Kurdistan Region - media statement
أسقط الدفاع الجوي الأوكراني 5 من أصل 7 طائرات مسيرة إيرانية الصنع من طراز شاهد -1361 سنة منذ
أسقط الدفاع الجوي الأوكراني 5 من أصل 7 طائرات مسيرة إيرانية الصنع من طراز شاهد -136
Rocket attack targeting the house of Peshmerga commander near Chamchamal between Kirkuk and Silemani, northeast Iraq