5 أكتوبر 2024
قائد الحرس الثوري الإيراني قاآني يصل إلى بغداد ويجتمع مع قادة ميليشيات الحشد
2 سنة منذ
شبكة عين الفرات: الميليشيات الإيرانية تنشر صواريخ أرض - أرض تطلق عليها اسم "المهندس" في ريف الرقة الشرقي الخاضع لسيطرة نظام الأسد عين الفرات: الصواريخ تم تخزينها بنقاط عسكرية عليها أعلام النظام في محيط بلدة السبخة بهدف تجنب استهدافها من قبل الطيران الأمريكي والإسرائيلي
رئيس وزراء إسرائيل: بحثت هاتفيا مع الرئيس بايدن خطوات كبح برنامج إيران النووي
رئيس وزراء إسرائيل: بحثت هاتفيا مع الرئيس بايدن عدوان إيران المتزايد في المنطقة
.@AlHadath is citing the BBC on Iran "Dozens of Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) commanders detained in Tehran's Evin prison following last year's killing of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh
رئيس وزراء إسرائيل: إيران تكثف تصرفاتها العدوانية في المنطقة تزامنا مع محادثات فيينا
بينيت: إسرائيل ستحتفظ بحرية التصرف مع إيران باتفاق نووي أو بدونه
مصادر العربية: أنباء عن وصول قائد فيلق القدس في حرس إيران الثوري إلى أربيل
Iran's security chief Shamkhani has dismissed the US restoration of sanctions waivers as "a show", saying that unless Tehran "reaps real economic benefits", the move will "not be considered constructive"
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مندوب روسيا في فيينا: عودة واشنطن إلى الإعفاءات النووية تعني أن المفاوضات دخلت مرحلتها النهائية
Iran says US steps on lifting civilian nuclear program sanctions 'good but not enough'
US waives sanctions on Iran's civil nuclear program
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An IRGC military convoy has entered IRGC influenced government areas from Al-Bukamal railway crossing, with the convoy heading towards Imam Ali base and Al-Mayadin and Deir Ez Zor Airbase
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Iran - "the central threat around which Central Command is organized" per @CENTCOM's Gen McKenzie Says US-Iran still in a state of "contested deterrence" with Tehran trying to work/inflict suffering below the threshold of what it thinks will provoke US action
زعيم الجمهوريين بمجلس الشيوخ الأميركي: سياسة إيران تهدف لإخراج واشنطن من المنطقة
Israel Defense Minister and the King of Bahrain sign a defense pact2 سنة منذ
Israel Defense Minister and the King of Bahrain sign a defense pact
An ultralight plane has crashed near the eastern Iranian city of Kashmar, killing both pilots, Iranian media reported on Thursday2 سنة منذ
An ultralight plane has crashed near the eastern Iranian city of Kashmar, killing both pilots, Iranian media reported on Thursday
A suspected Iranian disinformation unit ran an elaborate network on Facebook targeting nationalist and ultra-religious Jews in Israel in an attempt to stoke division and inflame tensions with Palestinians, according to research shared exclusively with BBC
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Khamenei: May God bless Moustapha Akkad's soul who to some extent depicted the great character of the honorable Hamza in his movie "The Message" by giving the role to an extremely famous, professional & truly illustrious actor. Of course just to an extent were they able to depict him
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Khamenei: The honorable Hamza (pbuh), the Prophet's uncle, is truly an unrecognized, unacknowledged companion of the Prophet (pbuh), although he played a significant role in early Islam. I truly thank those who have thought of honoring this noble figure, Hamza, the Master of the Martyrs
The U.S. is sending advanced jet fighters and a guided-missile destroyer to the UAE to help it counter an escalating threat from Yemen's Houthis after the Iran-backed group launched a series of missiles and drones at the Gulf nation
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 8 km NE of Kāzerūn, Iran
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With the US Air Force observing, the Israel Air Force conducted a drill simulating a massive attack on Iran's nuclear program two weeks ago, which employed dozens of fighter jets, Kan news reports
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Khamenei: It is with deep regret that I received news of the demise of the noble jurisprudent & insightful Marja', Ayatollah Safi Golpaygani. He was a pillar in the Qom seminary, a prominent scholar in theory & practice & the most experienced religious scholar in that blessed seminary
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Khamenei: Just days before the 43rd anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei visits the tombs of Imam Khomeini and the dead who defended Islam and Iran
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Khamenei: Praise God, the country's stronghold in production & the economy is standing firmly. Entrepreneurs & competent economic managers are the army that has stood against the enemy & the officers in this Sacred Defense, while the workers are the sincere, pure fighters in this battle
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Khamenei: Any time our youth were trusted & asked to carry out a task, they literally shined. This was true in all fields, from creating Covid-19 vaccines to manufacturing precision missiles. In terms of Covid-19 vaccines, they produced the best vaccines. We must appreciate these talents
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Khamenei: The aim of the enemies' economic war was the collapse of Iran's economy. Of course, the collapse of the economy would have been a prelude. By destroying Iran's economy, they sought to set the people against the Islamic Republic & fulfill their vicious political goals
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Source close to Iran team: The process of the Vienna talks have been constructive & moving forward. Now is time for political decisions. An agreement is within reach if other parties make necessary political decisions while returning from capitals
وزير الخارجية الإيراني: ندعو الأمم المتحدة للقيام بدور أكبر لإيقاف الحرب في اليمن وإطلاق الحوار السياسي