6 أكتوبر 2024
Tonight several Katyusha rockets hit an area close to the Peshmarga frontline near Kirkuk. Some Iraqi media claim that Iran-backed groups were behind the attack as a warning to Kurds: Don't interfere in the Shia affairs, otherwise you are in danger"
إيران تقول إنها دفعت 150 ألف دولار لكل عائلة من ذوي ضحايا الطائرة الأوكرانية
White House says Vienna negotiations and anniversary of killing of Qassem Soleimani may be behind the increasing attacks against US troops in Syria and Iraq
IRGC Quds Force Commander Qa'ani: We don't need to be present everywhere. We will prepare the grounds for taking revenge against Americans (for killing Soleimani) from inside their houses & using people who are already with them, without any need for our presence
President Biden nominated Army Lt. Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla to be the next commander of U.S. military operations that include the Middle East
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Canada, Britain, Sweden, and Ukraine have determined that further attempts to negotiate with Iran over the downing of PS752 will be futile
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حسب فإن الحاجز يتبع لقيادي في صفوف مليشيا الحرس الثوري الإيراني يدعى أبونزار "مؤيد الضويحي". الحاجز المستهدف يضم عناصر أفغانية وسورية محلية وهناك تكتم على عدد القتلى في الحاجز المستهدف.
Additional pix from the suicide drone that was shot down last night near Al Assad Air Base. This is the third failed drone attack against US troops in Iraq in the past few days2 سنة منذ
Additional pix from the "suicide drone" that was shot down last night near Al Assad Air Base. This is the third failed drone attack against US troops in Iraq in the past few days
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Khamenei: I send my greetings to the pure spirits of these dead and also to the waiting eyes and hearts of their fathers, mothers and spouses. I pray for God's overflowing bounty and mercy for all of them
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Khamenei: Peace be upon the anonymous dead whose burial ceremony coincided with the anniversary of the suicide attack of LadyFatima (pbuh), bringing the good news that their memory will last forever and great blessings will come for the country of ImamMahdi, God willing
Confirmed details: Last night 3 rockets were fired at US base near oil & gas field known as Conoco in Deir Ezzor, Syria. One rocket hit the perimeter, others missed. No major damage
Ayn al Furat claiming warplanes have targeted Harakat Al-Nujaba in al Masrab, Deir ez Zor countryside
Coalition warplanes roaring over Deir Ez Zor tonight
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نفى مراسلي صدى الشرقية الانباء التي تحدثت عن قصف لطيران حربي او مسير في داخل مدينة المياذين ومدينة البوكمال. وذكر مجموعة مراسلينا أن المليشيات الايرانية استنفرت قواتها داخل المدينتين تحسباً لأي عملية قصف محتملة.
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سيارات الإسعاف تهرع إلى حي الحويقة بمدينة ديرالزور لنقل مصابي المليشيات الإيرانية جراء استهداف طيران مجهول بغارات على نقاط ممتدة بين حي الحويقة والحسينية. تطويق مشفى الفرات الإيراني الميداني بحي القصور بديرالزور ومنع الاقتراب إليه مع سماع اصوات سيارات الإسعاف
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مراسل صدى الشرقية طيران مجهول مسير فوق مدينة ديرالزور . وغارات لطيران مجهول الهوية تستهدف مواقع إيرانية في حي البغيلية وحي الحويقة بمدينة ديرالزور.
Explosions were heard rocking the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zur from the side of Conoco field
قصف طيران حربي مجهول لمواقع المليشيات الإيرانية في ديرالزور وريف ديرالزور الشرقي .
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke with Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid today. The Secretary and Foreign Minister discussed a range of regional and global challenges, including the risks of further Russian aggression against Ukraine as well as the challenges posed by Iran
White House National security adviser Jake Sullivan told Israeli officials that the threat of "snapback" UN Security Council sanctions should be used as a means to deter Iran from enriching weapons-grade uranium
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فصيل تابع لميليشيا تابعة لإيران يتبنى استهداف قاعدة عين الأسد في الأنبار
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Iraq Syria rocket/drone attacks - "We have increased our focus.the threat is growing" per @PentagonPresSec "It's a dynamic situation" & commanders on the ground are being encouraged to constantly improve their tactics, techniques & procedures
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"It's difficult to know with great specificity & certainty.for what account for the frequency of these attacks" per @PentagonPresSec about increased pace of attacks in Syria and Iraq. Says "possible" could be tied to anniversary of Soleimani death OR change in US mission to Iraq
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التحالف الدولي: إطلاق الصواريخ عمل طائش قد يلحق أضرارا بالغة بالمدنيين العراقيين
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التحالف الدولي: استهداف قاعدة عين الأسد في الأنبار بـ 5 صواريخ
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Rocket attacks hit Ain Al Asad air base in Anbar, Iraq
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Khamenei: Martyr Soleimani is an eternal reality that will live on forever. His assassins - including Trump & the likes - will disappear in history's garbage bin, but of course after receiving retribution in this world for the crime they committed, God willing
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وسائل إعلام عراقية: قصف صاروخي يستهدف قاعدة عين الأسد غربي العراق
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التحالف: الحديدة والصليف مركزان رئيسيان للأعمال العدائية وتهديد الأمن البحري
التحالف: ميناء الحديدة مركز رئيسي لاستقبال وتجميع الصواريخ الباليستية الإيرانية