6 أكتوبر 2024
التجارة الأميركية: شركة صينية اخترقت ضوابط التصدير إلى إيران
Iran's Khayyam satellite launching from Kazakhstan earlier today2 سنة منذ
Iran's Khayyam satellite launching from Kazakhstan earlier today
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"Parties (to Vienna Talks) will leave Vienna in the next few hours. The negotiation is over. The EU has negotiated the best possible deal. It is up to the parties to take the deal," @StLiechtenstein reported, citing a senior EU official
وزير الخارجية الإيراني: السلاح النووي ليس ضمن عقيدة طهران
قائد الحرس الثوري الإيراني: العدو أمام طريق مسدود لشن أي عمل عسكري ضد إيران
مجلس الأمن القومي الأميركي: واشنطن ستستخدم كل الأدوات لردع تهديدات إيران
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كبير المفاوضين النوويين الإيرانيين: يتعين على واشنطن "اغتنام الفرصة السخية" التي تمنحها الأطراف المتفاوضة بشأن الاتفاق النووي
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غروسي لإيران: التصريحات الجيدة غير كافية على الأمم أن تتحلى بالشفافية
إيران: ضخ الغاز في أجهزة الطرد المركزي رد على العقوبات الأميركية
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Iran has started pumping uranium gas into hundreds of IR-1s & IR-6 centrifuges as part of its plan to reach uranium enrichment capacity of at least 190,000 SWU, the spokesman for Iran's atomic energy organization said, adding that IAEA has been informed of the move
2 سنة منذ
بيان أميركي أوروبي يؤكد ضرورة ألا تمتلك إيران سلاحا نوويا
بلينكن: إيران ليست راغبة بالعودة للاتفاق النووي
وزير الخارجية الإيراني: أي اتفاق نووي يجب أن يراعي خطوطنا الحمراء ولدينا إرادة جدية للتوصل لاتفاق جيد ومستدام
بلينكن: سنواصل استهداف صادرات إيران البترولية حتى تعود للاتفاق النووي
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مسؤولون إيرانيون يرجحون عقد جلسة تفاوض جديدة في فيينا خلال الأيام المقبلة
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Khamenei: I feel it my duty to thank the officials and rescue workers for going quickly to the flood-stricken areas. Continuing with such God-pleasing actions & relentless efforts to mitigate the aftermath of such painful events is everyone's duty. May God bestow success on everyone
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Khamenei: Floods have taken lives & inflicted physical, financial, & emotional injuries on a group of the dear people of our country. I deeply empathize with these dear ones & offer my condolences, & I call on the respected officials to take the necessary measures for repairing damages
إيران: 9 قتلى و14 مفقودا جراء السيول بسبب الأمطار الغزيرة
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Khamenei: Iranian women's achievements in various fields invalidate the West's 300-year-old claim. Naturally, they can't tolerate it, get mad at Iran & launch a propaganda campaign against it. In response, one should expose the Western colonialist rationale in a very sensible manner
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Khamenei: Iranian women are among the most outstanding in literature & in athletic competitions. One is truly unable to praise them the way they deserve. Iranian women wearing hijab stand on podiums receiving medals in front of 100s of millions of global TV viewers. This is not trivial
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Khamenei: For 200 years the West has said that if women aren't freed from moral & religious boundaries & coverings, they can't progress & reach higher scientific, political & social positions. Iranian women showed the falsity of this. Our female scholars work in key scientific centers
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Khamenei: The Western powers are a mafia. The reality of this power is a mafia. At the top of this mafia stand the prominent Zionist merchants, and the politicians obey them. The US is their showcase, and they're spread out everywhere
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Khamenei: The core of the identity of WesternCivilization is separation of religion from progress. The Islamic Republic of Iran has invalidated this 200 to 300 year-old claim. The Islamic Republic started with the slogan of religion & it has progressed. This has enraged the West
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Khamenei: The Ghadir celebration in Tehran with over a million people in attendance was amazing. In this million-people celebration, individuals from all walks of life participated. These people are in favor of religion and like the religion
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Khamenei: FridayPrayer can be a base and a meeting place for all the important, current issues of the society, from intellectual issues to social services, from the people's cooperation to their mobilization for defending the country militarily
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Khamenei: The FridayPrayer is a totally unique religious duty, and there's nothing like it. When we look into the depth of the phenomenon of the Friday prayer, we see that it is even more unique than Hajj, which is a great multifaceted event
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Khamenei: On the anniversary of the first FridayPrayer that was held after the victory of the Islamic Revolution on July 27, 1979, Friday Prayer leaders from throughout Iran met with Imam Khamenei an hour ago
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 46 km NE of Bandar-e Lengeh, Iran
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 97 km SE of Dārāb, Iran
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 - 69 km NE of Bandar-e Lengeh, Iran